
Eric Carlström

Professor/ Nurse

Learning and Leadership for Health Care Professionals
Visiting address
Arvid wallgrens backe hus 1
41346 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

About Eric Carlström

Eric Carlström is full professor in Health Care Sciences specialized in management. He earned his Phd in Public Administration. Eric have a former career as manager in the health care industry and have accordingly more than 30 years of experience from ambulance services. He is currently researcher at the Prehospital Disaster and Medicine Center in Western Sweden and University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centered Care.

Research Main areas of research is health and crisis management. Eric:s research within health management is mostly management control, team-work, and change management. Within the area of crisis management Eric is focused on collaboration, exercises, triage and major incidents during mass-gatherings.

Researchgroup Acute and Critical Care Team/ACCT

Educational activities Health management, change management and implementation in health care industry. Crisis and response management, cross-sectional interaction in times of crisis, command and control.

Clinical activity Eric have clinical experience from ambulance services and emergency departments.

Key words Health management, change management, crisis and response management, person centered care, collaboration, team-work.