
Peter Naredi

Professor/ Chief Physician

Department of Surgery
Visiting address
Blå stråket 5, vån 5, SU/Sahlgrenska
41345 Göteborg
Postal address
Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset
41345 Göteborg

About Peter Naredi

Professor of Surgery, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital

He is also chariman of the steering committee for the Center for Disaster Medicine at the University of Gothenburg, a knowledge center on behalf of the National Board of Health and Welfare with a focus on total defence. The center conducts research, development and education in disaster medicine and healthcare in crisis and war.

Clinicaly I work as a cancer surgeon with special focus on the upper gastrointestinal tract and the liver.

Below are some of the projects I'm involved in right now. I am also included in an international network for the treatment of colorectal liver metastases.

1 Multidisciplinary treatment with surgery and chemotherapy of liver metastases from colorectal cancer

Cancer of the colon and rectum is common and almost half of the patients have or will have metastases (metastases) in the liver. When the spread is limited to the liver removal of liver metastases can be curative. Therefore it is important to detect liver metastases and evaluate the role of controls after the operation of the primary cancer.

The purpuse of our resarch is to find more patients that can be treated with a curative intention for liver metastases from colorectal cancer. We also want to improve chemotherapy by counteracting the resistance which tumors have or develop during treatment. We analyze the diagnostics of liver metastases, treatment decisions and outcomes of treatments. In the worm C. elegans, we are studying how to best combine targeted drugs and chemotherapy. In C.elegans, we investigate how to inhibit the function of the protein ASNA1 and thus make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy. Read more on the Cancer Society's website.

2 The impact of host dependent factors and tumour interaction on survival for patients with Hepatocellular carcinoma Patients diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) often have a poor prognosis and the five-year survival rates are among the worst among tumor types, about 10 per cent. If the patients tumour is not to advanced, liver transplantation is a treatment option. Today the development of the HCC is ruled by underlying factors, which makes it important to investigate individual specific characteristics in relation to the treatment effects. Currently used selection criteria may exclude some patients who would have survived with a liver transplantation. By exploring new and hopefully more refined and specific diagnostic instruments, we hope to expand the criteria for liver transplantation and also to identify those patients for whom palliative treatment is the best option.

3a Combat malignant melanoma More and more people are affected by cancer. In this project we will investigate how the disease arises and search for new drug targets - processes or mechanisms that may be affected by medication. We will study the disease in transgenic mice, and in mice bearing human tumours. The treatment will become more individualized and patients can receive proper treatment while unnecessary medication is avoided. The goal is new life-saving drugs.

3b When metastases of malignant melanoma are localized to a limb or in the liver they can be treated with isolated hyperthermic perfusion of the cytotoxic drug melphalan. In a perfusion system high doses of chemotherapy drugs are given locally with less harm to the patient. How the effects of this treatment affects the body's own immune mechanisms are poorly studied. One hypothesis that we study is that it induces immunogenic cell death and activation of the immune system.

Team members within the research groups • Gautam Kao • Eva Philipsson • Peter Scherman • Dorota Raj • Magnus Rizell • Malin Sternby Eilard • Jonas Nilsson • Anna Martner • Per Lindner • Roger Olofsson

Financiers of the projects • Cancerfonden • BioCare • ALF-projektmedel Västra Götaland • Sahlgrenska akademin

Main supervisor • Malin Sternby Eilard • Junko Johannsson Interview in the mediaIntervju Cancer World - Peter Naredi: a “can do” leader for Europe's cancer surgeons Intervju MedScape inför 2015 års ECC-konferens med tema - “Att förstärka de multidiciplinära teamen inom cancervården Intervju Akademiliv 2013 -En cancerkirurg med framtidstro eCancer - Prof Naredi talks to ecancertv at ECC 2015 about the use of surgery in synchronous oligometastatic disease. More • Past President-elect, ECCO (European cancer organisation) • Past president at The European Society of Surgical Oncology ESSO 2011 Honorary Member • European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO). 2012 • Society of Italian Surgical Oncology (SICO). 2012 Svensk kirurgisk förening. 2012Hellenic society of Surgical Oncology. 2013BASO – the organisation for Cancer Surgery, UK. 2015