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- Christopher Holmberg
Christopher Holmberg
Lärande och ledarskap för hälsoprofessionerOm Christopher Holmberg
Christopher Holmberg är Docent i Vårdvetenskap och disputerade år 2018 inom Kostvetenskap.
Christopher har en mångårig klinisk bakgrund som legitimerad sjuksköterska. Han har två kandidatexamina, en i Omvårdnad (BSc) och en i Hälso- och sjukvårdsadministration (BSc).
Innan Christopher blev anställd som lektor läste han en Master i Offentlig förvaltning (MSc). Han blev nominerad för en utbytestermin vid California State University och genomförde en placering vid Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) huvudkontor i Genève.
Vid institutionen undervisar Christopher inom flera kurser på sjuksköterskeprogrammet samt specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammen, bl.a näringslära, vetenskaplig metod och psykiatrisk omvårdnad. Han handleder och examinerar även uppsatser samt handleder doktorander.
Christopher har därtill en kombinationsanställning (förenad anställning) vid Psykiatri Psykos, Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset.
Place of death and healthcare utilisation at the end of life among individuals with mental and behavioural disorders as underlying cause of death: population-level multiple-register
Maja M Olsson, Christopher Holmberg, Cecilia Larsdotter, Stina Nyblom, Joakim Öhlén
BJPsych Open - 2025 -
Swedish nursing research: A bibliometric and content analysis revealing author and institute collaborations, impact, and
Christopher Holmberg
Nordic journal of nursing research - 2024 -
The search for meaning in health care inquiries: introducing qualitative meaning
Helena Dahlberg, Karin Dahlberg, Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2024 -
Why we need to discuss statistical significance and p-values (again): Addressing the underlying issue of different probability interpretations and actionable
Christopher Holmberg
Nordic journal of nursing research - 2024 -
Understanding ageism towards older nursing staff and service users: A systematic mapping review from the perspective of clinical leaders and healthcare
Gerhilde Schüttengruber, Maja M Olsson, Christopher Holmberg, Franziska Großschädl, Eva Hessman, Helen Sjöblom, Birgit Heckemann
Geriatric Nursing - 2024 -
Navigating complexity: healthcare providers’ experiences with integrating physical health promotion in psychosis outpatient services in
Matilde Zerne Nilsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Katarina Eeg-Olofsson, Jarl S Torgerson, Christopher Holmberg
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2024 -
Gratitude despite unease among Swedish male forensic psychiatric patients with substance use disorders: an interview
Charlotta Svensson, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Eirini Alexiou, Sepideh Olausson, Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2024 -
Identifying Trends in the Most Cited Nursing Articles: Research Topics, Author Gender Representation and Characteristics Correlated with Citation
Christopher Holmberg
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2024 -
Toward a Better Understanding of Statistical Significance and p Values in
Christopher Holmberg
Nursing Forum - 2024 -
Gratitude amidst unease: Interviews with Swedish forensic psychiatric male patients with substance use
Charlotta Svensson, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Eirini Alexiou, Sepideh Olausson, Christopher Holmberg
European Conference on Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies. Lisbon Addictions 2024 - 2024 -
Experiences of Health Promotion Work in Psychosis
Matilde Zerne Nilsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Katarina Eeg-Olofsson, Jarl S Torgerson, Christopher Holmberg
The 2024 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society - 2024 -
RIGHTCARE-PR— Reporting Guideline for Human Rights in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Christopher Holmberg, Elvira Pertega
2024 -
Schizophrenia in print, digital, and audiovisual media: Trends, topics, and results from an anti-stigma intervention targeting media
Christopher Holmberg
Schizophrenia Bulletin - 2023 -
A systematic mapping review identifying key features of restraint research in inpatient pediatric psychiatry: A human rights
Elvira Pértega, Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - 2023 -
Psychometric and clinical evaluation of schizophrenia remission criteria in outpatients with psychotic
Karolina Sakinyte, Christopher Holmberg
BMC Psychiatry - 2023 -
Evaluating Search Systems through Field Codes and Classifications: The Case of the First Published Swedish Nursing
Christopher Holmberg
arXiv - 2023 -
Reexamining Statistical Significance and P-Values in Nursing Research: Historical Context and Guidance for Interpretation, Alternatives, and
Christopher Holmberg
arXiv - 2023 -
Jämlik svensk rättspsykiatrisk vård för patienter med utländsk bakgrund: En nationell utvärdering genom nationellt kvalitetsregister och intervjustudier med patienter, deras närstående och
Omed Abdul Rahman, Eirini Alexiou, Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Christopher Holmberg
Nationell rättspsykiatrisk konferens 2023, Göteborg, Sweden - 2023 -
Utforska rättspsykiatriska patienters historiska och aktuella erfarenheter av substansbruk samt
Charlotta Svensson, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Eirini Alexiou, Sepideh Olausson, Christopher Holmberg
Nationell rättspsykiatrisk konferens 2023, Göteborg, Sverige - 2023 -
Elevated pulse pressure and its associations with demographic and clinical parameters in a clinically representative sample of outpatients with psychotic
Christopher Holmberg, Jarl S Torgerson, Andreas Gremyr
British Journal of Psychiatry Open - 2022 -
How a point-of-care dashboard facilitates co-production of health care and health for and with individuals with psychotic disorders: a mixed-methods case
Andreas Gremyr, Christopher Holmberg, Johan Thor, Ulf Malm, Boel Andersson Gäre, Ann-Christine Andersson
BMC Health Services Research - 2022 -
Nurses' general attitudes and caregiving-specific perceptions toward the oldest-old: A Nationwide
Christopher Holmberg, Axel Wolf, Maja M. Olsson, Birgit Heckemann
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2022 -
Digitally excluded in a highly digitalized country: An investigation of Swedish outpatients with psychotic disorders and functional
Christopher Holmberg, Andreas Gremyr, Viktor Karlsson, Karin Asztély
European Journal of Psychiatry - 2022 -
Attitudes towards oldest-old adults (age ≥80 years): A survey and international comparison between Swedish and Austrian nursing
Birgit Heckemann, Gerhilde Schüttengruber, Axel Wolf, Franziska Großschädl, Christopher Holmberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2022 -
Interaktiv, engagerande och rättssäker
Linda Åhlström, Christopher Holmberg
Använd rummet - högskolepedagogiska metoder för aktiva lärsalar. - 2022 -
Clinical validity of the 12-item WHODAS-2.0 in a naturalistic sample of outpatients with psychotic
Christopher Holmberg, Andreas Gremyr, Jarl S Torgerson, Kirsten Mehlig
BMC Psychiatry - 2021 -
A comparison of three interactive examination designs in active learning classrooms for nursing
Linda Åhlström, Christopher Holmberg
BMC Nursing - 2021 -
Classic Tool, New Opportunities: A Psychometric Analysis of a Swedish Online Version of the Aging Semantic Differential
Christopher Holmberg, Axel Wolf, Camilla Eide, Franziska Großschädl, Gerhilde Schüttengruber, Harshida Patel, Birgit Heckemann
Research on Aging - 2021 -
Weight status and BMI-related traits in adolescent friendship groups and role of sociodemographic factors: The european IDEFICS/I.family
Kirsten Mehlig, Christopher Holmberg, Leonie H. Bogl, Eva Erhardt, Charalambos Hadjigeorgiou, Antje Hebestreit, Jaakko Kaprio, Fabio Lauria, Nathalie Michels, Iris Pigeot, Lucia A. Reisch, Toomas Veidebaum, Lauren Lissner
Obesity Facts - 2021 -
The food diary as a pedagogical strategy in undergraduate nursing nutrition education: a student
Christopher Holmberg, Sofia Klingberg, Petra Brembeck
Nurse Education Today - 2021 -
Experiences of involuntary psychiatric admission decision-making: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of the perspectives of service users, informal carers, and
Kanna Sugiura, Elvira Pertega, Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - 2020 -
Registered nurses' perspectives on medically safe practices and sound ethical standards in aesthetic nursing: an interview
Christopher Holmberg, Eric Carlström, Helena Collier
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2020 -
Utveckla pedagogik och examinationsformer för ALC (Active learning classroom) med hjälp av quiz och andra digitala
Linda Åhlström, Christopher Holmberg
GU Online 2020 - 2020 -
Exploring Digital Health Issues Among Pediatric Patients With Obesity—A Qualitative Clinical Study Using Screen-Recording
Christopher Holmberg
SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health - 2020 -
Conducting Mixed-Methods Research in the Mental Health Care Setting: A Study Exploring Job Satisfaction Among Nursing
Christopher Holmberg
SAGE Research Methods Cases - 2019 -
Health literacy in a complex digital media landscape: Pediatric obesity patients’ experiences with online weight, food, and health
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Health Informatics Journal - 2019 -
Empowering aspects for healthy food and physical activity habits: adolescents' experiences of a school-based intervention in a disadvantaged urban
Christopher Holmberg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2018 -
Job satisfaction among Swedish mental health nursing personnel: Revisiting the two-factor
Christopher Holmberg, Jino Caro, Iwona Sobis
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing - 2018 -
Self-presentation in digital media among adolescent patients with obesity: Striving for integrity, risk-reduction, and social
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Thomas Hillman, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Digital Health - 2018 -
What intervention aspects do adolescents perceive as most influential? Exploring participants’ experiences of a health promoting intervention focusing on food and physical activity, set in a multicultural and low socioeconomic area in
Christopher Holmberg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
ISBNPA, International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, annual meeting in Hong Kong - 2018 -
Using social media in the clinical setting: Experiences of visual self-presentation among adolescent patients with
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Thomas Hillman, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Obesity Facts - 2018 -
Food, body weight, and health among adolescents in the digital age: An explorative study from a health promotion
Christopher Holmberg
2018 -
Using the Blogosphere to Promote Disputed Diets: The Swedish Low-Carb High-Fat
Christopher Holmberg
Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces - 2017 -
Adolescents' Food Communication in Social Media - A Theoretical Inquiry of the Why and
Christopher Holmberg
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology - 2017 -
Health literacy in a multimodal online digital media landscape: From the perspective of pediatric patients with
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Annual meeting 2017 - International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) - 2017 -
How adolescent patients enrolled in an outpatient pediatric obesity clinic experience online weight-, food-, and health
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Obesity Facts, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1 - 2017 -
Hur och vad för mat presenterar ungdomar i sociala medier? En studie av
Christopher Holmberg, Thomas Hillman, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
Dietistaktuellt - 2016 -
Adolescents' presentation of food in social media: an explorative
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
Appetite - 2016 -
If You can't beat It–Use It: why and how clinicians need to consider social media in the treatment of adolescents with
Christopher Holmberg
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - 2016 -
Marketing and promotion of branded food items by adolescent Instagram
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
Presented at the 11th Nordic Nutrition Conference (NNC 2016) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Abstract published in Food & Nutrition Research - 2016 -
Using social media to promote controversial diets: The low-carb high fat diet (LCHF) in
Christopher Holmberg
ISBNPA annnual meeting in Cape town, South Africa - 2016 -
Adolescents' Photo Food Presentation in Social
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
ISBNPA annual meeting in Cape town, South Africa - 2016 -
Adolescents' communication of high calorie low nutrient food items in image-based social
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
European Obesity Summit 2016 Abstract Book, a supplement of Obesity Facts - 2016 -
Job Satisfaction Among Swedish Mental Health Nursing Staff: A Cross-Sectional
Christopher Holmberg, Iwona Sobis, Eric Carlström
International Journal of Public Administration - 2016 -
Politicization of the Low Carb High-Fat Diet in Sweden, Promoted On Social Media by Non-Conventional
Christopher Holmberg
International Journal of E-politics - 2015 -
Christopher Holmberg
2014 -
The influence of surface on the running velocities of elite and amateur orienteer
K. Hebert-Losier, K. Jensen, L. Mourot, Christopher Holmberg
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2014 -
A Mind-opening
Christopher Holmberg
UN Special Magazine - 2013 -
Tveksamma slutsatser om psykiatrisk
Christopher Holmberg
Kommunalarbetaren - 2011 -
Experiences of a standardized diagnostic work-up in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – A qualitative
Gisela Ringström, Eva Jakobsson, Christopher Holmberg, Henrik Sjövall, Magnus Simrén
GUT - 2010 -
Living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – Which strategies do the patients
Gisela Ringström, Christopher Holmberg, Eva Jakobsson, Henrik Sjövall, Magnus Simrén
GUT - 2010