University of Gothenburg
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Public Law

Research and education in the Public Law group at the Department of Law at Gothenburg University encompasses a broad and dynamic field which focuses on legal aspects pertaining to state and government. It is an open and inviting group characterized by theoretical and methodological diversity, curiosity, innovation and a strong urge to create interaction between research and education and between the academy and the surrounding society.

Areas of expertise (teaching and research)

Kommunal styrning och organisation, Therese Bäckman, David Ryffé,
Governing and organisation at local level (municipalities)

Statlig styrning och organisation, Terese Bäckman, David Ryffé, Elin Sandegård, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Governing and organisation at national level

Miljöstyrning, Jonas Nilsson, David Langlet
Environmental governance

Social trygghet, Terese Bäckman, Pernilla Marklund, Sara Stendahl
Social security and welfare

Försäkringar mot inkomstbortfall, Terese Bäckman, Pernilla Marklund, Sara Stendahl
Social insurance

Transport och infrastruktur, Johanna Berntsson, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Transport and infrasctructure

Energi, David Langlet

Sekretess i offentliga avtal, Therese Bäckman
Secrecy in public agreements

Skola och utbildning, David Ryffé
Education and schooling

Myndighetssamverkan, Johanna Berntsson, Therese Bäckman, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Cooperation between public authorities

Tillsyn, Johanna Berntsson, Therese Bäckman, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Supervision of public authorities

Informationshantering och informationsöverföring, Johanna Berntsson, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Transformation and handling of public information

Integritet och personuppgifter, Johanna Berntsson, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Integrity and privacy

Normgivning, Ann-Sophie Sallander

Gränsöverskridande skatteavtal, Ann-Sophie Sallander

Barn i det offentliga, Therese Bäckman, Pernilla Marklund, David Ryffé, Elin Sandegård
Children in the public sphere

Rätt och demokrati, Elin Sandegård
Law and democracy

Rättigheter och skyldigheter, Therese Bäckman, David Ryffé, Elin Sandegård
Rights and obligations

Makt och rätt, Therese Bäckman, Elin Sandegård
Law and power

Migration, Annkatrin Meyerson

Hållbar utveckling, Johanna Berntsson, Therese Bäckman, David Langlet, Jonas Nilsson, Ann-Sophie Sallander
Sustainable development

Education within the Master of Law Program

Term 1: General administrative law, constitutional law and communal law
Term 3: Special administrative law, environmental law, social law and migration law.
Advanced level: Law clinic, environmental law, migration law.