University of Gothenburg

QoG Data

Welcome to the QoG Institute's data pages. We offer several open-source datasets, a variable search tool, visualization tools and some extra information, all about Quality of Government.

Data downloads

QoG Data offers open-access datasets, both other sources compilation datasets and original content datasets, so users can learn, research and understand better the concepts relating to Quality of Government.


Compilation datasets

The compilation datasets are drawn from more than one hundred different sources that deal with topics related to the concepts of Quality of Government. The flagship is our award winning QoG Standard Dataset. To make it easier to navigate we also offer the QoG Basic Dataset which contains the most frequently used variables of the Standard Dataset. You will also find the QoG OECD, which is a regionally specified dataset covering OECD member states. Finally, the EU Regional Data consists of approximately 450 variables from Eurostat and other sources, covering three levels of European regions - country, major socio-economic regions and basic regions for the application of regional policies.


Original content datasets

The original datasets are created by the QoG researchers and focus on concepts related to quality of government, transparency and public administration. The QoG Expert Survey is a dataset based on our survey of experts on public administration around the world, available in an individual dataset and an aggregated dataset covering more than 100 countries. We also offer the European Quality of Government Index. (EQI) The EQI data contains information on sub-national governance in Europe from three rounds of a large, pan-European survey on citizen perceptions and experiences with public services. Both micro and sub-national data are provided. Finally, the Swedish Agency database which consists of a comprehensive sample of administrative agencies in the Swedish executive bureaucracy between 1960 and 2014.

Other tools

Additional to the datasets, we also offer a Data Finder, Variable Search Tool and some Visualization Tools to help you find and understand our data faster.

The Data Extras section includes reading recommendations, a list of original data sources, GDPR regulations, and special sections for Stata and R users.