University of Gothenburg
Microskopic image algae Tabularia tabulata
Tabularia tabulata is a diatom belonging to class Fragilariophyceae. It is a widely distributed brackish water species on the Swedish coasts. The cultured cells were obtained from the Baltic, near Västervik.
Photo: Adil Yousif Al-Handal

Algal Bank - GUMACC

The Algal Bank at the University of Gothenburg provides cultures of marine microalgae. The main purpose of the culture collection is to provide marine microalgae to researchers and teaching staff at the University of Gothenburg for their activities. We also accept requests for algal cultures from organisations outside the University at an established cost.

Current collection

The current collection consists of over a hundred marine microalgae species representing various taxonomical and ecological groups. New diatom species, isolated from Scandinavian waters, are being continuously added to the collection.

GUMACC database

The list of the available strains and comprehensive information about each strain can be found in the GUMACC database. The database supports search and ordering functions.

For any additional inquiries, please contact Olga Kourtchenko.

Link to the GUMACC database.


Prices for two 10 ml tubes with culture. (Large quantities of culture are supplied after special arrangement.)

Scientists from the University of Gothenburg: Free of charge.
Schools in Sweden: Free of charge.
Scientists outside he University of Gothenburg: 300 SEK + shipping.
Non-profit organisations: 300 SEK + shipping.
Others: 1000 SEK + shipping.

How to order

We prefer signed orders sent by e-mail or by fax. Please make sure that your VAT-number, shipping address, invoice address and E-mail address is included. A confirmation of the order with expected shipping date will be sent back to you.


If you have questions, please contact:

Olga Kourtchenko
Phone: +46 31 786-6124
E-mail: Olga Kourtchenko
Fax: +46 31 786 2727

History of GUMACC

Algae have been cultured at Marine Botany since 1955. A collection of planktonic microalgae to be used as standards for HPLC-analysis (HPLC = High Performance Liquid Chromatography) of photosynthetic pigments has been maintained since 1992. This collection has subsequently been enlarged. In 1999 GMF started to support the collection and it was named GUMACC. Previously GMF supported a culture collection at Lund University 1989-1998. That collection (LAC = Lund Algal Collection) was moved to Kalmar and is now known as KAC.