University of Gothenburg

CERGU Researcher Presentations

The multidisciplinary research environment at CERGU is composed of researchers from a multitude of different disciplines. If you want to be a part of the CERGU network of researchers, contact

Lisbeth Aggestam, associate professor at the Department of Political Science. Her research focuses on political leadership in European foreign policy and the EU as a global actor.

Mats Andrén, researcher at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, with a research focus on European intellectual history, including the concept of Europe and the European idea, transnationalism and intellectual Europeanization.

Linda Berg, senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science and Director of Studies for the Centre for European Studies (CES), with a research focus on EU attitudes and voting behavior in European Parliament elections.

Sofie BlombäckPolitical Scientist at the Department of Humanities and Social Science at Mid-Sweden University, with a research focus on political parties and party systems, multi-level democracy and the European Parliament.

Ettore Costa, researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore, with a research focus on the relationship of the European Left with science, science in democracy, comparative and transnational history of social democracy and Western Communism, political and intellectual history.

Marie Demker, professor of Political Science. Research focus on political parties, West European party systems, nationalism, xenophobia, political ideologies and textual analysis. Special interest in French politics.

Monika de Silva, PhD researcher in the Gender in Diplomacy Program at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Her research interests include EU external relations, with a focus on human rights, gender equality and multilateralism, as well as fundamental rights within the EU.

Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, professor of Political Science and Electoral Studies. His research about electoral behavior, opinion, and democracy is conducted within the Swedish National Election Studies Program (SNES), where large-scale questionnaires are conducted with voters in conjunction with European Parliament elections, as well as national elections and polls.

Gabriella Elgenius, professor at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, conducts research in political sociology within fields of nationalism and the Radical Right, civil society and integration in diverse neighbourhoods, comparative qualitative and mixed methods research designs.

Thomas Erhagprofessor of Public Law at the School of Business, Economics and Law, with a research focus on the interaction between EU internal market law and national welfare law.

Klas Grinell, former researcher at the Department for Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, with a research focus on Islam and Islamic heritage in Europe, religion in museums, critical heritage studies and cultural policy.

Jacob R. Gunderson, postdoctoral researcher in Political Science, Research interests in political parties, party systems, party brands, blurred electoral appeals, and intraparty politics with a focus on Western Europe.

Marius Hentea, professor of English literature at the Department of Languages and Literatures. His research focuses on European modernist literature and the avant-garde and the intersection between politics, law, and literature in the post-WWII period.

Maja Hultman, postdoctoral researcher at CERGU and the Department for Historical Studies with research interests in European-Jewish history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a particular focus on urban space, transnational cultural-economic networks, the mobility and translation of cultural ideas and practices, and the Holocaust.

Adrian Hyde-Price, professor in the Department of Political Science, with a research focus on European security, EU foreign and security policy, Brexit, NATO and transatlantic relations, German foreign policy, and Baltic sea security.

Kerstin Jacobsson, professor of sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. Research interests include civil society and social movements in Central and Eastern Europe, European labour market policy, the open method of coordination and soft forms of governance in the EU.

Pavol Jakubec, doctoral candidate at the Department of Historical Studies, with a research focus on diplomacy, exile and World War II, Nordic and Central European contemporary history (c. 1918-50) and modern history of international relations.

Anton Jansson, researcher and associate professor of History of Ideas and Science at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion at the University of Gothenburg. Jansson has studied both Swedish and German intellectual history in a comparative context. He is currently primarily focused on the history of atheism in Sweden.

Katarzyna Jezierska, senior lecturer at the International Programme in Politics and Economics, University West and a researcher in the Gender and Diplomacy Program, University of Gothenburg. Her research focuses on democratic theory, civil society, and political sociology, with expertise on Central Europe.

Markus Johansson, researcher at the Department of Political Science, with a research focus on EU institutions and politics, particularly the Council of the EU, policy non-compliance, leadership and foreign policy.

Ann-Kristin Jonasson, senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, with a research interest in the EU’s democracy promotion in the Mediterranean and democratic processes in primarily Jordan and Turkey.

Johan Järlehed, senior lecturer at the Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language 
technology. Conducts research on multilingualism and processes of social change in urban space.

Linda Karlsson Hammarfelt, senior lecturer at the Department of Languages and Literatures, with a research focus on contemporary German literature, cultural borders, spatial theory and literary waterscapes.

Johan Karlsson Schaffer, professor, School of Global Studies. His research focuses on the philosophy of human rights, democratic theory, legal mobilization and judicial politics.

Isabel Köhler, doctoral student at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. Interested in gender, parenthood, social movements, the far right, and critical discourse analysis. Researches motherhood constructions in anti-gender movements.

Bengt Larsson, professor of Sociology, is doing research on industrial relations and trade union cooperation in Europe, and has an interest in the European social dimension. Other research areas are wage determination, financialization, and consumption.

Olof Larsson, researcher at the Department of Political Science, focuses on compliance with EU law, EU politics, The Court of Justice of the EU, and European integration.

Felix Lehmann, PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science, with a research focus on national parliamentary involvement in EU affairs, party competition, and political communication, using text-as-data approaches.

Hannes Lenk, assistant professor of law, Department of Law, Aarhus University, Denmark. Research interests include EU trade and investment policy, the EU as a global actor, EU institutions, separation of powers in the EU.

Katarina Leppänen, professor in History of Ideas at the University of Gothenburg, researching the League of Nations and interwar internationalism, women writers and political engagement, as well as environmental criticism. 

Rutger Lindahl, professor emeritus, Department of Political Science. Research interests with focus on European political integration, EU Common Foreign and Security Policy, negotiations in the Council of Ministers, national attitudes to membership in the EU and the Euro zone.

Annika Lindberg, senior lecturer at the School of Global Studies, researches critical border studies, migration, deportation studies, political anthropology, state, power and bureaucracy, and Northern Europe.

Roman Martin, professor in Economic Geography at the Department of Business Administration, with research focus on the economic geography of innovation, regional economic development and regional policy in Europe.

Andreas Moberg, associate professor of Public International Law at the Department of Law, with a research focus on EU Law, especially the relationship between the EU institutions and the Member States’ governments.

Daniel Naurin, professor of political science at the University of Oslo and University of Gothenburg, director of the ARENA Center for European Research. Research interests include judicial politics, lobbying, transparency and international negotiations. His empirical work has focused on the politics of the European Union. Ongoing and most recent projects study judicial decision-making in the Court of Justice of the EU, the Swedish Supreme Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

Maya Nomoto, PhD candidate at the Department for Literature, History of Ideas & Religion, research includes backpacking, perspectives on nature, mobility, emancipation with a focus on Ellen Key and Vernon Lee.  

Jens Norrby, researcher at the Department for Literature, History of Ideas & Religion, researching ideas on Britain’s global role during the decline of the British Empire and maintaining a particular interest in the historical aspects of the Brexit process.

Jonathan Polk, professor at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. His research focuses on political party competition and political representation regarding European integration.

Christina Reimann, researcher at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg and the History Department, Stockholm University. She researches European transnational history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her current thematic focus lies on migration, modern urban history and urban culture, particularly in port cities.

Thomas Rosén, senior lecturer at the Department of Languages and Literatures, where he teaches Ukrainian and Russian. His research interests are twofold: one modern, and one historical. The modern research delves into public speech in Ukraine, while the historical research focuses on Russian historical socio-linguistics and Swedish-Russian language contact between 1721-1945. Thomas also heads a project entitled Ukrainian-Swedish-Georgian Online Dictionary Project fincanced by the Swedish Institute.

Olga Sasunkevich, senior lecturer in Gender Studies. Research interests include feminist and LGBTQI+ activism in Russia, gender relations and politics as well as anti-gender mobilisation in Eastern Europe, migration in Eastern Europe, illiberal populism, Belarus.

Louise Schou Therkildsen, postdoctoral researcher at CERGU and the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion. Her research focuses on post-colonial reconciliation processes in Europe at the state level. 

Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, associate professor in Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science. Her main research interests include mobility within the EU, families and migration in Europe, transnational and mobile childhoods, belonging, domestic and care work within the European welfare states.

Erik Sjöberg, associate professor of history and senior lecturer at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg. His research interests include the politics of memory and uses of history, with a particular focus on Greece  and Turkey. 

Patrik Ström, associate professor of Economic Geography, Centre for International Business Studies, Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg.. His research focus is the service economy and economic integration within and between Europe and Asia.

Ingmar Söhrman, professor emeritus of romance languages, especially Spanish, at the Department of Languages, University of Gothenburg. Research focus on minority languages and minority rights, as well as language as a way of creating identity and cultural contact, mainly romance languages during modern times as well as historically. Translates from Romansh, Spanish, and Italian into Swedish. 

Katharina Vajta, professor in French at the Department for Languages and Literatures, with a research focus on language and cultural borders, identities, national representations and education.

Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, associate professor at the Department of Law, with a research focus on EU law and civil procedure. Her research interests include judicial decision-making, judicial politics, legal empirical methods, and the role of courts in democratic society.

Kristina Wejstål, lecturer in international law at the Department of Law, School of Business, Economics and Law, with a research focus on international and European migration law, and in particular gendered dimensions of European Union border and asylum law. 

Martin Westlund, doctoral candidate in international law at the Department of Law, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. Researching separation of powers in the EU with focus on the judicial power and its role in the development of the European migration law.

Katarzyna Wojnicka, associate professor at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. Her research interests focus on critical men and masculinities studies, social movements’ intersections of gender and sexuality, migration and gender in European perspective.

Allison ÖstlundPh.D. and lecturer at the School of Public Administration, has as main research area EU and procedural law. She specializes in ex officio review as procedural justice for vulnerable litigants in a Swedish and European context.