Visiting Professor Programme
The Visiting Professor Programme (VPP) started in 2009, in order to strengthen the quality and international competitiveness of the School of Business, Economics and Law. VPP has been made possible through generous contributions from the West Swedish business community.
Strengthens quality and international competitiveness
The Visiting Professor Programme is part of the School of Business, Economics and Law's strategy to strengthen the international profile and competitiveness by increasing the proportion of international researchers within the faculty, and to build deeper relationships with a number of reputable universities and business schools around the world.
The visiting professors contribute in many different ways, at all departments, and in both research and education. On the research side, many have been involved in organising international conferences. They have established new collaborative projects and have written academic articles together with researchers at the School. Visiting professors have also contributed to both teaching and supervision of doctoral students, and also to designing courses, and teaching at the master's level.
The program has also proved to be an asset in the School' collaboration with business and industry. Guest professors have contributed to the School's Executive MBA programme, they have held public lectures and participated in tailor-made seminars and workshops for the School of Business's partner companies.
Generous support from the business community
The Visiting Professor Programme has been made possible thanks to generous support from the business community:
Visiting Professor Programme 3, 2019-2021 (extended due to the pandemic)
- Elof Hansson Foundation - The Elof Hansson Visiting Professor Programme in International Business and Trade
- The Richard C Malmsten Memorial Foundation
- AB Volvo
- Elanders AB
- Stena AB
Visiting Professor Programme 2, 2014-2018
Visiting Professor Programme 1, 2009-2013
Forthcoming visits
Organisation and Support
Programme Management
The VPP is coordinated by the faculty administration under the leadership of Vice Dean, Professor Ola Olsson.
The VPP Administrator is Karin Jansson, vpp@handels.gu.se
Karin is responsible for accommodation, transport and also for the programme’s webpage.
Departmental Responsibilities
Visiting Professors on the programme are hosted by one of the academic departments. A contact person is appointed by the department and is responsible for working with the Visiting Professor to plan their work and ensure that best use is made of their talents.
The department provides direct administrative support providing a workplace, an email account and a security card.
External Relations and fundraising
The School’s Director of Corporate Relations, Ingela Palmgren is responsible for relations with the VPP sponsors during the course of the programme as well as for working with the Dean to secure funding for future iterations of the Programme.
Contact details to Ingela Palmgren:
+46 31 786 5835
+46 732-309082