Strokehälsa™ is a validated questionnaire to be filled in by the patient before a follow-up visit after a stroke.
The newly developed tool Strokehälsa™ [Stroke Health] is based on the validated instrument Post-Stroke Checklist. Strokehälsa™ is available in a digital version via 1177 and a written version. The patient answers fourteen questions and is offered information about health problems after a stroke. Strokehälsa™ can be used before a consultation (distance or physical meeting).
Strokehälsa™ has been developed in a co-design process in close collaboration with patient partners and potential stakeholders. By the aid of Stroke Hälsa™ both patients and healthcare professionals can prepare for active participation at the visit. The evaluation of the project is ongoing. Versions in different languages and picture support can be downloaded here:
Different versions and languages
Development of a Digital Tool for People With a Long-Term Condition Using Stroke as a Case Example: Participatory Design Approach
Kjörk EK, Sunnerhagen KS, Lundgren-Nilsson Å, Andersson AK, Carlsson G
JMIR Hum Factors 2022;9(2):e35478 doi: 10.2196/35478
A standardised follow-up model to support people after stroke -Development and application using the post-stroke checklist
Kjörk, Emma
Doctoral thesis, University of Gothenburg Publications (2022)