University of Gothenburg
people in a classroom listening to a presentation

Policy Dialogue Day

Every year, the QoG Institute organizes a Policy Dialogue Day that aims to bridge the gap between analysis and practice. The policy day serves as a meeting platform for practitioners, policy makers, and academics.

Previous Policy Dialogue Days



"Korruption och kvalitet i välfärdsstaten: Det svenska systemets möjligheter och utmaningar".


”New Challenges to Democracy, Governance, and Peace.” 

In collaboration with V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute, GLD-Gothenburg (Program for Governance and Local Development), UCPD (Uppsala Conflict Data Program) and ViEWS (a Political Violence Early-Warning System).


"New Research = Better Policies. Insights on Democracy, Governance, and Armed Conflict."

In collaboration with V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute, GLD-Gothenburg (Program for Governance and Local Development), UCPD (Uppsala Conflict Data Program) and ViEWS (a Political Violence Early-Warning System).


”From Knowledge to Action: Current Insights on Democracy, Governance and Armed Conflict.”

In collaboration with V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute, GLD-Gothenburg (Program for Governance and Local Development) och UCPD (Uppsala Conflict Data Program).