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- Cecilia Kilhamn
Cecilia Kilhamn
Educational Developer
NCMAbout Cecilia Kilhamn
Research interests Cecilia Kilhamn works as a senior lecturer in teacher education and in-service teacher training at the Faculty of Education, Gothenburg University. Her main interest is Mathematics Education in primary and elementary school.
In her dissertation from 2011 she studied teaching and learning of the concept of negative numbers and student’s development of number sense, using a longitudinal research approach including both interviews and video observations. In the thesis the importance of mathematical language including the use of metaphors were particularly highlighted.
Between 2011 and 2014 Cecilia worked in an international research project concerning the teaching and learning of early algebra. The project was funded by Nordiska Samarbetsnämnden för Humanistisk och Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning (NOS-HS) and is a collaboration between research teams at Gothenburg University in Sweden; Åbo Academy in Vasa, Finland; University of Agder in Norge, and; University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). The project, VIDEOMAT, is a comparative video study with a specific focus on “the introduction of variables in expressions” in grades 6 and 7. A second research interest is the use of video recorded classroom instruction in teacher education and professional development.
In 2015 a teacher development project called ROMB was initiated by Cecilia and other colleagues at the department of pedagogical , curricular and professional studies. The aim of the project is to investigate how ideas and teaching materials developed by colleagues in America and at the Freudenthal institute in the Netherlands can be adopted in Swedish classrooms and in what ways they are aligned with or challenge the social and sociomathematical norms in these classrooms.
Current research activities
From 2019 Cecilia is, together with prof Kajsa Bråting at Uppsala University, running a project about the introduction of programming in mathematics and the integration of algebraic thinking and computational thinking.
Keywords didactics of mathematics, abstract, algebra, negative numbers, concepts, whole numbers, computational thin king
Miniräknaren i
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2024 -
Ska vi undervisa om
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2024 -
Många bäckar
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2024 -
Developing a framework for assessing students’ mathematical
Cecilia Kilhamn, Anna Teledahl
Mediating mathematics. Proceedings of Madif 14. SMDF. - 2024 -
From process to object in teachers' introductory algebra
H. Johansson, Cecilia Kilhamn
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology - 2024 -
Can programming support mathematics learning? An analysis of Swedish lower secondary
Rimma Nyman, Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology - 2024 -
Defining and measuring quality in students' mathematical writing: a systematic literature
Anna Teledahl, Cecilia Kilhamn, Linda Marie Ahl, Ola Helenius
Defining and measuring quality in students' mathematical writing: a systematic literature
Anna Teledahl, Cecilia Kilhamn, Linda Marie Ahl, Ola Helenius
Transposition of Computing and Programming Knowledge: The Swedish Upper Secondary School during the 1970s and
Lennart Rolandsson, Cecilia Kilhamn, Kajsa Bråting
Programming and computational thinking in technology education: Swedish and international perspectives, Eds. Jonas Hallström & Marc J. de Vries - 2023 -
Comparing the integration of programming and computational thinking into Danish and Swedish elementary mathematics curriculum
Raimundo Elicer, Andreas Lindenskov Tamborg, Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn
LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education - 2023 -
Språkspalten: Få – färre –
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2023 -
Vad hände med
Kajsa Bråting, Lennart Rolandsson, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2023 -
Writing down the Solution Separate from Solving the
Anna Teledahl, Cecilia Kilhamn, Ola Helenius, Linda Marie Ahl
For the Learning of Mathematics - 2023 -
TRR - vi introducerar talet
Caroline Nagy, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning - 2023 -
Programming and mathematical competencies: the case of
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn, Lennart Rolandsson
U.T. Jankvist & E. Geraniou (red.), Mathematical Competencies in the Digital Era from a Networking of Theories Point of View - 2022 -
Variables in early algebra: exploring didactic potentials in programming
Cecilia Kilhamn, Kajsa Bråting, Ola Helenius, J. Mason
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2022 -
Quality in students’ writing in
Anna Teledahl, Ola Helenius, Cecilia Kilhamn, Linda Marie Ahl
Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) - 2022 -
Tinkering in Algebra - the case of
Cecilia Kilhamn
Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Feb 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. - 2022 -
Exemplifying different methodological approaches of analysing textbooks
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn, Olov Viirman, Ida Bergvall, Hanna Knutson, Rimma Nyman, Matilda Hallbäck, Johanna Pejlare
Proceedings of MADIF 13 The thirteenth research conference of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Växjö, March 29–30, 2022 - 2022 -
The Integration of Programming in Swedish School Mathematics: Investigating Elementary Mathematics
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2022 -
En klassrumsaktivitet med
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn
Skolverket - 2022 -
Större, mindre eller
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn
Skolverket - 2022 -
Likheter och olikheter i samband med
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn
Skolverket - 2022 -
Teachers’ arguments for including programming in mathematics
Cecilia Kilhamn, Kajsa Bråting, Lennart Rolandsson
G.A. Nortvedt, N.F. Buchholtz, J. Fauskanger, F. Hreinsdóttir, M. Hähkiöniemi, B. E. Jessen, …, A. Werneberg (Eds.) Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future. Papers from NORMA 20. Preceedings of the Ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education - 2021 -
Programmering i
Cecilia Kilhamn, Kajsa Bråting
Nämnaren - 2021 -
Crosscurrents of Swedish Mathematics Teacher
Iben Christiansen, Cecilia Kilhamn, Rimma Nyman, Christina Skodras, Susanne Frisk, Yvonne Liljekvist, Kerstin Petterson, Kicki Skog, Lovisa Supmter, Hanna Palmér, Astrid Pettersson, Anna Pansell, Anette de Ron, Andreas Ebbelind, Veronica Jadko Kraft, Susanne Engström
International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education - 2021 -
Utmaningar och
Cecilia Kilhamn, Lennart Rolandsson
Programmering i skolmatematiken - 2021 -
Syntax och semantik i programmering och
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn
Programmering i skolmatematiken – möjligheter och utmaningar - 2021 -
Programmering i skolmatematiken – möjligheter och
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn, Lennart Rolandsson
2021 -
Matematikord på 26 olika
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2021 -
Integrating programming in Swedish school mathematics: description of a research
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn, Lennart Rolandsson
Y. Liljekvist, L. Björklund Boistrup, J. Häggström, L. Mattsson, O. Olande, H. Palmér (Eds.), Sustainable mathematics education in a digitalized world. Proceedings of MADIF12 - 2021 -
Programmering i svensk
Cecilia Kilhamn, L. Rolandsson, K. Bråting
LUMAT - 2021 -
Exploring the intersection of algebraic and computational
Kajsa Bråting, Cecilia Kilhamn
Mathematical Thinking and Learning - 2021 -
Språkspalten: Kom låt oss
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2021 -
Språkspalten: Från, med och mellan – små ord med stor
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2020 -
Algebra på dubbel
Britt Holmberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2020 -
Språkspalten: Ett strategiskt
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2020 -
Språkspalten: Diskreta tal är inte
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2020 -
Algebraic thinking in the shadow of
Cecilia Kilhamn, Kajsa Bråting
U. T. Jankvist, M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds..), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, CERME11 - 2019 -
Språkspalten: Att räkna eller beräkna – det är
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2019 -
Språkspalten: Enade vi stå, söndrade vi
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2019 -
Algebra teachers’ questions and quandaries – Swedish and Finnish algebra teachers discussing
Cecilia Kilhamn, Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - 2019 -
Algebra i
Participation and Mathematization in Introductory Algebra Classrooms: The Case of
Cecilia Kilhamn, Thomas Hillman, Roger Säljö
Encountering Algebra. A Comparative Study of Classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA. Kilhamn C., Säljö R. (red.) - 2019 -
Encountering algebraic reasoning in contemporary classrooms:
Roger Säljö, Cecilia Kilhamn
Encountering algebra. A comparative study of classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA. C. Kilhamn & R. Säljö (red.) - 2019 -
Kommunikation i
Lena Knutsson, Cecilia Kilhamn
Vetenskaplighet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter från lärarutbildning. Franck, O. (red.) - 2019 -
Encountering algebra: A comparative study of classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden and the
Opportunities for learning: the use of variation to analyse examples of a paradigm shift in teaching primary mathematics in
Thabit Al-Murani, Cecilia Kilhamn, Anne Watson, Deborah Morgan
Research in Mathematics Education - 2019 -
Matematiska samtal i klassrummet - vägar till elevers
Cecilia Kilhamn, Rimma Nyman, Lena Knutsson, Susanne Frisk, Christina Skodras, Britt Holmberg, Florenda Gallos Cronberg
2019 -
Rika lösningar på rika problem - Felblandad
Anna Ida Säfström, Cecilia Kilhamn, Rimma Nyman
Nämnaren - 2019 -
Video studies in classroom research. Hidden dimensions of teaching and
Cecilia Kilhamn, Rimma Nyman, Britt Holmberg, Elisabeth Rystedt
Didactic classroom studies. A potential research direction. C. Osbeck, Å. Ingerman & S. Claesson (eds.) - 2019 -
Mathematics education research in Sweden: National presentation at PME
Cecilia Kilhamn, Ola Helenius, Peter Nyström
Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 273-297). E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.) - 2018 -
Svenska avhandlingar i matematikdidaktik de senaste 100
Cecilia Kilhamn
SMDFbladet - 2018 -
Teachers’ queries about algebra
Cecilia Kilhamn, Ann-Sofi Röj Lindberg
Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, p. 84). E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.) - 2018 -
Lost in
Cecilia Kilhamn
Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, p. 259). E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.) - 2018 -
Questioning questions - revisiting teacher questioning
Cecilia Kilhamn, Christina Skodras
Proceedings of the eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education (MADIF11) - 2018 -
Different Differences: Metaphorical Interpretations of “Difference” in Integer Addition and
Cecilia Kilhamn
Exploring the Integer Addition and Subtraction Landscape. L. Bofferding & N. Wessman-Enzinger (eds) - 2018 -
Digitalt matematikverktyg på
Cecilia Kilhamn, Thomas Lingefjärd
Digitalisering av högre utbildning. S. Hrastinski (red) - 2018 -
Att leda matematiksamtal i
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn, Lena Knutsson, Christina Skodras, Florenda Gallos Cronberg, Susanne Frisk, Britt Holmberg
Forskning pågår, 31 oktober, Göteborg - 2018 -
A tool for planning and orchestrating mathematical
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn, Florenda Gallos Cronberg, Lena Knutsson, Christina Skodras, Susanne Frisk, Britt Holmberg
Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education - 2018 -
Mathematical classroom discussions- Developing a framework focussing on the teacher's
Florenda Gallos Cronberg, Cecilia Kilhamn, Rimma Nyman, Christina Skodras, Lena Knutsson, Britt Holmberg, Susanne Frisk
The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Perspectives on professional development of mathematics teachers - 2018 -
Transposition of Knowledge: Encountering Proportionality in an Algebra
Anna L.V. Lundberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - 2018 -
Laborativ matematik - undersökande
Cecilia Kilhamn
Att bli lärare i matematik - 2018 -
Interaktion i matematikklassrummet - frågor, svar och
Cecilia Kilhamn, Yvonne Liljekvist
Att bli lärare i matematik - 2018 -
Uppslaget -
A. Eckert, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2017 -
En förändrad matematikundervisning – utmaningar och
Cecilia Kilhamn, Christina Skodras, Susanne Frisk, Britt Holmberg
Addition med bråk på
Britt Holmberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2016 -
Reflekterande och matematiserande barn - en
Cecilia Kilhamn, Susanne Frisk
Nämnaren - 2016 -
Addition med bråk på
Britt Holmberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2016 -
What’s there in an n? Investigating contextual resources in small group discussions concerning an algebraic
Elisabeth Rystedt, Cecilia Kilhamn, Ola Helenius
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - 2016 -
Moving in and out of contexts in collaborative reasoning about
Elisabeth Rystedt, Ola Helenius, Cecilia Kilhamn
Journal of Mathematical Behavior - 2016 -
Enhancing Engagement in Algebra: Didactical Strategies implemented and Discussed by
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2015 -
Reflekterande och Matematiserande
Cecilia Kilhamn, Christina Skodras, Susanne Frisk, Britt Holmberg
Konferens Forskning pågår - 2015 -
Tallinjen som tankemodell vid addition och subtraktion med negativa
Cecilia Kilhamn
Novemberkonferansen 24-25 november 2015 i Trondheim - workshop - 2015 -
Reflekterande och matematiserande
Cecilia Kilhamn
Plenumföreläsning på Novemberkonferansen 24-25 november 2015 i Trondheim. Meningsfull matematikk for alle. - 2015 -
Unga matematiker i
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2015 -
Subtraktion på den tomma
Britt Holmberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2014 -
Distribution of lesson time in introductory algebra classes from four
Anna-Maija Partanen, Cecilia Kilhamn
Röj-Linberg, A-S., Burman, L., Kurtén-Finnäs, B. & Linnanmäki, K. (Eds.) Spaces of learning: past, present and future. Proceedings of the FMSERA 30th annual symposium in Vaasa, November 6-8, 2013 - 2014 -
Tallinjen som ett didaktiskt
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2014 -
When does a variable vary? Identifying mathematical content knowledge for teaching
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - 2014 -
Structural and Pedagogical Diversity in Swedish Grade Six Algebra
Cecilia Kilhamn, Thomas Hillman
Proceedings of the ninth annual conference of the Swedish Society for Mathematics Education Research (MADIF) - 2014 -
The Lemon Squash
Anna L.V. Lundberg, Cecilia Kilhamn
Task Design in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22 [Ed. C. Margolinas ] - 2013 -
Comparing and ordering fractions - a learning
Kristina Drageryd, Malin Erdtman, Cecilia Kilhamn
WALS, international Conference 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Lesson and learning study as teacher research. September 6-9, 2013 - 2013 -
Seeking hidden dimensions of algebra teaching through video
Cecilia Kilhamn, Ann-Sofi Röj-Linberg
B. Grevholm, P. S. Hundeland, K. Juter, K. Kislenko & P.-E. Persson (Eds.), Nordic research in mathematics education, past, present and future - 2013 -
Hidden differnces in teachers' approach to algebra - a comparative case study of two
Cecilia Kilhamn
CERME8, Antalya Turky, 2013 - 2013 -
Tallinjen - en bro mellan konkreta modeller och abstrakt
Kristina Drageryd, Malin Erdtman, Ulrika Persson, Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2012 -
Enhancing engagement in algebra: A focus group study of teachers and their teaching in grade
Rimma Nyman, Cecilia Kilhamn
BSRLM-NORME, University of Cambridge - 2012 -
The role of justification in small group discussions on
Cecilia Kilhamn
Smith (Ed.), Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics - 2012 -
Making Sense of Negative
Cecilia Kilhamn
2011 -
Making Sense of Negative
Cecilia Kilhamn
Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics - 2011 -
Addition and subtraction of negative numbers using extensions of the metaphor "arithmetic is motion along a
Cecilia Kilhamn
C. Winsløw (Ed.), Nordic research in mathematics education. Proceedings from NORMA08 in copenhagen, April 21-April 25, 2008 - 2009 -
Making Sense of Negative Numbers Through Metaphorical
Cecilia Kilhamn
C.Bergsten, B. Grevholm & T. Lingefjärd (Eds.), Perspectives on Mathematical Knowledge. Madif6, Stockholm 2008 - 2009 -
The notion of number sense in relation to negative
Cecilia Kilhamn
M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou & H. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education - 2009 -
Negative numbers and metaphorical
Cecilia Kilhamn
M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou & C. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education - 2009 -
Hur kan minus minus bli
Cecilia Kilhamn
Matematikbiennalen: Matematik - en huvudsak. Stockholm, januari 2008 - 2008 -
Cecilia Kilhamn
Nämnaren - 2004 -
Att undervisa om funktioner i år 3 och 5 med hjälp av
Cecilia Kilhamn
Matematikbiennalen: Matematik bygger broar mellan människor, kulturer, tidsepoker och vetenskaper. Malmö, januari 2004 - 2004 -
Är funktioner något för barn? – en konkret introduktion till funktionsbegreppet i grundskolans lägre
Cecilia Kilhamn