REGG - Regional and Global Governance
The research group on Regional and Global Governance (REGG) consists of an interdisciplinary team of scholars that focuses on various forms of governance from a range of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives. The group deals with issues of power, authority, fairness and decision- and policy-making in a variety of policy areas, such as environmental policy, trade, economic integration, infrastructure, peace and security, human rights, migration, and infrastructure.
About us
REGG is a multi- and interdisciplinary platform for researchers who are interested in governance at regional, global as well as national and sub-national levels and who use a diversity of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological tools and approaches.
The group deals with issues of power, authority, and legitimacy; decision- and policy-making, government, and implementation; responsibility, fairness, and efficiency in a variety of policy areas, such as environmental policy, trade, economic integration, infrastructure, peace and security, human rights, migration, and infrastructure.
Some parts of the research focus on the dynamics of global and regional institutions (such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the European Union, and the African Union) while other parts are more focused on the dynamics and effects of different forms of governance in a specific context, usually a world region, a country or a local community, or in certain policy areas, such as migration, natural resource management or human rights.
The research group regularly arranges seminars, conferences and other meetings where members present ongoing research, discuss research applications as well as educational issues.
By its nature, REGG is an extrovert and inclusive group. The research group has members from all subjects and disciplines in the School of Global Studies and includes senior faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students. The group also collaborates with researchers from other departments and universities, for example through joint seminars and conferences, invited speakers, and guest researchers. The group also receives trainees from various teaching programs.
Research projects
- Litigating land rights in Sápmi: Indigenous legal mobilization in Finland, Norway and Sweden
Johan Karlsson Schaffer and Peter Johansson - The Scandinavian rights revolution: Individual rights, civil society mobilisation and democratic change
Johan Karlsson Schaffer - Judicial politics in Scandinavia: Supreme court decision making in comparative perspective
Johan Karlsson Schaffer - Regional Cooperation and the Transformation of National Sovereignty (TRANSFORM)
Fredrik Söderbaum and Kilian Spandler - Legitimacy in Global Governance (LegGov)
Jan Aart Scholte, Fredrik Söderbaum and Nora Stappert - Legitimacy outside the State: Governing the Global Internet
Jan Aart Scholte and Hortense Jongen - External Funding of Regional Organizations in Africa (EFRO)
Fredrik Söderbaum and Sören Stapel - Legitimating Global–Regional Security Cooperation
Kilian Spandler - Whose voice matters for what? Local government inclusion and social accountability in post-conflict contexts
Hanna Leonardsson - Fishing for solutions: community economies and coastal sustainable development in Sweden
Sebastian Linke, Maris Gillette and Milena Arias Schreiber - Human rights for migrant Burmese fish workers in the EU-initiated sustainable fisheries reform in Thailand
Sebastian Linke and Alin Kadfak - Refugee Migration and Cities: Social Institutions, Political Governance and Integration in Jordan, Turkey and Sweden (SIPGI)
Isabell Schierenbeck - Resource Stress and Violent Conflict in the Borderlands
Bizu Ashagrie - The Interconnection Between Drivers of Migration - An Interdisciplinary Study of Environmental Change, Livelihood Constraints and Migratory Decision Making in Ethiopia
Andréas Litsegård - The governance of asylum at the Southeastern European borders
Alexandra Bousiou - Building regional citizenship regimes: ECOWAS and ASEAN in comparative perspective
Amalie Weinrich - Just Fossil-free Fuels: Can we equitably manage biofuels?
Marie Widengård and Gunnhildur Magnusdottir - Policy and practice of China's participation in global ocean governance
Cui Ye