University of Gothenburg
Peter Nilsson is master on the vessle Nereus
After a break, Peter Nilsson is happy to be back onboard the station vessel Nereus again.
Photo: Susanne Liljenström

Welcome back as captain, Peter Nilsson

After a break, Peter Nilsson has now returned as master of the Tjärnö Laboratory research vessels Nereus and Doris, where he takes pride in giving each group on board what they have asked for. He is looking forward to contributing with his knowledge about how the replacement to the aging Nereus will look like, and during his leisure time he teaches a parrot to talk.

What will you do here?

”I am the ship’s master on our research vessels Nereus and Doris. We get many groups of students, scientists and school classes as well as general public. I enjoy giving each group what they want. In addition, there is a lot of work with service and maintenance of the ships, and I also help out with other tasks when needed. There is always something to do, which is good because otherwise the days pass too slowly.”

What have you worked with previously?

”My career started with five years employment on the ferries between Strömstad and Koster, while at the same I studied to become a captain. After that, I worked for 30 years on merchant ships in Europe. In fact, I have previously worked at the Tjärnö Laboratory for two years. Most recently I was a master on the boats Vesleø and Kosterö at the Strömstad shipping company Kust Event. But I missed Tjärnö and I’m glad to be back.”

What do you do when you are not working?

”I renovate and paint my house in Strömstad. I walk a cocker spaniel and train a grey parrot to talk.”

Something else you would like to share?

”It will be interesting to participate in shaping this new research vessel – replacing the now quite old Nereus – which is in planning stage. With my experience from many other ships I hope to contribute some ideas to the construction of the new ship.”

Interviewer: Martin Larsvik
Translation from Swedish: Martin Larsvik and Joel White

Peter Nilsson, ships master at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory
Peter Nilsson, ship´s master at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory.
Photo: Susanne Liljenström