
Master's Programme in Global Studies

Masterprogrammet i Globala studier

120 credits (ECTS)

About the Syllabus

Valid from
Autumn semester 2025
Date of entry into force
Decision date
Valid from semester
Autumn semester 2025
Decision maker
Faculty Board of Social Sciences
Starts at first-cycle level and ends at second-cycle level



The programme aims at providing advanced knowledge within the interdisciplinary field of Global Studies. The programme offers a high-quality education in the social sciences with a focus on transnational and planetary political, economic, social and environmental dynamics that define the global condition.

The Master's programme in Global Studies equips students with academic skills for analysis and critical thinking, professional transferable skills as well as subject knowledge to understand the complexity of global challenges as well as to develop tools to address them.

Its approach is grounded in theoretical and methodological pluralism, and it builds capacity critical for both post-graduate research as well as professional employment. Special emphasis is placed on independent work methods, critical assessment and real-life experiences fostering the the ability to solve problems, productively work in teams as well as towards change.

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 30 credits within the Social Sciences or Humanities.

Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6 from Swedish upper secondary school, or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL or IELTS.

Degree and main field of study

This programme leads to a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Global Studies (Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet Globala studier).


This programme consists of core thematic and skills-developing courses, a diversity of thematic in-depth courses as well as a proficiency course and the Master thesis. The first semester comprises three compulsory courses within the subject field of global studies (including a method course). The second semester begins with a mandatory in-depth course followed by an elective proficiency course, which could be an internship course.

Year 2 is geared towards specialization preparing for doing independent research. In the third semester, students choose between a number of in-depth courses in the subject area before developing their research skills in research practice and design. The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master thesis.

Main study route in the programme: 

Semester 1

Global Studies: Theories and Perspectives (10hp)
Globalities in historical context (10hp)
Research methods in Global Studies (10hp)

Semester 2 

Global Studies Project Course (15hp)
Elective proficiency course (15hp)

Semester 3 

Elective courses within global studies (15hp)
Research practice in Global studies (10hp)
Research design in Global studies (5)

Semester 4 

Global Studies: Master thesis (30hp)


General objectives for Degree of Master (120 credits)

Knowledge and understanding

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and
  • demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in the main field of study.

Competence and skills

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
  • demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this work
  • demonstrate the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to clearly report and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and
  • demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.

Judgement and approach

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall

  • demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work
  • demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
  • demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.

Local objective for Degree of Master (120 credits)

Knowledge and understanding

For a Degree of Master (120 credits) the student shall

  • demonstrate an understanding of the transnational sustainability dimensions of political, economic and social-ecological processes, both historically and contemporarily.

Sustainability labelling

The programme is sustainability-related, which means that at least one of the outcomes clearly shows that the programme content meets at least one of the University of Gothenburg’s confirmed sustainability criteria.

Transitional provisions

Students admitted to the program according to the previous syllabus who wish to complete their studies, will be given the opportunity for individual study plans within the program, if practicable and if the student can be assessed to achieve the objectives and goals. Students who wish to resume their studies after approved leave, should contact the student administration at the School of Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg.

Other regulations

  • The study programme will be followed up and evaluated in accordance with the applicable Policy for the Quality Assurance and Continuous Quality Improvement of Education at the University of Gothenburg (Policy för kvalitetssäkring och kvalitetsutveckling av utbildning vid Göteborgs universitet).
  • The program is taught in English.
  • If students choose to do an internship they are responsible for are responsible for finding internships, which also means an opportunity to intern at the companies, organizations, authorities, etc. that they are most interested in.
  • Any travel and other additional costs associated with an internship and thesis will normally be paid for by the students themselves.

Guaranteed admission

Students who follow the programme at the prescribed pace are generally guaranteed a place in the programme's compulsory and the elective courses that is offered at the School of Global studies.