
Andreas Bågenholm

Assistant Head of Department

Department of Political Science
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Political Science
+46 31-786 45 99
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

About Andreas Bågenholm


Andreas Bågenholm, Ph.D. is a Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science. He is the Program Manager at the Quality of Government Institute and was previously also the Project Manager for the EU financed ANTICORRP project and co-editor of the European Journal of Political Research Data Yearbook.

Area of interests

My research is mainly about corruption, elections and political parties and more specifically how corruption affects both citizens’ voting behavior and political parties’ electoral performance. To what extent and under what conditions voters punish corrupt politicians and parties and corruption-ridden government manage to survive as well as the electoral performances of parties that politicize corruption (so called Anti-corruption parties) in comparison with parties that do not, are three questions that interest me. Right now I am working in a project on whistle blowing in political parties. Another strand of research focuses on the extent and type of corruption in Sweden in the 19th century. Finally I have also studied the party systems in Central and Eastern Europe and the question why the tend to remain highly unstable.

Current research

Currently I am working in a project on whistle blowing in political parties and soon I will also start working on a EU funded project, looking mainly on different aspects of Swedish corruption.

Teaching and tutoring

I teach mainly on comparative politics, political systems and East European history and politics. I am responsible for one ten week undergraduate course on the political science program.

Papers and publications

For a full list of papers and publications see the CV.