
Christopher Holmberg

Senior Lecturer/ Nurse

Learning and Leadership for Health Care Professionals
Visiting address
Arvid wallgrens backe hus 1 och 2
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

About Christopher Holmberg

Christopher Holmberg is an Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer.

Dr. Holmberg has a clinical background as a Registered nurse, with several years of work experience. He has a BSc in Nursing and a BSc in Health Service Administration. Christopher has also been working as a Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Gastroenterology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, investigating patients’ perceptions of living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Christopher undertook an MSc in Public Administration. During that time he and he also conducted an internship and consultancy at the World Health Organization (WHO), the department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, in Geneva.

In 2018, Christopher successfully defended his PhD dissertation in the field of Food and Nutrition.

Christopher lectures in several courses. He is course leader and principal lecturer in nutrition. Dr. Holmberg also serves as thesis advisor for graduate students in Nursing.

Mr Holmberg is a member of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA).