A Double Degree Programme entails that one year of the students two-year Master's degree will be spent at a partner university and is thus awarded degrees from both universities. The School has established double degree agreements with three reputable partner institutions.
Master of Science in Economics
This Double Degree offers two spots for students studying MSc in Economics. The student studies their first year at The School of Business Economics and Law and their second year at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Selection is based on academic records from Term 1
Applicants must have completed 22,5 hp (credits) by the time of application and 60 hp when the exchange starts.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
Only students from the MSc in Economics can apply. Students spend their first term at the School of Business, Economics and Law and their second and third term at Hokkaido University.
Selection is based on academic records from Term 1.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
This Double Degree offers two spots for students studying MSc in Finance. The student studies their first year at The School of Business Economics and Law and their second year at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Selection is based on academic records from Term 1
Applicants must have completed 22,5 hp (credits) by the time of application and 60 hp when the exchange starts.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management
NOTE: Students spend the first year at LUISS Guido Carli University and the second year at The School of Business, Economics and Law.
The Double Degree programme have up to eight spots available for students studying MSc in Innovation and Industrial Management.
You must have successfully completed your bachelor's degree. Students currently finalising their Bachelor’s degree must successfully complete their degree no later than the end of June 2025.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
Selection is based on the following:
GMAT or GRE General Test result. The GMAT or GRE General Test result must not be older than five years by the application deadline. Read more about GMAT and GRE General test here.
Number of higher education credits (HEC) (maximum 225 HEC), Academic Merit Academic purpose statement/letter CV
The application link and further information will be sent to you if you have applied to the Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management programme.
NOTE: this programme is currently not open for application.
The Double Degree programme have up to two spots available. Students spend their first year at the School of Business, Economics and Law and their second year at EBS School.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
Selection is based on the following:
Selection is based on GMAT or GRE General Test results. The GMAT or GRE General Test results must not be older than five years on the last date for application. Read more about GMAT and GRE General test here.
Proof of internships or professional experience amounting to a minimum of 10 weeks during or following completion of the first degree. The minimum acceptable duration of each internship is 5 weeks.
For non-native speakers of English: TOEFL certificate (minimum 100)
NOTE: this programme is currently not open for application.
The Double Degree programme have up to five spots available. Students spend their first year at the School of Business, Economics and Law and their second year at the University of Zhejiang.
No tuition fees will be charged by the host university but students will be liable for all expenses including visa, travel, housing etc.
Selection is based on the following:
Selection is based on GMAT or GRE General Test results. The GMAT or GRE General Test results must not be older than five years on the last date for application. Read more about GMAT and GRE General test here.