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- Ingrid Henriksson
Ingrid Henriksson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Health and RehabilitationAbout Ingrid Henriksson
Present employment
Since 2002 employed as teacher in speech and language pathology at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Division of Speech and Language Pathology at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. My clinical work, lecturing and research are within the field of aphasia and communication disorders related to brain damage. Graduated and worked as a speech pathologist from 1986.
Teaching interests
Lecture in acquired language disorders and supervise master’s theses and doctoral students.
Research interests
I am interested in how communication is affected for people with aphasia with a focus on the ability to read and write. My research is about the person's own experiences, cognitive processes involved when we write and read, how this can be investigated, the potential of using computer based writing support and challenges taking part of digital society for individuls with reading- and writing difficulties. Member of the international aphasia research network Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs).
Large variations in intensive speech–language rehabilitation post-stroke
descriptions of practices, and perceptions of barriers and enablers from 26 clinics in
Marika Schütz, Ingrid Henriksson, Trandur Ulfarsson, Ellika Schalling
Acta Logopaedica - 2024 -
Benämning av objekt och aktiviteter – En svensk version av An object and action naming battery
Charlotta Saldert, Sabina Åke, Malin Hellberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Joana Kristensson, Malin Kroon, Malin Torinsson
Acta Logopaedica - 2024 -
Bedömning av förvärvade språk- och
M Blom Johansson, Ingrid Henriksson, Charlotte Johansson-Malmeling, Charlotta Saldert, C Samuelsson, Gunilla Thunberg
Grundbok i logopedi - 2024 -
Intervention vid förvärvade språk- och
E Schalling, Charlotta Saldert, C Samuelsson, Ingrid Henriksson, Charlotte Johansson-Malmeling, Gunilla Thunberg
Grundbok i logopedi - 2024 -
Long-term prognosis and health-related quality of life for people with Aphasia in
Angelina Grönberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Arne G. Lindgren
Aphasiology - 2024 -
Editorial: Analysing writing processes of people with language, mental, cognitive or physical
Luuk Van Waes, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2023 -
Bridging the writing gap in studying language related disorders: the process and the
Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson, Luuk Van Waes
Frontiers in Psychology - 2023 -
Incidence of Aphasia in Ischemic
Angelina Grönberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Martin Stenman, Arne G. Lindgren
Neuroepidemiology - 2022 -
Using a digital spelling aid to improve writing in persons with post-stroke aphasia: An intervention
Charlotte Johansson-Malmeling, Malin Antonsson, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - 2022 -
Accuracy of NIH Stroke Scale for diagnosing
A. Gronberg, Ingrid Henriksson, A. Lindgren
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica - 2021 -
Aphasia and spelling to dictation: Analysis of spelling errors and
Charlotte Johansson-Malmeling, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson
International journal of language and communication disorders - 2021 -
Written text production and its relationship to writing processes and spelling ability in persons with post-stroke
Charlotte Johansson-Malmeling, Lena Hartelius, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson
Aphasiology - 2021 -
Book talk and aphasia: the power of a
Ingrid Henriksson, Katja Laakso
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders - 2020 -
Public awareness of aphasia – results of a Swedish
Ingrid Henriksson, Andreas Hjertén, Jesper Zackariasson, Linda Davidsson, Amanda Andersson Damberg, Charlotta Saldert, Martin J. Ball, Nicole Müller
Aphasiology - 2019 -
Changes in writing ability over a three year period
– a case study from a person with post-stroke
Charlotte Johansson, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson
International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference, University of Malta. - 2018 -
Sensitivity of “Best Language” (item 9) of the National Institutes of Health Stroke
Angelina Grönberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Arne Lindgren
International Stroke Conference, 24 -26 January, 2018, Los Angeles, USA - 2018 -
Aphasia detection with NIH stroke scale item 9 “Best
Angelina Grönberg, Ingrid Henriksson, Arne Lindgren
European Stroke Organisation Conference, 16 – 18 May, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2018 -
Writing fluency in patients with low-grade glioma before and after
Malin Antonsson, Charlotte Johansson, Lena Hartelius, Ingrid Henriksson, Francesca Longoni, Åsa Wengelin
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - 2018 -
Narrative writing in patients with low-grade glioma
- using keystroke logging to investigate differences in the writing process before and after tumour
Malin Antonsson, Charlotte Johansson, Francesca Longoni, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Henriksson, Lena Hartelius
Meaningful outcomes Nordic Aphasia Conference. Copenhagen, 15 -17 June 2017 - 2017 -
Aphasia and literacy - the insider's
Emma Kjellén, Katja Laakso, Ingrid Henriksson
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - 2017 -
Writing personal narratives with
Charlotte Johansson, Lena Hartelius, Åsa Wengelin, Ingrid Behrns
Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie. 16th International Science of Aphasia Conference. Sept. 17-22 2015, Aveiro, Portugal. - 2015 -
Cognitive writing process characteristics of aphasia
Mariëlle Leijten, Elise Drijbooms, Ingrid Behrns
Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, CATs, Future Directions For Aphasia Research, 6th March, 2015, City University, London - 2015 -
Effects on communication from intensive treatment with Semantic Feature Analysis in
Joana Kristensson, Ingrid Behrns, Charlotta Saldert
Aphasiology - 2015 -
Stavningsförmågans betydelse för textkvalitet hos barn i årskurs
Lisa Bengtsson, Sanna Kraft, Ingrid Behrns, Åsa Wengelin
Logopednytt - 2013 -
Experiences of Reading and Writing with
Emma Kjellén, Katja Laakso, Ingrid Behrns
4th Nordic Aphasia Conference, May 2-4 2013, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Att använda personbaserade inspelningar i interaktivt lärande - juridiska, tekniska och etiska
Cohesion in narratives written by participants with
Ingrid Behrns, Elisabeth Ahlsén
the 14th Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland - 2012 -
Riktlinjer för bibehållen integritet och god etik vid användningen av patientbaserade inspelningar i interaktivt
Ingrid Behrns, Åsa Abelin, Katja Laakso, Mattias von Feilitzen
NU 2012, 17–19 oktober, Göteborg - 2012 -
A comparison of Written and Spoken Narratives in
Ingrid Behrns, Åsa Wengelin, Malin Broberg, Lena Hartelius
the 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, 8th to 10th of September 2010, Heidelberg, Germany - 2011 -
Aphasia and text
Ingrid Behrns, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Asa Wengelin
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - 2010 -
Aphasia and computerised writing aid supported
Ingrid Behrns, Lena Hartelius, Asa Wengelin
Aphasiology - 2009 -
Writing Ability – Quality of
Ingrid Behrns
2nd Nordic Aphasia Conference 2009 - language, communication & quality of life. May 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2009 -
Aphasia and Computerised Writing Aid Supported
Ingrid Behrns, Asa Wengelin, Lena Hartelius
EARLI/SIG Writing Conference in Amsterdam, 25-29 August, 2009 - 2009 -
Ingrid Behrns
Stroke Kontakt - 2009 -
A comparison between written and spoken narratives in
Ingrid Behrns, Asa Wengelin, Malin Broberg, Lena Hartelius
Clinical linguistics & phonetics - 2009 -
Aphasia and the Challenge of
Ingrid Behrns
2009 -
Aphasia and the process of revision in writing a
Ingrid Behrns, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Asa Wengelin
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics - 2008 -
Nedsatt läs- och
Ingrid Behrns
Logopedi. Redaktörer: L. Hartelius, U. Nettelbladt & B. Hammarberg - 2008 -
Aphasia and Computerised Writing
Ingrid Behrns, Asa Wengelin, Lena Hartelius
SIG writing, the 11th international conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Lund, 2008 - 2006 -
Ingrid Behrns
Nordisk Afasikonferanse, 14-16 september, 2006, Oslo, Norway - 2006 -
Ingrid Behrns
”11:th Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association” i Dubrovnik 060531-060603 - 2006 -
Apahsia and the Process of
Ingrid Behrns