University of Gothenburg

Grants for PhD Students

Below is information about CERGU grant opportunities.

Travel Grants for GU PhD Students

The Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU) offers the opportunity for PhD students employed at GU to apply for travel grants which could finance e.g. field work, visits to archives, conference attendance, or to host a research collaborator for seminars or supervision. Grants may not be used toward per diem or daily allowances, and all costs will need to be paid by CERGU administration via the University of Gothenburg’s electronic invoice system. The overall theme of the dissertation must be related to European studies, broadly interpreted.

Applicants who accept a Travel Grant are required to submit a final report on how the grant has been used once the final date for disposition of the grant has passed. Applicants are also required to present their project and how the grant was used during a CERGU seminar.

The application should include:

  • The applicant’s ISP.
  • A short description of the aim of the dissertation (maximum 1500 words)
  • A short motivation of the need for the grant, including a detailed budget and the total sum of expenses that CERGU would be expected to cover, signed by the supervisor (maximum 1000 words).

The maximum allotment for travel grants is 40.000 SEK. There is no deadline for applications. Grants will be decided and awarded monthly.

Please send your application to Kristina Gurok.


Travel Grants for External PhD Students to visit CERGU

The Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU) announces the opportunity for external PhD students to apply for travel grants covering a research visit to the University of Gothenburg. PhD students from a variety of different disciplines who are writing their dissertation on a topic closely related to European research are welcome to apply for funding towards a research stay. They are responsible for finding and getting in contact with a researcher at University of Gothenburg who is willing to host their stay. Grants may not be used toward per diem or daily allowances, and all costs will need to be paid by CERGU administration via the University of Gothenburg’s electronic invoice system.

Applicants who accept a Travel Grant are required to submit a final report on how the grant has been used once the final date for disposition of the grant has passed. Applicants are also required to present their project and how the grant was used during a CERGU seminar.

The application should include:

  • A short description of the aim of the dissertation, and its connection to CERGU’s research themes (maximum 1500 words)
  • A short motivation of the proposed visit, including a description of anticipated results, a detailed budget, and the total sum of expenses that CERGU would be expected to cover, signed by the supervisor and the host researcher from GU (maximum 1000 words).

There is no deadline for applications. The maximum allotment for travel grants is 40.000 SEK. Grants will be decided and awarded monthly.

Please send your application to Kristina Gurok.