
Anneli Ozanne

Senior Lecturer/ Nurse

Care in Long-term Conditions
Visiting address
Arvid wallgrens backe hus 1
41346 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

About Anneli Ozanne

Anneli Ozanne holds a PhD in neurology, and is associate professor of nursing and consultant nurse. She holds a part time position at the the ward of neuro surgery at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.


Anneli conducts research in various neurological diseases and in palliative care. She is part of the research group Palliative care at the Institute of Health and Care Sceinces at the University of Gothenburg, where she is responsible for supervising three doctoral projects.

The research is based on patients' and their families' health and the need for support and care during the course of the disease based on person-centred, inegrative care with strong collaboration between different healthcare institutions. The research projects contribute to equal and health-promoting care with the family in focus throughout the course of the disease.

Anneli teaches at postgraduate level and gives doctoral supervision and she is also a member of the grading committee at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Anneli is co-editor of the Nordic palliative journal Omsorg. She is also a member of R&D Gothenburg and Södra Bohuslän, R&D Neurological care Sahlgrenska University Hospital, at Strokecentrum Väst and is a deputy in ISNF.

Research group

Anneli is a part of the resarch group Palliative care She has extensive experience of research in nursing in various neurological conditions and in palliative care. Anneli also conducts research in the research groups Epilepsy Research Group and Clinical Brain Tumor Research at the Department of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg.


Nursing; neurology; ALS; epilepsy; brain tumors; palliative care; related parties; children as close relatives; content analysis; hermeneutics; complex interventions