Photo: C. Olsson

The master’s programme in Biology offers five main profiles, based on the five degree project courses Evolutionary & behavioural ecology, Physiology & cell biology, Conservation biology, Biodiversity & systematics and Marine ecology. But there are many ways to get there, and you have great freedom to pick the courses you want to be included in your degree.

Here we describe a number of recommended study routes, depending on what your future plans are and hopes for the education. Note that there is usually a limited number of seats on a course, so you can not be guaranteed  a admission on your firsthand choice, that depends on the number of students applying for the same course a certain semester.

Common introductory course

The first course BIO515 Research skills in biology is mandatory and common for all five profiles. During the course you get to practice basic skills in how to plan and present scientific studies as well as focus o a specific research topic within the profile you plan to follow during the rest of the program.

Examination consists of written and oral presentations throughout the course. At the end you will present a complete proposal for a suggested research project within your field.

Evolutionary & behavioural ecology

Do you want to focus on the ecological reasons behind selection and evolution, and the consequences this may have for populations, species and ecosystems? Then you should probably choose the degree project course Evolutionary & behavioural ecology. Depending on the combination of courses you take year 1, you can have a profile aimed either at more  basic research or a practical application.

Photo: C. Olsson

Examples of future workplaces

  • Municipalities and county administrative boards
  • Zoos and museums
  • Research at universities
  • Government agencies such as the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Board of Agriculture

Conservation biology

Conservation biology aims at convey knowledge about how biologically valuable habitats arise, why they change and not least how they are best managed. The courses within the profile area also address how biological values can be preserved and created in human-exploited nature and urban environments.

Photo: C. Olsson

Examples of future workplaces

  • Municipalities and county administrative boards
  • Government agencies such as the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Board of Agriculture
  • Consulting companies in, for example, environmental monitoring
  • Research at universities

Physiology & cell biology

The degree project course Physiology & cell biology suits you that want to understand the physiological processes that governs how organisms function. You may focus on plants or animals, including humans. Questions include everything from detailed mechanisms at cellular or organelle level, involving for example cell signalling, enzyme activity and membrane transport, to studies on intact organisms and how they are affected by environmental factors like toxins, temperature, pH, salinity or oxygen availability. The width of project means we find students who have done their degree project in this profile area in a wide range of workplaces.

Photo: C. Olsson

Recommended courses

Two main tracks can be distinguished within the profile area Physiology & Cell Biology - ecophysiology and human physiology.

The ecophysiology track aim to give you knowledge in how plants and animals have adapted to and respond to different environmental factors. Emphasis is on how how their physiology is affected by  global changes such as increased levels of carbon dioxide and temperature.

The human physiology track suits you that want to focus on how the human body function during both health conditions and in different diseases, and  maybe aim for a future in research or drug development.

Examples of future workplaces

  • Pharmaceutical company
  • Plant breeding industry
  • Other biotech companies
  • Environmental analysis company
  • Research at universities

Biodiversity & systematics

Biodiversity & systematics deals with the multitude of organisms at our planet, and the evolutionary relationships between them. The degree course is part of the Nordic master's program in biodiversity and systematics (NABiS) but can also be taken within the master's program in biology at GU. You may then combine the courses given within NABiS with our other courses. Note that NABiS courses are often 5 or 10 hec.

Photo: C. Olsson

Future workplaces

  • Municipalities and county administrative boards
  • Museums
  • Consulting companies
  • Research at universities

Marine ecology

The degree project course Marine Ecology is aimed at those who want to immerse themselves in different aspects of marine life. The university offers a wide range of courses with a marine connection, both in various biological subject areas and in related areas that can supplement your biology education. It is however, worth noting that you can have a marine profile within the four other courses as well.

Photo: Leon Green

Examples of future workplaces

Municipalities and county administrative boards

Government agencies such as HaV and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Consulting companies in, for example, marine environmental monitoring

Research at universities

About degree projects

During year 2 you will focus on your final degree project. We recommend that you do a work that covers a full year (60 credits), but you can also choose to do a shorter work (30 or 45 credits) and supplement with additional courses. When you apply for a course, it is always the 30 credit course that you apply for, the rest is arranged upon registration.

To find a project and supervisor,  you need to contact suitable researchers well in advance. Take the opportunity to ask the teachers you meet at courses early in the first year. At the Student Portal, we have gathered more information about degree projects and what you need to think about.

Our facilities

Our courses are mainly given on site in Gothenburg, but all or parts of certain courses can also mean that you are at one of the marine research stations Tjärnö or Kristineberg. There may also be excursions with overnight stays in other places.