University of Gothenburg
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Photo: Esther Horvath

Meet our Researchers

Our researchers participate in international expeditions and nationally unique research projects. Meet some of them in features and interviews in our research subjects marine biology, marine chemistry, marine geology, and oceanography.

Marine Chemistry

Stefano Bonaglia investigates greenhouse gas emissions

Stefano Bonaglia's research deals with nutrients and greenhouse gases, and how they are changed by human impact.

"In one of my projects, we are studying fjords in Sweden, Norway and Iceland and how they are affected by climate change and eutrophication, for example," says Stefano Bonaglia.


Anna Wåhlin studies melting glaciers

Anna Wåhlin studies ocean currents under Antarctic glaciers to see in what way the glaciers are melting. She uses the underwater robot Ran to get knowledge about the processes going on in the ocean under the ice.

"Our research is important for all coastal communities around the world," says Anna Wåhlin.

Navigate to video: Watch interview with Anna Wåhlin
Video (01:05)
Watch interview with Anna Wåhlin

Marine Chemistry

Martin Hassellöv detects invisible particles in the ocean

Minuscule pieces of plastic and other foreign materials are getting increasingly common in the marine environment. But where do they come from? In a windowless room filled with large specialised microscopes, Martin Hassellöv is searching for answers to one of the major environmental problems of our time.

"It's sort of a detective work, where we use techniques sometimes seen in crime TV series,” says Martin Hassellöv.

Marine Biology

Erica Leder wants to know more about the forces of evolution

Erica Leder is interested in how species develop and adapt to their surrounding environment, and she approaches the question at a very basic level – what is going on in the genes How do the genes interact with each other and the environment?

"Every organism is an interesting case study of the forces of evolution. It is trying to make the connection between genotype and phenotype that I find interesting," says Erica Leder.


Sebastiaan Swart studies the ocean's role in the Earth's climate

Sebastiaan Swart studies ocean currents in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. These ocean currents have a major impact on how heat is transported across the globe. In his research, he uses underwater robots that collect different types of data from the water, such as temperature and salinity.

"The information we get from our robots is important to help us make better predictions of the Earth's future climate," says Sebastiaan Swart.

Navigate to video: Watch interview with Sebastiaan Swart
Video (01:32)
Watch interview with Sebastiaan Swart

Marine Biology

Sophie Steinhagen is plumbing the depths of future foods

The cultivation of algae for food production is a major reason why Sophie Steinhagen settled on her field of research.

"Algae farming could be a major part of the solution to future food needs. We have food shortages in many countries and climate change has led to droughts that affect traditional food production on land," says Sophie Steinhagen.

Marine Geology

Irina Polovodova Asteman uncovers the marvels in the seafloor

Marine geologist Irina Polovodova Asteman studies the tiny concealed in the seafloor. From long cores of mud, she uncovers the most astonishing organisms that can convey details about both the climate, as well as the environment.

“I never know what I'll uncover in the microscope before I start. The sediment is always a mystery, a voyage into the unknown,” says Irina Polovodova Asteman.

Marine Biology

Kerstin Johannesson: Snails teach me about genetics and evolution

Kerstin Johannesson is a world-leading researcher in marine evolutionary biology. Her object of study is small periwinkles.

“My research teaches me how nature works, and I can apply my expertise much further. It doesn’t really matter that I’ve learned about genetics and evolution from snails. I can apply this information to any species.”

Marine Chemistry

Isaac Santos researches the oceans' capacity to fix carbon

Isaac Santos and his family moved to Gothenburg because of a ship.  The University's new research vessel R/V Skagerak is a fairly unique initiative, even internationally.