
Lisa Palmqvist

Senior Lecturer

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Postal address
Box Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Lisa Palmqvist

Lisa Palmqvist, senior lecturer and cognitive scientist. Her interests lies in supporting children and adults with intellectual disabilities, both in educational settings and throughout adulthood.


Lisa's research explores various aspects of support and adaptations in both educational environments and adulthood.

ÖLAS - Enhancing Reading Education in Schools for Children with Intellectual Disability:

  • This project, initiated in January 2024, focuses on examining how formative assessment support can improve reading skills for students with intellectual disability. The project is in its initial phase and is actively seeking interested and dedicated teachers who want to contribute to the development of reading instruction for students in adapted schools. If you work at a school for children with intellectual disability and are interested in participating, reach out to Lisa for more information!

Users' Perspectives on Social Interventions during the Covid-19 Pandemic:

  • This project investigates the perspectives of individuals with intellectual disabilities on their participation in decision-making processes regarding social interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

KomLoss - Communication-supported Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Schools:

  • A completed research project where the research group explored the use of adapted digital tools to support students with communicative and cognitive difficulties in developing reading skills.


Lisa primarily teaches special education and scientific methods and statistics on special education programs. Her teaching includes both lectures and supervision of student theses.