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- Jenny Klingberg
Jenny Klingberg
Affiliated Researcher
Department of Biological & Environmental SciencesAbout Jenny Klingberg
I am the director of Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC). GGBC aims to enhance and accelerate biodiversity research and to link science and society around biodiversity. Our mission is to promote biodiversity awareness and action through research and outreach to facilitate reaching the global 2050 vision of living in harmony with nature.
My research within applied environmental science is focused on ecosystem services of urban trees and other greenery in the urban environment. This includes how urban greenery effects the urban environment, for example through removing air pollutants, but also more generally by contributing to an improved local climate and a more attractive environment. Without biodiversity the ecosystems cannot contribute to many of these ecosystem services.
I have for example been involved in the FORMAS funded project ”Clean the air with plants – can PAH exposure be reduced with urban vegetation?” where we investigate how different tree species can contribute to improved air quality by absorbing PAH pollutants in the urban environment.
Leaf Age Affects Mercury Accumulation in Evergreen
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Henrik Sjoman, Göran Wallin
Skolgårdarna är en nyckel till hållbar framtid.
Anna Persson, Maria von Post, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Märit Jansson, Hanna Andersson, Anna Ekblad, Amanda Gabriel, Sanna Ignell, Caroline Isaksson, Jenny Klingberg, Carolina Lindeblad, Ebba Lisberg Jensen, Pimkamol Mattsson, Fredrika Mårtensson, Allison Perrigo, Magnus Nyquist Malmsten, Anna Rosdal, Marja Roslund, Marlis C. Wullenkord
Arkitekten. Sveriges Arkitekters bransch- och medlemstidning - 2024 -
Natur på skolgården för lärande, hälsa och hållbarhet. Policy
Anna Persson, Maria Von Post, Johan Kjellberg Jensen, Hanna Andersson, Anna Ekblad, Amanda Gabriel, Sanna Ignell, Caroline Isaksson, Märit Jansson, Jenny Klingberg, Carolina Lindeblad, Ebba Lisberg Jensen, Pimkamol Mattsson, Fredrika Mårtensson, Allison Perrigo, MAGNUS NYQUIST MALMSTEN, Anna ROSDAL, MARJA ROSLUND, MARLIS C. WULLENKORD
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate - 2024 -
Accumulation of antimony and lead in leaves and needles of trees: The role of traffic
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Bo Strandberg, Henrik Sjöman, Göran Wallin
Heliyon - 2023 -
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Malin Gustafsson, Henrik Sjöman, Clara Larsson
Movium Fakta - 2023 -
Differences in accumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) among eleven broadleaved and conifer tree
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, B. Strandberg, H. Sjöman, Lasse Tarvainen, Göran Wallin
Ecological Indicators - 2022 -
Mercury accumulation in leaves of different plant types – the significance of tissue age and specific leaf
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Michelle Nerentorp, Malin Broberg, Brigitte Nyirambangutse, John Munthe, Göran Wallin
Biogeosciences - 2021 -
Applications of dual-wavelength hemispherical photography in urban climatology and urban
Janina Konarska, Jenny Klingberg, Fredrik Lindberg
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening - 2021 -
Observed annual surface ozone maxima and minima in northern and central Europe from 1990–2015 — latitude dependence and temporal
Jenny Klingberg, P E Karlsson, C Andersson, M Engardt, G Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Boreal environment research - 2019 -
A framework for assessing urban greenery's effects and valuing its ecosystem
Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, Jenny Klingberg, Bengt Gunnarsson, Kevin Cullinane, Ingela Gustafsson, Marcus Hedblom, Igor Knez, Fredrik Lindberg, Åsa Ode Sang, Håkan Pleijel, Sofia Thorsson, Pontus Thorsson
Journal of Environmental Management - 2018 -
Influence of urban vegetation on air pollution and noise exposure – A case study in Gothenburg,
Jenny Klingberg, Malin Broberg, Bo Strandberg, Pontus Thorsson, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Past, present and future concentrations of ground-level ozone and potential impacts on ecosystems and human health in northern
Per Erik Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, Magnuz Engardt, Camilla Andersson, Joakim Langner, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Marknära ozon och partiklar, på landet och i
Per Erik Karlsson, Karin Sjöberg, Tobias Helbig, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
Luft & Miljö 2017. Barns hälsa - 2017 -
Grönskande tätorter minskar barns exponering för
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
Luft & Miljö 2017. Barns hälsa - 2017 -
Mapping leaf area of urban greenery using aerial LiDAR and ground-based measurements in Gothenburg,
Jenny Klingberg, Janina Konarska, Fredrik Lindberg, Lars Johansson, Sofia Thorsson
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening - 2017 -
Leaf area measurements of urban woodlands, parks and trees in Gothenburg,
Jenny Klingberg, Janina Konarska, Fredrik Lindberg, Sofia Thorsson
ICUC9 – 9 th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment. 20-24 July 2015, Toulouse, France - 2015 -
Declining ozone exposure of European vegetation under climate change and reduced precursor
Jenny Klingberg, Magnuz Engardt, Per Erik Karlsson, Joakim Langner, Håkan Pleijel
Biogeosciences - 2014 -
Surface Ozone in the Marine Environment—Horizontal Ozone Concentration Gradients in Coastal
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Magnuz Engardt, Per Erik Karlsson
Water, Air and Soil Pollution - 2013 -
Variation in ozone exposure in the landscape of southern Sweden with consideration of topography and coastal
Jenny Klingberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Yumei Hu, Deliang Chen, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2012 -
Ozone risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, M Engardt, Johan Uddling, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Tellus A - 2011 -
Urban NO2 and NO pollution in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation
Maria Grundström, Hans W. Linderholm, Jenny Klingberg, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2011 -
The influence of climate on ozone risk for
Jenny Klingberg
2011 -
Ozone risk for vegetation in Europe under different climate change scenarios based on ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, M Engardt, Johan Uddling, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
TFMM-TFHTAP Joint Workshop: On Regional-Global and Air Quality-Climate linkages, 17-19 June 2009, Paris, France - 2010 -
Marknära ozon och meteorologi vid Östads Säteri
Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
2009 -
Spatial variation of modelled and measured NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape - relation to meteorology during the Göte-2005
Jenny Klingberg, Lin Tang, Deliang Chen, G. Pihl Karlsson, E. Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions - 2009 -
Observations of Ground-level Ozone and NO2 in Northernmost Sweden, Including the Scandian Mountain
Jenny Klingberg, Mats P. Björkman, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Ambio - 2009 -
Climate change modifies air
Camilla Andersson, M Engardt, Jenny Klingberg
Air pollution & climate change - Two sides of the same coin? Editor Håkan Pleijel, University of Gothenburg - 2009 -
Marknära ozon i södra Sverige. Utveckling av en manual för bedömning av överskridanden av
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg
2009 -
Characteristics of NO2 Pollution in the City of Gothenburg, South-West Sweden—Relation to NO x and O3 Levels, Photochemistry and Monitoring
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Erik Bäck
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus - 2009 -
Estimates of AOT ozone indices from time-integrated ozone data and hourly air temperature measurements in southwest
Kristin Piikki, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2009 -
Local temperature climate is important for ozone concentration variation - a better predictor than
Jenny Klingberg, Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium den 29 June – 5 July 2008, Tromsö, Norway - 2008 -
Förslag till: Mätprogram för marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljön i södra Sverige med hänsyn till ozonets variation i
Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, Håkan Pleijel
2008 -
Mätningar av marknära ozon och meteorologi vid kustnära och urbana miljöer i Halland, Skåne och Västra Götalands
Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2008 -
Comparison of modelled and measured ozone concentrations and meteorology for a site in south-west Sweden: Implications for ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, Helena Danielsson, David Simpson, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2008 -
Increasing risk for negative ozone impacts on vegetation in northern
Per Erik Karlsson, Lin Tang, Jenny Sundberg, Deliang Chen, A. Lindskog, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2007 -
Mätningar av ozon nära marken i landsbygdsmiljön i Västra
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Sundberg
2007 -
Assessment of ozone effects on wheat and potato in
Helena Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Sundberg, D Simpson, S. Hellsten
2007 -
NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape in comparison with a rooftop urban monitoring site and a rural site – influence of
Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Erik Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), 24-28 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece - 2007 -
Variation in ozone concentration in relation to local climate in south-west
Jenny Sundberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Linda Schenk, Håkan Pleijel
Water Air and Soil Pollution - 2006 -
Mätningar av ozon och meteorologi vid olika lokaler i Västra
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Sundberg
2006 -
Evaluation of the EMEP photo-oxidant model using ozone and meteorological data from Östad, south-west Sweden, for three growing
Jenny Sundberg, H. Danielsson, D Simpson, Håkan Pleijel
Conference: Atmospheric Chemistry at the Interfaces, Joint IGAC/CACGP/WMO Symposium, Cape Town, 18-22 September 2006 - 2006 -
NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape in comparison with a rooftop monitoring site and a rural site - influence of
Jenny Sundberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Erik Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Sixth International conference on urban climate, 12-16 June 2006, Göteborg, Sweden - 2006 -
Climate variability and land-use change in Danangou watershed,
Johanna Hageback, Jenny Sundberg, Madelene Ostwald, Deliang Chen, Xie Yun, Per Knutsson
Climatic Change - 2005 -
Variation in ozone concentration and exposure in relation to local climate in south-west
Jenny Sundberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Linda Schenk, Håkan Pleijel
Hunova I (Ed) Acid Rian 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Conference Abstracts. - 2005