
Stig Montin

Professor Emeritus

School of Public Administration
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 712
40530 Göteborg

About Stig Montin

Background In 1993, I obtained a Doctorate degree in Political Science at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Gothenburg. I became a Senior Lecturer in 1999 and Professor in 2007, at Örebro University. Professor in Public Administration (Local Politics and Administration) at School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, since 2012.

Over the years, I have developed courses, taught political science and public administration at all levels, served as Director of Studies, pursued research with entirely external and been active in collaboration with the community. Several research projects have been carried out together with researchers in other Nordic countries.

In addition, I have been a Research Manager/Director for the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CUReS) and the Research School on Public Affairs, both at Örebro University.  

Research interests My main empirical field of research has been and remains municipalities and regions, frequently in a Nordic comparative perspective. The overriding problems primarily concern democracy and control within various political arenas.

Currently, I am working mostly with questions that concern sustainable urban and regional development as well as municipalities from a multi-level perspective. This concerns both idea development and the policy actually pursued. Current projects Active as a researcher and Project Manager in Mistra Urban Futures in Gothenburg in the pilot programme "Multi-level control: Decision processes for sustainable urban and regional development". More information (external link). Teaching At first and second-cycle level, I an above all a supervisor and examiner for bachelor's projects and master's theses in the field of public politics and administration. In the third-cycle programme, I am a supervisor and teach a number of courses. Some of the courses in which I participate at first and second-cycle level are Democracy and Leadership in a Multi-level System, Implementation and Evaluation and Scientific Theory and Method. Collaboration Collaboration with the community is something that has permeated my work for many years. Among other things, this has taken the form of government commissions and various reference groups, training for municipal officers and collaboration with public servants on various projects. Within the framework of my role as Project Manager at Mistra Urban Futures, I cooperate with politicians and public officials in the Gothenburg region. In a Pilot Project on Multi-level and Cooperative Control, knowledge is being shaped jointly by researchers from different disciplines and public officials/experts. This is sometimes called transdisciplinary research. Publications (a selection from 2000)

Monographs Montin, Stig (2002), Moderna kommuner. Malmö: Liber (3rd edition 2007).

Book chapters Montin, S (2011), "Swedish local government in multi-level governance", in Eline Van Bever, Herwig Reynaert & Kristof Steyers (eds.) The road to Europe. Main street or backward alley for local governments in Europe? Vanden Broele Publishers, Bruges.

Åström, J, Freschi, A C & Montin, S (2010), "Electronic and Representative Democracy: A happy couple?" pp. 35-51 in Amnå, Erik (ed.) New Forms of Citizen Participation. Normative Implications. Baden-Baden: NOMOS.

Montin, S (2010), "Kommunerna och flernivåstyrningen inom EU. Inflytande, anpassning eller inbäddning", p. 121-147 i Tallberg, Pontus & Marie-Louise von Bergmann-Winberg (ed.), Flernivåstyrning – framgångsfaktor för kommuner, regioner och staten. Region Skåne, Office of Regional Planning, Region Västra Götaland, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.

Montin, S & Hedlund, G (2009), "Governance som interaktiv samhällsstyrning - gammalt eller nytt i forskning och politik?", in

Montin, S & Hedlund, G (2009), "Den samtida samhälls-styrningen: både kontinuitet och förändring", in Hedlund, Gun & Stig Montin (ed.), Governance på svenska. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press.

Montin, Stig (2009), "Klimatpolitik och kommunerna", chapter 2 in Elander, Ingemar & Ylva Uggla (ed.), Global uppvärmning och lokal politik. Stockholm: Santérus.

Montin, Stig (2008), "Lokal politik", chapter in Bennich-Björman, Li & Paula Blomqvist (ed.), Mellan folkhem och Europa. Malmö: Liber.

Montin, Stig (2007), "Mobilising for Participatory Democracy? The case of democracy policy in Sweden", Chapter 13 in Zittel, Thomas & Dieter Fuchs (eds.), Participatory democracy and political participation. Can democratic reform bring citizens back in? London: Routledge.

Montin, Stig - Johan Mörck (2006), "Nätverk och samhällskontakter", pp. 187-208 in Mydkse, Per Kristen (ed.) Skandinaviske regioner - plass for politikk? Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.

Montin, Stig (2006), "Från servicedemokrati mot ett medskapar-samhälle?", Chapter 8 in Jonsson, Leif (ed.) Kommunledning och samhällsutveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Montin, Stig (2005), "The Swedish Model: Many Actors and Few Strong Leaders", in Berg, Rikke & Nirmala Rao (eds.), Transforming local political leadership. Houndmills: Palgrave Mcmillan.

Montin, Stig (2005), "Delaktighet som demokrativärde", pp. 53-58 in Andersson, Ann-Catrin & Ingemar Elander (ed.), Staden som livsmiljö. Vision och verklighet. Final report from a research programme. Örebro: Örebro University, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies publication series: 59.

Montin, Stig (2005), "Vardagsmakare och brobyggare", in Spelet om staden. Formas Fokuserar. Stockholm: Formas.

Montin, Stig - Anders Edlund (2002), "Nya former för barnomsorgen i Sverige", in Kettunen, Pekka (ed.) Den nordiska välfärdsmodellen i förändring. Åbo: Åbo Academy.

Montin, Stig - Erik Amnå (2002), "Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi i reforma lokalne samouprave u Svedskoj", in Uporedna iskustva. Lokalnih samouprava. Belgrade: Magna Agenda. pp. 89-109.

Montin, Stig (2000), "A Conceptual Framework". In Amnå, E. & S. Montin, eds. Towards a New Concept of Local Self-government? Local government Development in Comparative Perspective. Oslo: Fagboksforlaget.

Montin, Stig - Erik Amnå (2000), "Local Government Act and Municipal Renewal in Sweden", In Amnå, E. & S. Montin, eds. Towards a New Concept of Local Self-government? Local government Development in Comparative Perspective. Oslo: Fagboksforlaget.

Articles Karlsson, David & Stig Montin (2013) "Solving Municipal Paradoxes: Challenges for Swedish Local Democracy". Panorama - Insights into Asian and European Affairs 2/2012, pp.125-136.

Montin, Stig (2009), "Continuity, Change and Challenges in Municipal Governance in Sweden", Newsletter of the Institute of Public Governance and Management, 30/09 2009.

Montin, Stig (2006) "Demokrati på entreprenad. En fallstudie av demokratiutveckling i Västerås kommun", Kommunal ekonomi och politik, Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 39-74.

Montin, Stig (2007), "Kommunerna och klimatpolitiken – ett exempel på tredje generationens politikområden", Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 37-57.

Montin, Stig (2005), "Public sector reform and changes in employment relations in Sweden", International Labour Brief. Vol. 3, No. 5 / Korea Labor Institute (in Korean).

Montin, Stig & Johan Mörck (2001), "Regionpolitiker i Skandinavien. Kontakter och representationsstilar", Kommunal ekonomi och politik, Volume 5, Number 4. pp. 7-34.

Montin, Stig (2000), "Between fragmentation and coordination: The changing role of local government in Sweden". Public Management Vol 2. Issue 1, 2000. pp. 1-23.

Kleven, Terje, Floris, Toini, S. - Mikael Granberg, Stig Montin, Olaf Rieper and Signy Irene Vabo (2000) "Renewal of local governance in Scandinavia: Effects for local politicians". Local Government Studies, Vol. 26. No. 2. Summer 2000, pp. 93-116.

Reports Montin, Stig, Renée Andersson & Monika Persson (2009), Det lokala politiska förtroendet. Bilder från fem kommuner. Stockholm: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.

Montin, Stig, Camilla Hansén, Ann-Sofie Lennqvist Lindén, Jan Olsson & Carl Åborg (2008), Mellan kontinuitet och förändring. Utvärdering av den nya nämndorganizationen i Uppsala kommun. Örebro: Örebro University, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies publication series, Report no. 62.

Hall, Patrik & Stig Montin (2007), Governance Networks and Democracy at regional and local government level in Sweden. Roskilde: Roskilde University, Centre for democratic network governance. Working Paper Series. Working Paper 2007:9.

Montin, Stig (2006), Politisk styrning och demokrati i kommunerna. Åtta dilemman i ett historiskt ljus. Stockholm: Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Project Breaking Point. Politics' role in the future.

Montin, Stig (2004), Vardagens konkreta politik. Uppföljning av medborgarförslag i fullmäktige. Report to the Ministry of Justice, 08/03/2004.