University of Gothenburg
people talking at a fair

Career Day 2025

Welcome to the Career Day in Natrium 27 February 2025!

When and where?

27 February 13.00 to 17.00 in Natrium, Medicinaregatan 7B, Göteborg. 

This Career Day is open to students at the departments of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences, Conservation, Marine Science and Chemistry and Molecular Biology.


12.50-13.00 Opening of the Career Day 2025 at the stairs in the Atrium.
13.00-13.50 Alumni presentations in lecture halls (see programme for each subject)
13.50-14.00 Short break
14.00-15.00 Alumni presentations session 2
15.00-17.00 Coffee and mingle with representatives from different companies and organisations.

The alumni sessions are divided into six rooms, based on what the former student studied here at the University of Gothenburg. 

The programme in each room will be continuously updated.


13.00-13.50 Alumni presentations, session 1

13.50 - 14.00 Short break

14.00-15.00 Alumni presentations, session 2

15.00-17.00 Coffee and mingle with representatives from different companies and organisations

Employers present: AFRY, Alingsås kommun, Aspen, AstraZeneca, Avantor, BIM, Calluna AB, Chalmers, Clinton Marine Survey, Core Facilities, COWI, EnviroPlanning AB, Fluicell, Fujirebio Diagnostics, Geosyntec Consultants AB, GoCo, Göteborgs stad, Göteborgsregionen, Havs- och vattenmyndigheten, I-Tech AB, KIMO, Koastal, Länsstyrelsen, Love the Oceans, Miljöteknik i Väst AB, Mölndals stad, Norconsult, Ocean Infinity, Preem AB, Ramboll, Randstad, Reach Subsea, Ribocure Pharmaceuticals, Riksmedicinalverket, RISE, Sahlgrenska/VGR, Skogsstyrelsen, SMHI, Sveriges Sportfiske- och fiskevårdsförbund, SWECO, Trelleborg Mixing Forsheda AB, Tyréns, Vänersborgs kommun, Venture Development, VOTO, WSP, Zephyr.