Research projects within Landscape and planning
On this page you find ongoing and completed projects within Landscape and planning.
Pågående projekt
- Planning for sustainable coastal areas: what role does outdoor recreation and tourism have?
- Multifunctional blue-green infrastructure - optimizing socio-cultural and environmental aspects for sustainable urban development
- Mistra Sport & Outdoors
- Ekosystemtjänster - en integrativ metod för hållbara vistelsemiljöer i praktiken?
- The Right to Buy in Marginalised Urban Areas – how is local participation in urban planning and housing decision-making affected?
- Land2Sea (2019-2023)
- GOVERNANCE: Human responses to multi-species management (2015-2021)
- Co-creative urban planning for energy-efficient and sustainable urban station communities (2017-2022)
- The design and management of urban parks: the process of delivering a public good(2019-2022)
Completed projects
Modern outposts of unsustainability (2018-2021)
Sociology and psychology of science (2015-2021)
Self-Organized Action for Food Equity (2018-2019)
Robin Biddulph (supported by Mistra urban future)
A Mistra Urban Futures Project seeking to draw lessons from the experiences of organizations and initiatives seeking to reduce food waste, and to redistribute surplus food. The project is a collaboration with practitioners and is intended to contribute to understanding of how food waste reduction and food equity could be improved across Gothenburg and beyond. More information.
Food systems sustainability (2017 – 2019)
Mirek Dymitrow
The project explores and systematizes knowledge on the different food system perspectives, across scales, regions and sectors. It focuses primarily on the design of processes used to understand these divergent and at times contradictory views of what a sustainable food system may be. It draws on ongoing food system projects in Cape Town, Manchester, Gothenburg and Kisumu. More information.
The green side of the city (2016-2019)
Per Hallén (supported by Torsten Söderbergs Stiftelse)
A project within the framework of Gothenburg's 400th anniversary. What financial reasons are there for recreation areas to remain or disappear?
GASTROCERT - Gastronomy and Creative Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism (2017-2019)
Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist (supported by JPI Cultural Heritage)
This project explored (i) how the development of local gastronomy can help to protect rural heritage values; and (ii) how entrepreneurial culture can enhance locally produced food as a value-added touristic experience. Four case studies in four countries located in northern Europe and the Mediterranean region were included in the projekt.
PlanCoast (2016 – 2019)
Andreas Skriver Hansen (supported by NMBU, Norway)
The project looked at management and planning of land and rights in the coastal zone, with a special focus on developing tools, knowledge and capacities for an effective integrated planning in coastal-marine areas. More information.
Environmental Collaborative Governance in Large Carnivore Management: Policy Design, Administrative Leadership and Stakeholders (2015-2019)
Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist (supported by Vetenskapsrådet/the Swedish Research Council)
This project investigated four cases of environmental collaborative governance, implemented to promote large carnivore recovery amidst many human land uses in Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Evaluation of Project Skolbäcken (2018)
Mattias Sandberg & Andreas Skriver Hansen (supported by Sportfiskarna)
The project concerned a new educational idea launched by Sportfiskarna with an aim to introduce schoolchildren to activities involving environmental restoration in wet areas. The project is described in a final report.
Scrutinizing marine spatial planning in Sweden: A discursive analysis of the holistic ambitions in the ongoing MSP process (2017-2018)
Marie Stenseke
Man and fish (2016)
Per Hallén (supported by Stiftelsen Anna Ahrenbergs fond)
A project that works with the development of sea fishing 1700-2015. How has sea fishing been affected by technological and economic development?
Social deprivation: Alternative explanations (2014 – 2018)
Mirek Dymitrow
By juxtaposing the societal propensity towards "spatial thinking" with the problem of social deprivation, the project provides an updated critique of unreflective usages of spatial concepts by means of a specific analysis. Integrating new hard-to-get empirical material with theoretical discussions within the scope of social, cultural and political geography, the project explores the aspect of potential harm associated with spatial thinking. More information.
Woody or treeless pastures? Linking subsidy systems, farmers decisions and management for understanding biodiversity patterns (2013-2016)
Mattias Sandberg and Marie Stenseke, in collaboration with Regina Lindborg and Simon Jakobsson, Stockholm University (supported by FORMAS)
The project aimed to understand how the EU regulations concerning semi-natural pastures affect their plant diversity and composition linked to farm management. Since EU-regulations directly affect the management decisions by farmers, how land use and management policy is perceived by land owners and managers was analysed. With this targeted design, the project evaluated the effects of current subsidy system on plant diversity as well as increased the general understanding of management effects on woody pastures.
Degraded and restituted towns in Poland (2012 – 2016)
Mirek Dymitrow
The project can be summarized in two attainments: a) extending theoretical frameworks used to study degraded and restituted towns in terms of definition, conceptualization and assessment of predispositions for future development on account of their spatial, legal, socio-economic and historical characteristics; b) initiating an anticipated discussion on a number of important and current topics related to the practices of degradation and restitution that have not received adequate attention, e.g., the urbanity-vs.-rurality paradox, the changeability of human settlement forms vs. the consequences of rigid spatial categorizations; the role of various actors in shaping the socioeconomic reality under the guise of an ossified binary; or identifying spatio-conceptual conflicts as future challenges for local, regional and national policy. More information.
Outdoor recreation in change – Landscapes, Experiences. Planning and Development (2007-2013)
Silvia Henningsson, Mattias Sandberg & Marie Stenseke (Supported by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
An interdisciplinary research program which aimed to analyze the current dynamics of outdoor recreation and nature based tourism in Sweden. The research conducted at the Unit of Human Geography focused on outdoor recreation among young people; urban proximate outdoor recreation and outdoor recreation and environmental protection. More information.
Landscape diversity and the nature/culture divide (2010-2012)
Marie Stenseke (supported by Formas)
Land use changes in urban pressure areas (2009-2012)
Marie Stenseke (supported by the Research Council of Norway)
Rethinking agricultural land abandonment to create socially responsive and biodiverse landscapes (2009-2011)
Marie Stenseke (supported by Formas)
Reconciling environmental interests: Natural and cultural heritage in Swedish river restoration (2008-2011)
Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist (supported by FORMAS & the Cultural Heritage Board)
This project examined how two sets of environmental interests, biodiversity protection and cultural heritage conservation, may be reconciled.