
Joakim Öhlen

Professor/ Nurse

Care in Long-term Conditions
Visiting address
Arvid Wallgrens backe hus 1 och 2
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

About Joakim Öhlen

Joakim Öhlén, PhD in Healthcare Pedagogics, RN, is Professor of Nursing and former Centre Director at the University of Gothenburg Center for Person-Centered Care – GPCC. He has a united employment as Senior Consultant Nurse at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and works there at the Palliative Care Center. He has previously held the position of Ersta Diakonia Professor in Palliative Care at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University in Stockholm (currently Marie Cederschiöld University).

Research Joakim conduct research in palliative care and person-centered care. He is the Centre Director and conducts research at the GPCC. He leads a research program on the implementation of palliative care that aims at knowledge development that contributes to equal and health-promoting palliative care and the facilitation of home as place of care at the end of life and dying. Special interests concern issues of person-centered communication and support for close relatives. Experiences from postgraduate education levels range from doctoral student supervision and course leadership in postgraduate courses to the structure and development of postgraduate education programmes. He is a member of the department's Postgraduate Education Committee and worked at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University with the development, application and start of postgraduate education in the subject of palliative care in the field of the Person in the Welfare Society. He has served as external expert reviwers, chaired an organization committee for the 24th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference “Personhood: Philosophies, Critiques and Applications in Health Care” hold in 2021. He is member of the editorial boards for the journals Nursing Inquiry, Qualitative Health Research and Global Qualitative Nursing Research.

Research group Joakim leads together with Stefan Nilsson and Anneli Ozanne the department's Research Group on care for people with long-term conditions: paediatric care, neurological care and palliative care. He has extensive experience of research in nursing and palliative care.

Teaching / Education Joakim has been appointed as an Excellent Teacher at the University of Gothenburg and has extensive experience of teaching in nursing and palliative care, basic, advanced and postgraduate level, including supervision of students' degree projects and assignments for education.

He is Scientific advisor in the Steering Committee for the research school SHIFT CARE, which is a collaboaration between the Institute of Health and Care Sciences and the universities Borås, Skövde and West. Funding is received from the Swedish Research Council with SEK 37 000 500 (PI Öhlén).

He is a scientific advisor in palliative care at the Swedish Association for Nurses and has had assignments as a chair for the subject of nursing at the Sahlgrenska Academy. He participates in the editorial team for the volumes “The Foundations of Nursing” (Studentlitteratur, third edition 2019). He is a Member of the Executive Committee for the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS).

Keywords Family members; Phenomenology; Hermeneutics; Complex interventions; Narrative; Nursing; Palliative care; Person-centred Care; Grief and bereavement