
Master's Programme in Applied Biostatistics

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 318 000 SEK
First payment: 79 500 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees


The programme is intended for those interested in data, statistics, and life sciences. We provide you with the proficiency needed to work with biostatistics both nationally and internationally. You will learn about statistical methods, models, and underlying theories, how to design studies, analyze and interpret data, and program in R. After receiving your degree, you will have practical experience, and good opportunities for employment or further studies at the third-cycle level.


Do you like numbers and have a keen eye for analysis? Are you passionate about understanding complex data and using it to find answers to important questions in health, medicine, and life science? Then you should apply for the Master’s programme in Applied Biostatistics. Our programme provides you with the knowledge needed to work both nationally and internationally. We offer an international study environment where you will meet students from all over the world with different academic backgrounds.

Today’s society is becoming increasingly digitalized, and vast amounts of data are being collected that require analysis – especially in the health and life science fields. How should we interpret and understand all this complex data? How can we use the data to develop pharmaceuticals, treatments, and medical devices? These are some of the challenges we face today. Biostatisticians play a crucial role here. Through their expertise in handling and analyzing data, they contribute to advancing research and creating societal benefits. There is a great demand for biostatisticians today.

The programme provides you with knowledge of key theories and models in statistics. You will study for two years. The language of instruction is English. The goal is to give you practical experience and the tools you need to work independently as a biostatistician. You will learn to handle all steps in the data analysis of health-related data. This includes the design and analysis of various types of studies, related to basic medical research, clinical research, and population studies.

We provide you with the knowledge of basic and advanced statistical methods and models, how they can be used, how to interpret the results, and what conclusions can or cannot be drawn. You will also learn to program in R, which is an important and widely used tool for data management, analysis, and visualization. Additionally, you will gain knowledge of AI and machine learning and how these can be used as methods to analyze data and create a more efficient workflow.

Who can apply

We welcome all students with background in health sciences, economics, natural sciences, and engineering, with an interest in data, statistics, and life sciences to apply for the programme. We offer 25 places each fall.

What we offer

  • International environment: meet teachers and students from around the world
  • Mix of students: study with doctors, economists, engineers, and other professionals
  • Education that provides good job prospects
  • Teachers with extensive experience
  • Participate in statistical consultations
  • Study in Gothenburg – Sweden’s life science hub with the country’s largest hospital, university, and pharmaceutical industry gathered

Programme overview

Semester 1

  • Introduction to biostatistics, 9 hp
  • R programming for applied biostatistics, 6 hp
  • Study and experimental design, 7.5 hp
  • Regression analysis, 7.5 hp

Semester 2

  • Causal inference, 7.5 hp
  • Health data and questionnaires, 7.5 hp
  • Statistical learning, 7.5 hp
  • Advanced statistical methods, 7.5 hp

Semester 3

During the third semester, you will take two mandatory courses as well as elective courses. You can choose to take an internship course or study abroad.

  • Survival analysis, 7.5 hp
  • Machine learning and AI, 7.5 hp
  • Elective courses, 15 hp

Semester 4

  • Master’s thesis in Applied Biostatistics, 30hp

Programme overview 

Programme structure and content

The programme focuses on student-centered learning. This means that you are encouraged to actively participate in your own learning. During your studies, you are expected to actively and independently seek knowledge, analyze, and evaluate information.

You will meet teachers and researchers with extensive experience in statistics and biostatistics. You will listen to inspiring guest lecturers to gain insight into your future professional life.

The programme mixes different types of instruction, such as lectures, seminars, computer labs, and workshops. The teaching is partly conducted with “blended learning,” where parts of the lectures are distributed as videos and presentations via the University of Gothenburg’s learning platform You need access to a computer with an internet connection and the ability to install statistical software such as R and RStudio (both programs are free). You have different types of examinations such as written exams, assignments, computer labs, reports, and oral presentations.

By participating in statistical consultations, you will gain practical experience and insight into the work of a biostatistician.

Who should apply?

  • Do you like numbers and have a keen eye for analysis?
  • Are you passionate about understanding complex data and using it to find answers to important questions in health, medicine, and life science?

Then you should apply for the Master’s programme in Applied Biostatistics. We welcome all students with background in health sciences, economics, natural sciences, and engineering, with an interest in data, statistics, and life sciences to apply for the programme. We offer 25 places each fall.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

Qualification for admission to the Programme in Applied Biostatistics requires:

- Bachelor?s degree or equivalent professional degree of 180 credits in health sciences, economic, natural sciences, or engineering.
- At least 7.5 credits in statistics.
- English 6/English B or equivalent and Mathematics 3b/3c or equivalent.

Special instructions for application

More information on how to apply for the programme:

More information about Special instructions for application


Applicants with a complete application in English made using our CV template, along with formal certificates of the required qualifications, will be given priority. Applications are ranked based on quality and content. Applicants who do not include the completed CV template in their application but meet the other eligibility requirements and have attached the other documents may be admitted if there are available spots.

After graduation

After graduation you will receive a Master of Medical Science, with a major in Applied Biostatistics. The job market is promising for biostatisticians, and there are several career paths to pursue:

  • the pharmaceutical industry, life science companies
  • government agencies: the Swedish Medical Products Agency, National Board of Health and Welfare, the Public Health Agency of Sweden
  • universities and other research organizations: RISE, the Institute for Infectious Disease Control
  • biotech and medtech companies
  • Sweden’s regions: Register Center organizations, regional data and analysis units
  • non-governmental organizations
  • consultant

As a biostatistician, you often work in interdisciplinary teams consisting of many different professional groups. There is a need for biostatisticians who can act as a bridge between healthcare professionals, researchers, policy planners, data scientists, and mathematicians. You help to formulate a hypothesis, choose the a study design and method for data analysis, and analyze and interpret results aimed at developing:

  • pharmaceuticals
  • medical treatments
  • medical devices
  • public health guidelines

You can also choose to pursue further studies and research in health, medicine, or life science, where you can use your knowledge in biostatistics. With the programme you are well prepared for doctoral studies.


You will study at the newly inaugurated Hälsovetenskapligt centrum (Health Sciences Center), which is part of Campus Medicinareberget and located at Wavrinskys plats in Gothenburg. Here, you will study alongside students from the Master’s programme in Global Health and the Master’s programme in Public Health Science.

More information about facilities

Exchange opportunities

Do you want to study abroad? During the third semester, you can choose to take a course in another country (see elective courses in the programme overview above).

More information about exchange opportunities


We provide you with the opportunity to gain practical experience working as a biostatistician. During the second and third semester, you will participate in statistical consultations provided by the Institute of Medicine, alongside experienced statisticians. Our consultants meet about 200 researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy and the Västra Götaland region each year, helping them with statistical questions related to their research. You will shadow an experienced statistician and, depending on the project, may also work independently to some extent. Each student is involved in 2-3 projects per year.

This will give you an insight into the work of a biostatistician, and the important role biostatisticians play in research projects.

For more practical experience, you can choose to take an internship course during the third semester.