University of Gothenburg
Bouquet of flowers in the Assembly Hall

Full house at the IT Faculty graduation ceremonies

This year the IT Faculty Spring Ceremonies ended up as two completely crowded events, 27 May in the University Assembly Hall in Vasaparken.

The 27th of May promised thunderstorms, but the day appeared mostly sunny in the University's magnificent Assembly Hall, where the graduating students, parents, friends, musicians, and staff had gathered for the graduation ceremony. Two ceremonies with 450 people each – it became hot and crowded – and it was a lot of fun!

Music by Johanna Strömblad, Johan Holmberg, Per Boqvist, Tom Tveita, and Kristian Hvitfeldt.
Music by Johanna Strömblad, Johan Holmberg, Per Boqvist, Tom Tveita, and Kristian Hvitfeldt.

Ben Clarke was this year's master of ceremonies, and he guided the audience between the speeches, awards, fanfares, and very good music.

The Dean of the IT Faculty, Dick Stenmark, pointed out that the newly graduated students he now had in front of him are among those who will be involved in shaping our future. Good knowledge in IT can often be decisive regardless of what problem we want to solve. Dick urged the students to think in a creative way and outside the box: "Don't ask where the future might take you, but where you might take the future". Dick Stenmark also showed his qualities as clairvoyant. Behind very dark sunglasses, he stated: "I have seen the future, and it looks very bright".

Dean Dick Stenmark and musicians.
Dean Dick Stenmark and musicians.

Up next there was a speech by Mikaela Keegan, Head of Student Union of the IT Section, who wanted to give a big round of applause to all the students who have managed everything that is included in completing university studies and now are graduating. As a new student, you must be able to find your way in new unfamiliar premises, get through many heavy texts, and gradually familiarize yourself with all the requirements you have to fulfill before you can get your degree.

During the morning ceremony, Fredrik Svahn received the IT Faculty Pedagogical Prize, after getting several nominations for introducing new technology in an innovative and experimental way in courses on the master’s programme Digital Leadership. During the afternoon ceremony, Miroslaw Staron was celebrated for his new title Excellent teacher at the University of Gothenburg - the first ever within the IT Faculty! Both Miroslaw and Fredrik talked upon their respective paths leading up to their awards.

All students were called up on stage by their programme managers, and got a speech, a rose, and a folder. There were many photographs, fanfares, and farewells, before gathering in the foyer for some champagne and cake.

Mingle at the IT Faculty Spring Ceremony 2024

Text: Catharina Jerkbrant

Michaela Keegan, Head of the IT Section of the Student Union.
Michaela Keegan, Head of the IT Section of the Student Union.
Fredrik Svahn received flowers and a diploma as the winner of the IT Faculty Pedagogical Prize 2024.
Fredrik Svahn received his diploma as the winner of the IT Faculty Pedagogical Prize 2024.
Dean Dick Stenmark is handing over flowers to Miroslaw Staron, who recently achieved the title Excellent Teacher.
Dean Dick Stenmark is handing over flowers to Miroslaw Staron, who recently achieved the title Excellent Teacher.
Johan Holmberg, trumpet, and Kristian Hvitfeldt, grand piano.
Johan Holmberg, trumpet, and Kristian Hvitfeldt, grand piano.
Singer Johanna Strömblad.
Singer Johanna Strömblad.