University of Gothenburg

Steering Group

The CERGU steering group is composed of nine members from the three different faculties that finance CERGU's activities. These members are elected for a three-year mandate period.

Steering Group Chairperson:

Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Work Science
Representative of The Faculty of Social Sciences
Skanstorget 18
46 31 786 4810
Areas of research: Mobility within the EU, family and migration, migration decision making, transnational families and care, children and migration, children and agency, formal and informal social security provision, transnational belonging and identity, life-course perspective, welfare and gender policies, family practices, parenting and care, welfare in East and Central Europe, domestic work and global division of labour, societal development in and migration from Ukraine


Lisbeth Aggestam, Associate Professor of Political Science
Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Sprängkullsgatan 17
+46 31 786 6696
Areas of research: Comparative foreign policy, role theory and political leadership, the European Union as a global actor and power

Linda Karlsson Hammarfelt, Senior Lecturer in German
Representative of the Faculty of Humanities
Renströmsgatan 6
031 786 1780
Areas of research: modern and contemporary German and Swedish literature, especially literary representations of migration, cultural hybridity, inter- and transculturality 

Katharina Leppänen, Professor of History of Ideas/Intellectual History 
Representative of the Faculty of Humanities
Renströmsgatan 6
46 31-786 58 72
Areas of research: international issues relating to gender and ecology, gender and nationalism, gender and the League of Nations in the interwar era, trafficking in women, married women’s nationality and education for internationalism

Åsa Löfgren, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics 
Representative of The School of Business Economics and Law
Vasagatan 1
46 31 786 1375
Areas of research: environmental economics, economics of climate change, behavioural economics, industrial investment behaviour

Roman Martin, Senior Lecturer of Business Administration
Representative of the School of Business, Economics and Law
Vasagatan 1
46 31 786 41 93
Areas of research: economic geography, innovation studies, regional development, regional innovation systems, business clusters, regional innovation policy, global innovation networks

Erik Sjöberg, Professor at the Department of Historical Studies
Representative of the Faculty of Humanities
Renströmsgatan 6
Areas of research: modern and contemporary international history, conflict, historical culture, uses of history and memories of mass violence, the flow of ideas about modernity, pacifism and cosmopolitanism in both national and transnational contexts

Orla Vigsö, Professor of Journalism, Media and Communications
Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Seminariegatan 1B
46 31-786 49 98
Areas of research: political communication and crisis communication

Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Associate Professor at the Department of Law
Representative of the School of Business, Economics, and Law
Vasagatan 1
031 786 6342
Areas of research: Civil procedure, EU law, Legal Empirical Studies, Judicial Politics

Adjunct Members: 

Rutger Lindahl, Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Steering Group Honorary Chairman
Areas of research: European integration, foreign and security policy