University of Gothenburg
Happy student celebrating her graduation. After graduation, you are called an alumnus.
After graduation, you become an alumnus.
Photo: Carina Gran

Welcome as alumni!

When you complete your studies, you become one of our alumni (former students), and one of our most important ambassadors. You become part of a network offering valuable professional and social contacts. Keeping in touch with the School also helps you to continue your personal and professional development.

Have you not heard from us in a while?

All alumni activities will be consolidated at the School from 1 January 2025. 

The School of Business, Economics and Law and the independent alumni association Handels Vänner (formerly Handelshögskolans i Göteborg Alumnförening) have entered into a cooperation agreement which means that all alumni activities from 1 January 2025 will be managed by the School. 

Everyone who has studied at the School of Business, Economics and Law is (free of charge) an alumnus/alumnae and an important and valuable target group for the School. We have been communicating with you alumni and inviting you to various events since the early 2000s. For over 90 years, the independent alumni association Handels Vänner has existed, where alumni could become members for a fee. Often, the school and Handels Vänner have collaborated and organised joint events. 

Having alumni activities with two different organisers has been perceived as unclear. To make it clearer and simpler for our alumni, all alumni activities from 1 January 2025 will be organised by the School. With the addition of financial resources from Handels Vänner, the School’s range of alumni activities will be broadened. After the turn of the year, the association Handels Vänner will no longer be marketed. 

Make sure you are included in the School’s alumni database! 
For GDPR reasons, there will be no automatic transfer of Handels Vänner’s members to the School’s alumni database. For the same reasons, the School can only communicate with alumni who have actively registered in our database. To ensure you do not miss our newsletters and invitations, it is important that you make sure you are in the database and that your contact details are up to date.

Click here to register in the alumni database, or to update your details


Network, career and lifelong learning

Our alumni activities aim to create value both for you as alumni and for the School. We want to remain part of your lifelong learning, and hope that you will share your knowledge and experience with future generations of students if and when opportunities arise.

Alumni relations involve contact and exchange between the School and its former students. There are numerous benefits to being an alumnus of the School and a member of our Alumni Network. These include:

  • Invitations to alumni gatherings in Gothenburg, Stockholm and internationally (e.g. San Francisco and London).
  • Invitations to topical lectures given by leading speakers and hosted by the School, both digitally and on site.
  • Access to new research via digital publications and online resources.
  • News about the School via our digital newsletter and regular posts on social media channels such as our LinkedIn page.
  • Opportunity to interact with researchers.
  • Opportunity to keep in touch with fellow graduates and secure new contacts at alumni gatherings and digitally via our LinkedIn page.
  • Access to our Career Portal and all its job vacancies, exclusive to the School, for up to two years after graduation. 
  • Help in recruiting new talent or students for thesis work, internships and so on via our Career Service.

Register with the alumni database

To enable us to keep in touch with each other and make sure you don’t miss out on invitations and messages from us, you need to register with our alumni database. Also, do not forget to update your details, for example if you get a new e-mail address.

In 2019 the School of Business, Economics and Law and the rest of the University of Gothenburg launched a new joint alumni database. Even if you have received messages from us before, for GDPR (an EU data protection law) reasons you need to go into our new database and confirm your personal details. 

As part of the School’s commitment to sustainability, we are increasingly sending out information electronically. To make sure you don’t miss out on anything, it is important that you enter your e-mail address in the database. The data you submit to the database will only be used by us within the University of Gothenburg.

Being a School of Business, Economics and Law alumnus is entirely free of charge.

About the alumni database

The University of Gothenburg’s alumni database is password protected and shared across the whole university. You need to register in order to stay in contact with us. 

Processing of personal data in the alumni database


We are currently planning the events for the spring semester. Check back later, and remember to read our newsletter for more information.

Photo: Samuel Baudin
Photo: Isac Lundmark
Photo: Samuel Baudin
Photo: Isac Lundmark
Photo: Carmen Wargborg/SEB
Navigate to video: Homecoming 2023
Video (1:31)
Homecoming 2023
Photo: Gorgev/

Want to organise your own alumni event?

Does your year-group have a major anniversary coming up? We can help you track down your old coursemates, arrange a visit to the School, offer tips on reunions and more. Contact 

Photo: Matilda Wormwood - pexels

Professional coaching for alumni

Free career sessions for alumni with a professional coach from the School of Business, Economics and Law. Email us at  

Lifelong learning

GU Executive Education offers a part-time Executive MBA programme over two years, bespoke courses and open programmes.

Recruit our students

Our Career Service offers employers a great way to get in contact with current students. You can advertise job vacancies free of charge and even submit proposals for thesis work. The School’s Partnership Programme provides additional opportunities in the area of employer branding.

Students in hallway
Photo: Carina Gran

Partnership Programme

The School’s Partnership Programme brings together private and public sector organisations  in a long-term collaboration that adds value for both the partner organisation and the School. International companies and organisations are most welcome to join this programme!

Read more about the Partnership Programme

Find a new job

As alumni of the School of Business, Economics and Law, you have access to our Career Portal for two years after graduating. This is where the School’s partners  and other employers advertise job opportunities, generally aimed at relatively recent graduates. To gain access to the Career Portal, you need to sign up with the School’s Career Service

You can also post vacancies to our students and newly graduates free of charge. Advertise job vacancies here