University of Gothenburg

Peer-reviewed articles

Scroll down to see all peer-reviewed articles published by our researchers.


Davidovic DQuality of government and public support for taxation for climate change mitigation: evidence from 135 European regionsEuropean Political Science Review. Published online 2024:1-26. 


Ahlerup, P., A. Sundström, S. Jagers and M. Sjöstedt (2024) “Climate Shocks, Regional Favoritism and Trust in Leaders: Insights from Droughts in Africa”, World Development

Alexander, Amy., Nicholas Charron and Gefjon Off (2024). For every action a reaction? The polarizing effects of women's rights and refugee immigration: A survey experiment in 27 EU member states. European Journal of Political Research. 

Bauhr, M., Charron, N. & Wängnerud, L. Will Women’s Representation Reduce Bribery? Trends in Corruption and Public Service Delivery Across European RegionsPolit Behav 46, 2427–2450 (2024). 

Bauhr M., Carlitz R., Kovacikova L., Beyond Buildings: Social Bargaining and Effective Access to Public Services, Public Organization Review.

Bauhr M, Charron N, Wängnerud L. What candidate will fight corruption? Gender and anti-corruption stereotypes across European countriesEuropean Political Science Review. Published online 2024:1-20. 

Bauhr, M., & Charron, N. (2024). Europe around the corner? How border proximity and quality of government explains European identity. European Union Politics, 0(0).

Boräng F., Naurin D., Polk J., Making space: citizens, parties and interest groups in two ideological dimensions, Journal of European Public Policy.

Boräng, Frida and Ruth Carlitz (2024). The Double Democratic Bind: Challenges to Enacting Mandates and Combating Misinformation. J Health Polit Policy Law.

Broms R., Dahlström C., Nistotskaya M., Provider Ownership and Indicators of Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care Homes, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Broms, Rasmus, Dahlström, Carl, Najar, Jenna and Marina Nistotskaya. 2024. COVID-19 Mortality and the Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities: Evidence from Sweden. Public Performance & Management Review47(2), 505–533. 

Carelli, Daniel (2024). Shifts of Administrative Power: Competence Trumps Aristocracy in Swedish State-Building. Comparative Politics.

Carelli, Daniel. (2024). Drivers of transnational administrative coordination on super-wicked policy issues: The role of institutional homophilyGovernance

Carelli, Daniel (2024).  From Ignorance to Awareness:  Quality of Collaborative Governance Enhances Public Awareness of AMR. Social Science & Medicine, 361, 117404.

Carelli, Daniel, and B. Guy Peters (2024). Autonomy by Decree: How Administrative Law Shapes Bureaucratic Autonomy in Four Administrative Traditions. Administration & Society, 56(5), 683-703.

D'Arcy, Michelle, Marina Nistotskaya and Ola Olsson (2024). Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Long-Run Cross-Country Panel. Journal of Political Economy.

Davidovic, Dragana (2024). Does corruption shape attitudes towards carbon taxes? Experimental evidence from Mexico and Sweden. Energy Research & Social Science 

Dawson, S., Schwenk, J., & Xezonakis, G. (2024). The Distribution of Executive Power and Corruption: A Meta-Analytical Review. Comparative Political Studies, 0(0). 

Dawson, S. (2024). Poll Wars: Perceptions of Poll Credibility and Voting BehaviourThe International Journal of Press/Politics.

Đorđe Milosav and Marina Nistotskaya (2024). Unpacking the relevance interpersonal trust in the blockchain era: theory and experimental evidence. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

Eckhard, Steffen,  Vytautas Jankauskas, and Elena Leuschner.  2023. “Institutional Design and Biases in Evaluation Reports by International Organizations.” Public Administration Review. 1–14.

Leuschner, Elena, & Hellmeier, Sebastian. (2024). State Concessions and Protest Mobilization in Authoritarian RegimesComparative Political Studies57(1), 3-31. 

Martinangeli, Andrea FM, Marina Povitkina, Sverker Jagers, and Bo Rothstein. "Institutional quality causes generalized trust: Experimental evidence on trusting under the shadow of doubt." American Journal of Political Science 68, no. 3 (2024): 972-987.

Miloslav, Djordje and Marina Nistotskaya. 2024. Unpacking the Relevance of Interpersonal Trust in the Blockchain Era: Theory and Experimental EvidenceJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 42. 

Niklasson, B., Dawson, S., Bågenholm, A. and De Fine Licht, J. (2024). Misconduct and whistleblowing in political parties: A party loyalty dilemmaParty Politics.

Niklasson, Birgitta and Katarzyna Jezierska, The politicization of diplomacy: a comparative study of ambassador appointmentsInternational Affairs, Volume 100, Issue 4, July 2024, Pages 1653–1673.

Niklasson, Birgitta. Outposts of diplomacy: a history of the embassyInternational Affairs, Volume 101, Issue 1, January 2025, Pages 340–341.

Pierre, Jon, Daniel Carelli, and Björn Rönnerstrand (2024). Free Riding is Not the Problem: How Agency, Heterogeneity and Authority Challenge Collective Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(12), 4035-4062.

Margaret E Peters, Frida Boräng, Sara Kalm, Johannes Lindvall, Adrian J Shin, Historical Immigration Policies: Trends and Lessons, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 3, September 2024.

Schwenk J., The effect of primaries on voters’ evaluation of candidates’ quality–experimental evidence, Party Politics.

Stockemer, D., & Sundström, A. (2024). ‘Do young legislators face age-based discrimination in parliament? Views from young MPs across the globe’. Journal of Youth Studies, 1–18. 

Sundström, A. (2024) Environmental disasters and ecomodernist beliefs: Insights from a quasi-natural experiment, Policy Studies Journal.


Andersen D., Cornell A.Voting for bureaucracy? Contestation, suffrage and meritocracy, European Journal of Political Research.

Alexander, A., Charron, N., & Justesen, M. K. (2023). Female representation and electoral clientelism: New insights from South African municipal elections. Electoral Studies, 82.
Bauhr M., Charron N., ‘It's the quality of government stupid’ explaining patterns in support for far right in the 2022 French presidential election, Electoral Studies.
Bauhr M., Charron N., All hands on deck’ or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of European Public Policy.

Bauhr M., Charron N., Europe around the corner? How border proximity and quality of government explains European identity, European Union Politics, 
Broms R., Dahlström C., Najar J., Nistotskaya M., Predictors of COVID-19 outcomes among residents of Swedish long-term care facilities – a nationwide study of the year 2020, The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 
Charron N., Lapuente V., Rodriguez-Pose A., Uncooperative Society, Uncooperative Politics or Both? Trust, Polarisation, Populism and COVID-19 Deaths across European regions, European Journal of Political Research.
Charron N., Schwenk J., Inclusive candidate selection and corruption: evidence from Spanish regions, West European Politics.

Coffe, H., Fraile, M., Alexander, A., Fortin-Rittberger, J., & Banducci, S. (2023). Masculinity, sexism and populist radical right support. Frontiers in Political Science, 5, 47.
Coleman E., Harring N., Jagers S., Policy attributes shape climate policy support, Policy Studies Journal.
Cornell A., Grimes M., Brokering Bureaucrats: How Bureaucrats and Civil Society Facilitate Clientelism Where Parties are Weak, Comparative Political Studies, 
Cornell A., Svensson T., Colonial origins of modern bureaucracy? India and the professionalization of the British civil service, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions.
Dahlström C., Holmgren M., Loyal Leaders, Affluent Agencies: The Budgetary Implications of Political Appointments in the Executive Branch, Journal of Politics.
Dawson S., Charron N., Justesen M., Electoral competition, political parties and clientelism: evidence from local elections in South Africa, Democratization, 
Dawson, S., Perceptions of opinion poll credibility: The role of partisan bias, Party Politics.

Eckhard, Steffen, Vytautas Jankauskas, Elena Leuschner, Ian Burton, Tilman Kerl, Rita Sevastjanova. 2023. "The Performance of International Organizations: A New Measure and Dataset Based on Computational Text Analysis of Evaluation Reports.'' The Review of International Organizations.

Kreft, A., & Agerberg, M. (2023). Imperfect Victims? Civilian Men, Vulnerability, and Policy Preferences. American Political Science Review, 1-17. 
Larsson F., Grimes M., Societal Accountability and Grand Corruption: How Institutions Shape Citizens’ Efforts to Shape Institutions, Political Studies.

Martinangeli, A. F., Povitkina, M., Jagers, S., & Rothstein, B. (early view, 2023). Institutional quality causes generalized trust: experimental evidence on trusting under the shadow of doubt. American Journal of Political Science.

Persson, Mikael, and Anders Sundell. "The Rich Have a Slight Edge: Evidence from Comparative Data on Income-Based Inequality in Policy Congruence." British Journal of Political Science (2023): 1-12.

Persson, Mikael, Wouter Schakel, and Anders Sundell. "A Man’s World? The Policy Representation of Women and Men in a Comparative Perspective.Perspectives on Politics (2023): 1-17.
Stockemer D., Sundström A., Age Inequalities in Political Representation: A Review Article, Government and Opposition.
Stockemer D., Sundström A., The gender gap in voter turnout: An artefact of men’s overreporting in survey research?, British Journal of Politics & International Relations.
Stockemer D., Thompson H., Sundström A., Young adults' under-representation in elections to the U.S. House of Representatives, Electoral Studies.

Sundström, A (2023) “Responding to reviewers: guidelines and advicePolitics & Gender (Critical Perspectives article). 


Agerberg, Mattias and Anne ­Kathrin Kreft (2022). “Sexual Violence, Gendered Protection and Support for Intervention.” Journal of Peace Research.

Alexander, Amy, Asbel Bohigues, and Jennifer M. Piscopo (2022). "Opening the Attitudinal Black Box: Three Dimensions of Latin American Elites’ Attitudes about Gender Equality." Political Research Quarterly.

Andersen, David and Agnes Cornell (2022). "Voting for bureaucracy? Contestation, suffrage and meritocracy." European Journal of Political Research (early view).

Bauhr, Monika and Nicholas Charron (2022). "All hands on deck’ or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic." Journal of European Public Policy.

Bergquist, M., Nilsson, A., Harring, N. & Jagers, S.C (2022). "Meta-analyses of fifteen determinants of public opinion about climate change taxes and laws." Nature Climate Change 12.

Charron, N. ; Lapuente, V. ; Bauhr, M. ; Annoni, P. (2022). "Change and Continuity in Quality of Government: Trends in subnational quality of government in EU member states." Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 53, 5-23.

Charron, Nicholas, Victor Lapuente and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (2022). “Uncooperative Society, Uncooperative Politics or Both? Trust, Polarisation, Populism and COVID-19 Deaths across European regions”. European Journal of Political Research.

Charron, Nicholas and Jana Schwenk (2022). "Inclusive candidate selection and corruption: evidence from Spanish regions." West European Politics.

Cornell, Agnes and Marcia Grimes. "Brokering Bureaucrats: How Bureaucrats and Civil Society Facilitate Clientelism Where Parties are Weak." Comparative Political Studies (OnlineFirst).

Cornell, Agnes and Ted Svensson (2022). “Colonial origins of modern bureaucracy? India and the professionalization of the British civil service”. Governance (early view).

Dahlström, Carl and Victor Lapuente (2022). “Comparative Bureaucratic Politics.” Annual Review of Political Science 25: 43–63.

Dawson, Stephen (2022). "Poll Wars: Perceptions of Poll Credibility and Voting Behaviour." The International Journal of Press/Politics.

Ejelöv, E., Harring, N., Hansla, A., Jagers, S., & Nilsson, A. (2022). "Push, Pull, or Inform - an Empirical Taxonomy of Environmental Policy Support in Sweden." Journal of Public Policy, 1-24.

Lapuente, Victor (2022). "Quality of government in the Asia Pacific region". Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 44(2): 101-105.

Larsson, Fredrik and Marcia Grimes (2022). "Societal Accountability and Grand Corruption: How Institutions Shape Citizens’ Efforts to Shape Institutions." Political Studies.

Nistotskaya, M., D'Arcy, M(2022). No taxation without property rights: Formalization of property rights on land and tax revenues from individuals in sub-Saharan Africa, Journal of Institutional Economics.

Off, Gefjon, Nicholas Charron and Amy Alexander (2002). "Who perceives women's rights as threatening to men and boys? Explaining modern sexism among young men in Europe." Frontiers in Political Science 4.

Povitkina, Marina and Jagers, Sverker (2022) “Environmental commitments in different types of democracies: The role of liberal, social-liberal, and deliberative politics", Global Environmental Change 74: 102523.

Schwenk, Jana (2022). "Candidate selection and female representation in the context of high corruption: The case of Italy’s 2014 mayor elections." Electoral studies 79.

Silva, Manuel Santos, Amy C. Alexander, Stephan Klasen, and Christian Welzel (2022). "The roots of female emancipation: Initializing role of Cool Water." Journal of Comparative Economics.

Sjöstedt, Martin, Aksel Sundström, Sverker C. Jagers and Herbert Ntuli (2022). "Governance through community policing: What makes citizens report poaching of wildlife to state officials?." World Development 160.

Sohlberg, Jacob, Mattias Agerberg, and Peter Esaiasson (2022). “Waiting for Asylum: Reduced Institutional and Interpersonal Trust”, Political Studies, Forthcoming.

Stockemer, D., H. Thomson and A. Sundström (2022) “Young Adults’ Under-Representation in Elections to the US House of Representatives” Electoral Studies 81.  

Stockemer, D. and A. Sundström (2022) “Introducing the Worldwide Age Representation in Parliaments (WARP) Dataset” Social Science Quarterly.

Sundström, Aksel and Daniel Stockemer (2022) “Measuring support for women’s political leadership: Gender of interviewer effects among African survey respondents” Public Opinion Quarterly. 

Wängnerud, Lena (2022). "Why Women in Elected Assemblies Reduce Levels of Corruption: The Indirect Approach." Etica Pubblica 2022(1): 13-28.


Agerberg, Mattias (2021). "Messaging about corruption: The power of social norms". Governance, 1– 22.

Agerberg, Mattias and Sohlberg, Jacob (2021). "Personal Proximity and Reactions to Terrorism". Comparative Political Studies

Agerberg, Mattias and Tannenberg, Marcus (2021). "Dealing with measurement error in list experiments: Choosing the right control list design". Research & Politics, Volume 8

Bastos Lima, M. G., Harring, N., Jagers, S. C., Löfgren, Å., Persson, M., Sjöstedt, M. Brülde, B., Langlet, D., Steffen, W., & Alpízar, F. (2021). ”Large-scale collective action to avoid an Amazon tipping point - key actors and interventions”. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 3.

Bauhr, Monika & Carlitz, Ruth (2021). "When Does Transparency Improve Public Services? Street-level Discretion, Information, and Targeting." Public Administration 99(3): 500-516.

Bauhr, Monika & Nicholas Charron (2021) "Stand together or alone? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic." European Societies 23(4): 533-561.

Bauhr, Monika and Nicholas Charron (2021). "Will women in Executive office reduce corruption? Marginalization and network inclusion." Comparative Political Studies 54 (7): 1292-1322.

Boräng, Frida, & Naurin, Daniel (2021). Political Equality and Substantive Representation by Interest Groups. British Journal of Political Science, 1-8.

Boräng, Frida, Sverker Jagers & Marina Povitkina (2021). In Light of Democracy and Corruption. The Energy Journal 42(2).

Broms, Rasmus (2021). "Boxholm tea party: Taxation and voter turnout in a mature democracy". Electoral Studies 71.

Broms, Rasmus (2021). "Good riddance to bad government? Institutional performance voting in Swedish municipalities". Journal of Public Policy, 1 - 26.

Carlitz, Ruth D. and Povitkina, Marina (2021). "Local interest group activity and environmental degradation in authoritarian regimes". World Development, Volume 142

Charron, Nicholas Niklas Harring & Victor Lapuente (2021). "Trust, regulation, and redistribution why some governments overregulate and under‐redistribute". Regulation & Governance 15 (1), 3-16.

D’Arcy Michelle and Marina Nistotskaya (2021) "A taxing issue: the constraining effects of historical state capacity on European property taxes today". Journal of European Public Policy.

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren (2021). "Loyal Leaders, Affluent Agencies: The Budgetary Implications of Political Appointments in the Executive Branch." The Journal of Politics.

Dahlström, Carl, Lundberg, Erik and Pronin, Kira (2021). "No more political compromise? Swedish commissions of inquiry, 1990-2016". Scandinavian Political Studies.

Dahlström, Carl, Mihaly Fazekas, and David E. Lewis (2021). ”Partisan Procurement. Contracting with the United States Federal Government, 2003-2015”. American Journal of Political Science 65(3): 652-669.

de Fine Licht, Jenny, Mattias Agerberg and Peter Esaiasson (2021) "“It’s Not Over When It’s Over”―Post-Decision Arrangements and Empirical Legitimacy". Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2021;, muab023

Harring, Niklas and Krockow, Eva M. (2021). "The social dilemmas of climate change and antibiotic resistance: an analytic comparison and discussion of policy implications". Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Volume 8

Jagers, S, M. Sjöstedt, A. Sundström, A. Linell and H. Ntuli (2021). “Trust, corruption and compliance with regulations: Attitudes to rule violations in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park”. Social Science Quarterly

Johansson, M., Langlet, D., Larsson, O., Löfgren, Å., Harring, N., & Jagers, S. (2021). ”A risk framework for optimising policies for deep decarbonisation technologies”. Energy Research & Social Science 82.

Kokkonen, Andrej, Suthan Krishnarajan, Jørgen Møller, and Anders Sundell (2021). “Blood Is Thicker than Water: Family Size and Leader Deposition in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,” The Journal of Politics.

Ntuli, H. A. Sundström, M. Sjöstedt, E. Muchapondwa, S. Jagers, and A. Linell (2021). “Understanding the drivers of subsistence poaching in the Great Limpopo: What matters for community wildlife conservation?” Ecology and Society. 

Porumbescu, Gregory A., Marcia Grimes, Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen (2021). “Capturing the social relevance of government transparency and accountability using a behavioral lens.” Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 4(1):-8.

Sjöstedt, M., & Linell, A. (2021). "Cooperation and coercion: The quest for quasi-voluntary compliance in the governance of African commons". World Development, 139.

Steffen-Stadelmann, I., Eder, C., Harring, N., Spilker, G., & Katsanidou, A. (2021). ”A Framework for Social Tipping in Climate Change Mitigation: What We Can Learn from the Chlorofluorocarbons Phase-Out”. Energy Research & Social Science 82.

Stockemer, D. and A. Sundström (2021). “Rule by the elderly: The absence of youth in cabinets of France, Germany and the UK.” French Politics. 

Stockemer, D. and A. Sundström (2021). “The gender gap in voter turnout: An artefact of men’s overreporting in survey research?” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 

Sundström, A. and D. Stockemer (2021). “Conceptualizing, measuring and explaining youths’ relative absence in legislatures.” PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (2): 195-201. 

Sundström, A. and D. Stockemer (2021). “Political party characteristics and women’s representation: The case of the European Parliament.” Representation.

Sychowiec, Maciej, Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron (2021). "Does corruption lead to lower subnational credit ratings? Fiscal dependence, Market Reputation and the Cost of Debt." Business and Politics, 23(3): 364 - 382.



Agerberg, Mattias (2020). "Corrupted Estimates? Response Bias in Citizen Surveys on Corruption".  Political Behavior. 

Bauhr, Monika and Ruth Carlitz (2020). "When does transparency improve public services? Street‐level discretion, information, and targeting". Public Administration. 

Bauhr Monika and Nicholas Charron (2020). "Will Women Executives Reduce Corruption? Marginalization and Network Inclusion". Comparative Political Studies.

Bauhr Monika and Nicholas Charron (2020). "In God we Trust? Identity; institutions and International redistribution." JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58(5): 1124-1143.

Bauhr Monika and Nicholas Charron (2020). "Do Men and Women Perceive Corruption Differently? Gender Differences in Perception of Need and Greed Corruption." Politics and Governance, 8(2), 92-102.

Bauhr, Monika and Nicholas Charron (2020). “Do Citizens’ support cohesion policy? Measuring European support for redistribution within the EU and its correlates”. Journal of Regional Research, 46, 2020/1.

Boräng, Frida, Sverker C.Jagers, and Marina Povitkina (Forthcoming in 2021). "In Light of Democracy and Corruption: Institutional determinants of electricity provision". The Energy Journal (economics).

Boräng, Frida, Sara Kalm and Johannes Lindvall (2020) “Unions and the rights of migrants in the long run”, Journal of European Social Policy 30(5).

Broms, Rasmus, Carl Dahlström and Marina Nistotskaya (2020). “Competition and Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care Homes.” Governance 33(3): 525-543.

Broms, Rasmus and Bo Rothstein (2020). "Religion and Institutional Quality: Long-Term Effects of the Financial Systems in Protestantism and Islam." Comparative politics, 52 (3), 433-454.

Bågenholm, Andreas and Nicholas Charron. (2020). "Accountable or Untouchable? Electoral accountability in Romanian local elections". Electoral Studies 66.

Bågenholm, Andreas (2020). "Öst är öst och väst är väst? En jämförande studie av partisystemens stabilitet i Europa 2008–2019." Nordisk Østforum, 34, 27-50.

Charron, N., Harring, N. and Lapuente, V. (2020). "Trust, regulation, and redistribution why some governments overregulate and under‐redistribute." Regulation & Governance.

Charron, N., Annoni, P. (2020). "What is the Influence of News Media on People’s Perception of Corruption? Parametric and Non-Parametric Approaches." Social Indicator Research.

Cornell, Agnes, Carl-Henrik Knutsen & Jan Teorell (2020). "Bureaucracy and Growth." Comparative Political Studies.

Cornell, Agnes and Anders Sundell (2020). "Money matters: The role of public sector wages in corruption prevention". Public Administration 98(1): 244-260.

Dahlberg, S., Axelsson, S. & Holmberg, S. (2020). Democracy in context: using a distributional semantic model to study differences in the usage of democracy across languages and countries. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft.

Davidovic, Dragana & Niklas Harring (2020). "Exploring the cross-national variation in public support for climate policies in Europe: The role of quality of government and trust". Energy Research & Social Science.

Davidovic, Dragana, Niklas Harring & Sverker C. Jagers (2020) "The contingent effects of environmental concern and ideology: institutional context and people’s willingness to pay environmental taxes". Environmental Politics 29:4, 674-696.

Dawson, Stephen (2020). "Electoral fraud and the paradox of political competition." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.

Drapalova, Eliska and Kai Wegrich (2020). "Technocratic Populism and Subnational Governance" Government and Opposition 0(0) 1-23.

Drapalova, Eliska and Fabrizio Di Mascio (2020). "Islands of Good Government: Explaining Successful Corruption Control in Two Spanish Cities". Politics and Governance 8(2): 128-139. 

Drapalova, Eliska and Kai Wegrich (2020). "Who Governs 4.0? Varieties of Smart Cities". Public Management Review 22 (5). Pp:668-686.

Harring, N., Jagers, S.C., & Löfgren, Å. (Forthcoming in 2021) "COVID-19: Large-scale collective action, government intervention, and the importance of trust". World Development..

Jagers, S.C., Harring, N., Löfgren, Å. et al. (2020) "On the preconditions for large-scale collective action." Ambio 49, 1282–1296.

Lapuente, Victor & Kohei Suzuki (2020). "Politicization, Bureaucratic Legalism, and Innovative Attitudes in the Public Sector." Public Administration Review.

Lindvall, Johannes, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström, Elin Naurin & Jan Teorell (2020). ”Sweden’s Parliamentary Democracy at 100”. Parliamentary Affairs 73(3): 477–502.

Rothstein, Bo & Sören Holmberg (2020). Social Trust – the Nordic gold? Social Europe.

Stockemer, D., M.J. Wigginton and A. Sundström (2020) “Boys’ club or good ol’ boys club? Corruption and the parliamentary representation of young and old men and women.” Parliamentary Affairs. 

Stockemer, D. and A. Sundström (2020) “Quotas, the electoral system type and the election of young women.” Social Politics.

Sundström, A., A. Linell, H. Ntuli, M. Sjöstedt and M. Gore (2020) “Gender differences in poaching attitudes: Insights from communities in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe living in the Great Limpopo” Conservation Letters 13 (1): 1-8.

Sundström, A. and D. Stockemer (2020) “Conceptualizing, measuring and explaining youths’ relative absence in legislatures.” PS: Political Science & Politics.

Xezonakis, G., & Hartmann, F. (2020). Economic downturns and the Greek referendum of 2015: Evidence using night-time light data. European Union Politics.


Agerberg, Mattias (2019). "The Lesser Evil? Corruption Voting and the Importance of Clean Alternatives." Comparative Political Studies, 1-35

Alexander, Amy, Bågenholm, Andreas & Charron, Nicholas (published online December 2019) "Are women more likely to throw the rascals out? The mobilizing effect of social service spending on female voters". Public Choice.

Bauhr, Monika, Agnes Czibik, Jenny de Fine Licht & Mihaly Fazekas (2019). "Lights on the shadows of public procurement:
Transparency as an antidote to corruption
". Governance.

Bauhr, Monika & Nicholas Charron (2019). "The EU as a savior and a saint? Corruption and public support for redistribution". Journal of European Public Policy.

Boräng, Frida, Simon Felgendreher, Niklas Harring & Åsa Löfgren (2019). Committing to the Climate: A Global Study of Accountable Climate Targets. Sustainability 2019, 11(7), 1861.

Broms, Rasmus, Carl Dahlström & Mihály Fazekas (2019). “Political competition and public procurement outcomes”. Comparative Political Studies 52(9): 1259–1292.

Broms, Rasmus & Andrej Kokkonen (2019). "Inheritance regimes: Medieval family structures and current institutional quality." Governance 32(4): 619-637.

Dahlström, Carl & Mikael Holmgren (2019). “The Political Dynamics of Bureaucratic Turnover”. British Journal of Political Science 49(3): 823-836.

Harring, N., Jagers S. C., & Nilsson F. (2019) "Recycling as a Large-Scale Collective Action Dilemma: A Cross-Country Study on Trust and Reported Recycling Behavior." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140: 85-90.

Harring, N., Jagers S.C. & Matti, S. (2019). "The significance of political culture, economic context and instrument type for climate policy support: a cross-national study." Climate Policy, 19:5, 636-650.

Kokkonen, Andrej & Anders Sundell (2019). Leader Succession and Civil War. Comparative Political Studies, 1-35.

Naurin, Daniel, Elin Naurin & Amy Alexander (2019). "Gender Stereotyping and Chivalry in International Negotiations: A Survey Experiment in the Council of the European Union". International Organization.

Patrikios, Stratos & Georgios Xezonakis (2019). Religious market structure and democratic performance: Clientelism. Electoral Studies, 61.

Persson, Anna & Rothstein, Bo (2019). "Lost in Transition: A Bottom-Up Perspective on Hybrid Regimes." Annals of Comparative Democratization 17(3): 10-12.

Persson, Anna, Rothstein, Bo, & Teorell Jan (2019). “Getting the Basic Nature of Systemic Corruption Right.” Governance.

Povitkina, Marina and Ketevan Bolkvadze (2019). Fresh pipes with dirty water: How quality of government shapes the provision of public goods in democracies. European Journal of Political Research 58:4, 1191-1212.

Stockemer, D. and A. Sundström (2019) “Women’s representation across different generations: A longitudinal analysis of the European Parliament.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (4): 823-837.

Sundström, A. (2019) “Why do people pay bribes? A survey experiment with resource users.” Social Science Quarterly 100 (3): 725-735.


Agerberg, M. (2018). "The Curse of Knowledge? Education, Corruption, and Politics". Political Behavior. 

Ahlborg, H & F. Boräng (2018) “Powering institutions for development—Organizational strategies for decentralized electricity provision”. Energy Research & Social Science, 38:77–86.

Alexander, A., & S. Parhizkari. (2018). "A multilevel study of gender egalitarian values across Muslim-majority provinces: the role of women and urban spaces". Review of Sociology, 28:3, 474-491.

Bauhr, M., & N. Charron (2018). "Insider or outsider? Grand corruption and electoral accountability". Comparative Political Studies, 51(4), 415-446.

Bauhr, M. & N. Charron (2018) "Why support International redistribution? Corruption and public support for aid in the eurozone". European Union Politics, 0(0), pp. 1-22.

Bauhr, M., N. Charron & L. Wängnerud (2018). "Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand corruption". European Journal of Political Research.

Boräng, Frida, Agnes Cornell, Marcia Grimes & Christian Schuster. "Cooking the books: Bureaucratic politicization and policy knowledge." Governance 31, no. 1 (2018): 7-26.

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