University of Gothenburg
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“I like the idea of being a useful pianist, that’s what it’s about in the end.”

Sara Granfors and Beatrice Vanzo are master students in Symphonic Orchestra Performance. Their journey through the academy has been almost identic and they consider this programme as a unique education. Their passion for music and ensemble play is remarkable and meeting with them leaves a smile on one’s face.

Both Sara and Beatrice come from Italy and moved to Gothenburg during their bachelor’s degree. They both instantly felt a connection with their new life in Sweden.
“I came here in 2019 as an Erasmus student and was supposed to stay here for six months. But after two weeks I was like: “I’m not going back to Italy”. So instead, I did one year as an Erasmus student, finished my Bachelor and then Sara and I continued with a course in Interpretation followed by applying to the master’s programme”, says Beatrice.

Sara’s big passion is playing together with others and one day she would love to work in an orchestra. Another musical interest that has surprised Sara lately is musicals.
“I like being part of something, of one unity that creates something wonderful together. I am now finding out how much I actually like playing musicals. I like the music and learning the skills of following a singer as well as the factor of ensemble play”.

Beatrice on the other hand likes chamber music the best. And she is always busy!
“I want to be an all-round pianist and I say yes to everything! Sometimes, I also teach as a freelancer, that is also an area I really enjoy. So, my dream job would be to open a piano school here in Gothenburg while working as a freelancer”.

Education with focus on piano for orchestra is very rare

Text: Linnea Schmeling

Why did you apply to the master’s programme?

As pianists they both felt that similar educations were hard to find elsewhere. The Master Programme in Symphonic Orchestra Performance focuses on ensemble play.
“This is a quite unique programme. Education with focus on piano for orchestra is very rare”, says Sara.

Sara liked playing solo piano, but did not feel that it was motivating enough.
“A lot of hours are spent alone in your room and then you go to the concert and you’re still alone on stage. In high school I played a little bit of violin and played in the high school orchestra, not a very good orchestra, but I remember I had goosebumps from that music that I did not have otherwise. I always wondered why. I later realised that making music together with others is what gives me this motivation and joy of creativity. So, this programme was perfect for that goal”.

Beatrice felt drawn to the master’s programme because it helps students to become a complete pianist, full of skills, and can work in many different areas.
“I like the idea of being a useful pianist, that’s what it’s about in the end. In this programme you do a lot of everything, not just trying it out. You develop skills in accompaniment, get knowledge of the difference in playing with singers, instruments, orchestra, or opera houses and at the same time develop your solo repertoire and chamber music. All these things have a different mindset and different ways of practicing that you do not get to develop enough if you only study a solo master”.

Sara and Beatrice applied for the Master’s Programme in Symphonic Orchestra Performance to be more prepared for the life as a pianist, which they did not feel ready for after their bachelor’s degree.

“During my bachelor I would not have been able to do all the things I am asked to do now. First year of the master’s programme the teachers show us how to think and deal with different areas within the occupation. The second year we are more independent because we got all these skills from first year and just have to develop it in our own way”, says Beatrice.