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- Staffan Lundén
Staffan Lundén
School of Global StudiesAbout Staffan Lundén
- Ph. D. in Archaeology 2016
Research interests
My research centers on heritage and museums. The two topic which stand in particular focus are the contemporary illicit trade in looted archaeological objects and the right to own and represent contested objects in museum collections. These research interests pertain to a curiosity about the social production of knowledge, materialities, memories, representations and identities at how this production relates to the societal production of class, ethnicity and gender etc. Questions on research ethics, the sociology of knowledge and how historical right (and wrongs) could and should (not) be handled in the present form important themes in my research.
I am currently working on the project Dealing with difficult pasts: A comparative study of Benin exhibitions in Britain, Germany, Nigeria and the USA, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
In the project, I study how museums handle "difficult" cultural heritage, that is, dark, painful and controversial aspects of history. The question is studied with a comparative analysis of museum exhibitions with Benin objects in Nigeria, Great Britain, Germany and the USA. Through close readings of exhibitions, publications, archives and I analyze similarities and differences in how different “difficult” topics, such as the slave trade, looting, human sacrifice and colonialism, are presented in the various exhibitions.
The study contributes to research on how history and cultural heritage are created and used and to research on exhibition analysis. It also wants to contribute to the practical museum work that has to do with how the past is presented. It is also highly relevant to the discussion about the ownership of objects in museum collections.
My doctoral dissertation Displaying Loot. The Benin objects and the British Museum (2016) took its point of departure in the British Museum and its collection of objects looted in Benin City, present-day Nigeria, in 1897. The aim was to discuss how the museum represents (and, as I argue, “makes”) the objects, as well as Edo/African and British/Western identity through exhibitions and publications. In particular, I was interested in looking at how (if) the representations were influenced by the fact that the museum’s ownership of these objects is disputed. My analysis showed that the ownership conflict had a strong impact on the museum’s representations. To protect itself from restitution claims the museum glorifies and distorts its own dark past. The analysis also showed that the museum’s present exhibition in subtle ways distinguishes between self and other. It portrays Africans as traditional and Westerners as progressive. The study relies and draws inspiration from the postcolonial field (Said), discourse analysis (Foucault), materiality studies (Appadurai, Kopytoff), gender studies (Haraway), and translation studies (Sturge). The analysis of the British Museum's own identity building is inspired by the theories surrounding the creation of national identity (Anderson, Billig, Hobsbawm).
A couple of my articles: "Heritage for sale" (1999), "The scholar and the market" (2004b), "The manuscript collector" (2005), "Perspectives on looting" (2012) deal with the contemporary illicit trade. A theme addressed from different perspectives in these articles is how museums and researchers have helped to legitimate this trade in looted objects in direct and indirect ways. In Lundén 2012, the issue of trade which goes from the poorer to the richer parts of the world, is also put in a broader perspective of global unequal power relations.
My interest in the relation between the construction of heritage and the construction of identity prompted the article "What does the Acropolis tell?" (2016). It discusses how the Acropolis in Athens has been shaped and reshaped for different purposes throughout the ages, focusing on how the Acropolis was transformed in the 1800s, and the interrelation between this reshaping with ideas about Greek and Western identity. The making of heritage is also explored in the short article ”What created 18th century Gothenburg?” (2013), co-authored with Magnus Berg. The article discusses the "factors" that influenced the making of a museum exhibition (personal background and preferences, institutional traditions, materiality in terms of exhibition space and collections, assumptions about the 18th century, assumptions about the audience's expectations etc).
Distorting history in the restitution debate. Dan Hicks's The Brutish Museums and fact and fiction in Benin
Staffan Lundén
Looting and learning. Teaching about the illicit antiquities trade and professional responsibility in higher
Staffan Lundén
International Journal of Cultural Property - 2023 -
“How (and Why) to Use Catalogs for Historical Enquiry: Fiji at the Sydney International Exhibition in 1879 and White Male Empire” in Research Methods Primary Sources (Marlborough: Adam Matthew Digital,
Staffan Lundén
2021 -
Okpame Oronsaye: Summon my ehi to Ugbine (Book
Staffan Lunden
Umewaen. Journal of Benin and Edo Studies - 2017 -
’Mentally the Negro is inferior to the White’: On the Benin loot and the British
Staffan Lundén
ICME Newsletter - 2016 -
Krigsbyte och förfäderskult på British Museum [Ancestor worship and war booty at the British
Staffan Lundén
Danske Museer - 2016 -
Vad berättar Akropolis? [What does the Acropolis
Staffan Lundén
Boman H. (Red.). Antik och klassicism: En resa i tid och rum: essäer - 2016 -
Displaying Loot: The Benin objects and the British
Staffan Lundén
2016 -
Vad skapade 1700-talets
Magnus Berg, Staffan Lundén
Utställningsestetiskt Forum - 2013 -
Perspectives on
Staffan Lundén
Art, Antiquity and Law - 2012 -
Vem tillhör museernas samlingar? [To whom does the museum collections
Staffan Lundén
2008 -
Köp inte antika föremål utomlands [Don’t buy ancient objects
Staffan Lundén
Göteborgs-Posten - 2007 -
Flera 1000 år gammalt stöldgods på eBay/Stolen goods several thousand years old in
Staffan Lundén
Spelet om Maya. En utställning om arkeologiska berättelser (Utställningskatalog Historiska museet) - 2006 -
Skriftsamlaren [The Manuscript
Staffan Lundén
Culture without Context - 2005 -
Remissyttrande över betänkandet Sveriges tillträde till 1995 års Unidroitkonvention om stulna eller illegalt utförda kulturföremål (SOU 2005:3), ICOM
Staffan Lundén
2005 -
The Palatine labyrinth. Was it built in the 1st or 20th
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 2004 -
The scholar and the market. Swedish scholarly contributions to the destruction of the world's archaeological
Staffan Lundén
Swedish Archaeologists on Ethics. Ed. Karlsson, Håkan - 2004 -
Staffan Lundén
AIAC News, Bollettino informativo dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica - 2003 -
A new labyrinth at Knidos,
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 2003 -
Plundringarna i Irak är ett svar på marknadens efterfrågan [The looting in Iraq is a result of market
Staffan Lundén
Populär Arkeologi - 2003 -
Gravplundrare och konstsamlare [Grave robbers and art
Staffan Lundén
Kinarapport - 2003 -
Svensk anslutning till Unesco-konvention en kosmetisk åtgärd [The Swedish accession to the Unesco convention is a cosmetic
Staffan Lundén
DIK-Forum - 2003 -
Staffan Lundén
DIK-forum - 2002 -
Bryr sig regeringen om kulturarvet? [Does the government care about the
Staffan Lundén, Per Cornell
Göteborgs-Posten - 2001 -
Ska Sverige fortsätta att importera stulna arkeologiska föremål? [Should Sweden continue to import stolen archaeological
Staffan Lundén
DIK-forum - 2001 -
Rovdrift på fattiga länders kulturskatter [Exploitation of the cultural treasures of poor
Staffan Lundén, Per Cornell
Svenska Dagbladet - 2000 -
Gravplundring, antikvitetshandel och museietik [Grave robbing, antiquities trade and museum
Staffan Lundén
Svenska Museer - 2000 -
Forntid till salu. Rovgrävning och handel med kulturföremål i och utanför Sverige [The past for sale. Looting and trade in cultural objects in Sweden and
Staffan Lundén, Leif Häggström
Fornvännen - 1999 -
Illicit removal of cultural
Staffan Lundén, Neil Brodie
The European archaeologist - 1998 -
The labyrinth in the Mediterranean
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 1998 -
A Nepalese
Staffan Lundén
East and West - 1998 -
The labyrinth in the Mediterranean
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 1997 -
A labyrinth mosaic at Mieza, Macedonia: a missing
Staffan Lundén, John Kraft
Caerdroia - 1997 -
‘Att dricka guden’ i språklig och religionshistorisk belysning
Staffan Lundén, Gerd Carling
Chaos. Dansk-norsk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier - 1997 -
Nu plundras Iraks forntid [Iraq´s heritage is looted
Staffan Lundén, Robin Hägg
Göteborgs-Posten - 1996 -
The labyrinth in the Mediterranean
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 1996 -
‘Att dricka guden’ i språklig och religionshistorisk
Staffan Lundén, Gerd Carling, Folke Josephson, Pernille Carstens
Chaos. Dansk-norsk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier - 1996 -
Staffan Lundén
Nationalencyklopedin - 1995 -
Staffan Lundén
Nationalencyklopedin - 1995 -
Staffan Lundén
Nationalencyklopedin - 1995 -
Skydd mot onda ögat [Protection against the Evil
Staffan Lundén
Historiska Nyheter - 1995 -
Staffan Lundén
Nationalencyklopedin - 1994 -
Staffan Lundén
Nationalencyklopedin - 1993 -
A Nepalese
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 1993 -
Staffan Lundén
Caerdroia - 1991