
Sara Landström


Department of Psychology
Visiting address
Haraldsgatan 1
41314 Göteborg
Postal address
Box Box 500
40530 Göteborg

About Sara Landström



I mainly teach legal and investigative psychology and I am course leader for Legal and Investigative Psychology (30 credits) and Legal and investigative psychology in practice (15 credits). I also teach at the doctoral program and supervise students at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels.

Research interests

My research interest is forensic psychology in general, with a special focus on reliability and credibility assessments, victim blaming, child sexual abuse cases, and interview and interrogation methods. In 2021, I was awarded the Birger Karlsson science prize by the Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg (KVVS) for my research on children's testimonies and investigative interviews of children.

Ongoing research projects

Pictures as communication support in child forensic interviews

The project is financed by The Swedish Crime Victim Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten) and seeks to explore whether using pictures as communication support could be beneficial in child forensic interviews with child victims and witnesses who have limited verbal abilities. The project includes studies on children’s understanding of pictures, the effects of using pictures in child interviews on the length and accuracy of children’s reports, and the perspectives of legal actors on using pictures in child forensic interviews.