University of Gothenburg
signalister 1942



Photography as/and knowledge

4-5 April

Three researchers from GPS400 gave a talk at an international photography conference in Landskrona, “Photography as/and knowledge”, which was organised by Lund University.

Anniversary Meeting

24th of April

GPS400 took part in Göteborg & Co’s Anniversary Meeting at Trädgårdsföreningen, presenting work carried out so far and future plans.

Exhibition and talks in Kronhuset

 6th of May

Five representatives from GPS400 took part in a day-long presentation of Västra Nordstan’s history organised by Higab, one of the Centre’s many external partners.

Sami audiovisual cultural heritage

28th of May

In their capacity as external experts, researchers from GPS400 participated in a project workshop – organised by the National Library of Sweden – concerning the digitalisation and archiving of all Sami films in Sweden.

For more information please see the PDF

Workshopprogram KB 20 maj (pdf)

Researcher meetings and exhibition visits in Berlin

25-26th of June

In late June, six representatives from GPS400 met up with German and Austrian colleagues in Berlin. They were there to see and discuss ongoing exhibitions on photography at the Bauhaus and the Weimar Republic’s film output, as well as to plan future joint research projects and research applications.

Cultural festival at Galleri Thomas Wallner

30th of July

A representative from GPS400 attended a cultural festival at Galleri Thomas Wallner in order to speak about the credibility and authenticity of documentary images.

A colourful history

22-25th of August

At the public event “En brokig historia” (A colourful history) held by Historieverket in Västra Nordstan, GPS400 displayed photographs and films about the district in a venue on Postgatan. The event forms part of the Västra Nordstan Revival project, a joint venture with Higab.

More information in the programme of En brokig historia

Programmet till En brokig historia (pdf)

UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Feature Conference

23-25th of September

GPS400 gave a talk at the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Feature Conference, an international event with 300 delegates from 60 countries on the theme of MIL Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered. See Appendix 8 for the full programme.

The conference also saw the publication of an international and multidisciplinary book, Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Digital Age. A Question of Democracy, for which a GPS400 representative wrote a chapter.

Talk at the Gothenburg Book Fair

26-27th of September

GPS400 gave two talks at the Gothenburg Book Fair 2019. The first, on the stand of the Regional Archives in Gothenburg, was about a recently completed collaborative research and development project based around a film on the demolition of Östra Nordstan.

Sympoium Thresholds - Framing Interwar Lens Media

4 - 5 november

During the 1920s and 1930s the roles of both photography and film multiplied within all areas of society: technology, politics, science and culture. The interdisciplinary research project on Interwar Lens Media Cultures offers new empirical, material and theoretical perspectives to the established histories of film and photography in the period. Part of the project is the forthcoming anthology Thresholds – Framing Interwar Lens Media Cultures, representing new ways of exploring, writing and doing photo and film history where the two media, rather than being separated, are investigated in light of each other.

Four of the contributing researchers will be presenting work at this public seminar – moderated by the editors and initiators of the research project. Presentations by: Yvonne Zimmermann, Sabine Kriebel, Christopher Natzén, Erika Larsson, Louise Wolthers and Niclas Östlind. Introduction by: Mats Jönsson.



8-9th of November

The first GPS400 Conference was hosted by the Department of Cultural Sciences at the University of Gothenburg on 8–9 November 2017.

For two busy days, international experts got to meet local, regional and national representatives from educational institutions, public agencies and other institutions, in order to discuss digital, site-specific and collaborative solutions for humanities-based cooperation in an urban environment, with a particular focus on the cultures of Gothenburg over the course of 400 years. Also presented at the conference were research ideas and results, plus ongoing and future projects and applications.