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- Carolina Lunde
Carolina Lunde
Department of PsychologyAbout Carolina Lunde
Professor in Psychology 2024.
Associate Professor 2015, PhD 2009.
Director of Studies for freestanding courses (first- and second cycle)
Research affiliate at the Swedish School of Sport Sciences, Stockholm
Ongoing research
PI and co-PI for different research projects related to children and young people. Most of the research projects are based on follow-up research methods (e.g. longitudinal study design). Examples of research areas include children and adolescents' peer relationships, sexual harassment, online sexual experiences. children and adolescents' body image, and physical activity and sport participation. Ongoing projects are described in more detail below:
PRISE (the development of sexual harassment and other forms of relational violence in adolescence)
BEEP (the development of children/adolescents' motivation towards Physical Education in school)
OWN YOUR BODY (young people's online sexual experiences)
Mainly teaches in developmental psychology and on the postgraduate level. If you need a supervisor for your thesis project, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Translation and validation of the Swedish version of the Appearance Schemas Inventory-Revised and investigation of the modified three subscale structure in patients undergoing breast
Linn Weick, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2024 -
Sexual revictimization by peers in school and organized activity contexts among adolescents: A 3-year longitudinal
Darun Jaf, Kristina Holmquist, Susanna Geidne, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
Developmental Psychology - 2024 -
Victim, perpetrator, or witness of peer sexual harassment? Middle-school students’ movements between roles across
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Magdalena Lindman, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Peer sexual harassment, appearance esteem, and emotional problems: Testing a mediation model across early
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Emily Vira, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
Journal of Research on Adolescence - 2024 -
Peer sexual harassment among 10-year-olds: Roles, genders, classroom occurrence, and associations with emotional
Andrea Valik, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario
Journal of Research on Adolescence - 2024 -
Sexual revictimization by peers in school and organized activity contexts among adolescents: A three-year longitudinal
Darun Jaf, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Susanna Geidne, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
Developmental Psychology - 2024 -
What have we learned about sexual harassment among young people? Concluding
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde
Journal of Social Issues - 2023 -
Unexcused absence from physical education in elementary school. On the role of autonomous motivation and body image
Carolina Lunde, Tommy Reinholdsson, Therése Skoog
Body image - 2023 -
Special Issue Introduction: Sexual Harassment Among Young
Therése Skoog, Carolina Lunde, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario
Journal of Social Issues (JSI) - 2023 -
The effect of implant loss after immediate breast reconstruction on patient satisfaction with outcome and quality of life after five years - a case-control
Linn Weick, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2023 -
PSH-C: A measure of peer sexual harassment among
Andrea Valik, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
Journal of Social Issues - 2023 -
Sexual Harassment Revictimization at School and Extracurricular Contexts among Adolescents: A three-year
Darun Jaf, Kristina Holmquist, Susanna Geide , Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 2023, Turku, Finland - 2023 -
Peer Sexual Harassment Victimization Across Early Adolescence: Emotional Problems and the Buffering Effect of
Andrea Valik, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario
World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF) 2023, Raleigh, North Carolina - 2023 -
The Development and Interaction of Peer Victimization and Peer Sexual Harassment in Children Between Ages 10 to 12
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Andrea Valik, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog, Darun Jaf
European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 2023, Turku, Finland - 2023 -
Validation and reliability testing of the BREAST-Q expectations questionnaire in
Linn Weick, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2023 -
Experiences and psychological health among children exposed to online child sexual abuse – a mixed methods study of court
Malin Joleby, Sara Landström, Carolina Lunde, L. S. Jonsson
Psychology, Crime & Law - 2021 -
Offender strategies for engaging children in online sexual
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Sara Landström, Linda S. Jonsson
Child Abuse and Neglect - 2021 -
Characteristics of peer sexual harassment in late childhood:
What, where, who and how
Andrea Valik, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde, Therése Skoog
European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2020 (Online) Conference - Adolescence in a rapidly changing world, held in Porto, Portugal, from 2nd to 5th September 2020 - 2020 -
“All of Me Is Completely Different”: Experiences and Consequences Among Victims of Technology-Assisted Child Sexual
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Sara Landström, Linda S. Jonsson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2020 -
Study Protocol for the PRISE project: a longitudinal study on sexual harassment in Swedish middle
Therése Skoog, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde
BMC Psychology - 2019 -
Sexualbrott på nätet – hur mår de barn som
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Sara Landström, Linda S. Jonsson
Barnrättsdagarna 2019, Örebro - 2019 -
Pressuring strategies used by offenders when targeting children for online sexual
Malin Joleby, Sara Landström, Carolina Lunde, Linda S. Jonsson
the 15th meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law (NNPL), Tallin, Estonia, September 27-28, 2019 - 2019 -
Perpetrator strategies for sexually abusing children
Malin Joleby, Sara Landström, Carolina Lunde, Linda S. Jonsson
the Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law abstract book, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 17-20 July 2019 - 2019 -
Befriending your body through dancing. A free dancing intervention leading to more positive body perceptions, mood and increased
Mattias Johansson, Therése Skoog, Carolina Lunde
15th European Congress of Sport & Exercise - 2019 -
Understanding Online Child Sexual Abuse and How to Talk to Children About
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Linda S. Jonsson
In-Mind Magazine - 2018 -
”Så fort hon skickat bilden stängde hon av mobiltelefonen och började gråta”
- Barn utsatta för sexuella övergrepp på
Malin Joleby, Sara Landström, Carolina Lunde, Linda Jonsson
Oral presentation at Barnafridskonferensen, Linköping, Sweden, November 14-15, 2018 - 2018 -
Appearance-related practices: Can they be part of a positive body
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde
Body positive: Understanding and improving body image in science and practice - 2018 -
Exploring present moment awareness through movement: A diary study of participants’ experiences of a 10-week free improvised dance
Mattias Johansson, Therése Skoog, Carolina Lunde
Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique World Congress. 25-28 July, Edinburgh - 2018 -
Child victims of online sexual abuse: Who are they and how are
Malin Joleby, Sara Landström, Carolina Lunde, Linda Jonsson
the Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law 2018, Turku, Finland, 26-29 June 2018. - 2018 -
Online Child Sexual Abuse in Swedish Court
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Linda Jonsson, Sara Landström, Carl Göran Svedin
Oral presentation at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018, Canada: June 28 - 2018 -
Sexting among adolescents: A nuanced and gendered online challenge for young
Jonas Burén, Carolina Lunde
Computers in Human Behavior - 2018 -
Barn, ungdomar och sociala gemenskaper på
Carolina Lunde, Kristian Daneback
Barn och ungdomsvetenskap - Grundläggande perspektiv - 2018 -
Online Child Sexual Abuse – Causes and
Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Linda Jonsson, Sara Landström, Carl Göran Svedin
The 13th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Network for research on Psychology and Law. Katowice, Poland: 22-23 September - 2017 -
Att känna sig sämst på
Carolina Lunde
De aktiva och de inaktiva - om ungas rörelse i skola och på fritid. Christine Dartsch, Johan R Norberg & Johan Pihlblad (red.) - 2017 -
Frigörande dans – ett alternativ i en prestations- och utseendefokuserad
Mattias Johansson, Therése Skoog, Carolina Lunde
Idrottsforskaren - 2017 -
Prevalence and predictors of sexting among early adolescents in
Jonas Burén, Carolina Lunde
18th Conference of the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP). Utrecht, The Netherlands: 29 August - 1 september 2017 - 2017 -
Performance or appearance? Young female sport participants’ body
Carolina Lunde, Kristina Holmqvist
Body Image - 2017 -
Adolescent girls who drop out of sport report more body image
Carolina Lunde, Christina Persson
Appearance Matters 7, London, Storbritannien, 28-30 juni. - 2016 -
”On and off the pitch”: Young female athletes and the balancing act between the performing and objectified
Carolina Lunde, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario
Appearance Matters 7, London, Storbritannien, 28-30 juni. - 2016 -
"She's good at winning fashion shows". Young girls' play with Barbie: A qualitative and quantitative
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Carolina Lunde
Appearance Matters 7, London, Storbritannien, 28-30 juni - 2016 -
Adolescent girls’ cosmetic surgery consideration, parental appearance pressure, and
Jonas Burén, Carolina Lunde
The 13th Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS), Trollhättan, 15-17 June - 2016 -
Maternal and Paternal Influences on Young Swedish Women’s and Men’s Cosmetic Surgery
Carolina Lunde, Fanny Gyberg
Sex Roles - 2016 -
Developmental Patterns in Body Esteem from Late Childhood to Young Adulthood – a Growth Curve
Ann Frisén, Carolina Lunde, Anne Ingeborg Berg
European Journal of Developmental Psychology - 2015 -
Peer risk factors and eating
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
Handbook of Eating Disorders - 2015 -
A revealing generation? Exploring the blogging of adolescent girls in
Fanny Gyberg, Carolina Lunde
Nordic Psychology - 2015 -
Ridtjejer mer negativa till sina
Carolina Lunde
Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning - 2014 -
Is sport participation among high school girls a protective factor against the development of body image
Carolina Lunde
Appearance Matters 6, Bristol, UK, 1-2 July - 2014 -
Appearance Culture 2.0 –The user of appearance-related internet content – who is
Carolina Lunde, Fanny Gyberg
Appearance Matters 6, Bristol, UK, 1-2 July - 2014 -
Recollections of parental appearance pressure and young adults' attitudes towards cosmetic
Fanny Gyberg, Carolina Lunde
Appearance Matters 6, Bristol, UK, 1-2 July - 2014 -
Projekt perfekt. Om utseendekultur och
Cybervictimization and body esteem: Experiences of Swedish children and
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Carolina Lunde
European Journal of Developmental Psychology - 2014 -
Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery, Body Appreciation, Body Ideal Internalization, and Fashion Blog Reading among Late Adolescents in
Carolina Lunde
Body image - 2013 -
Body Esteem in Swedish Children and Adolescents. Relationships with Gender, Age, and Weight
Ann Frisén, Carolina Lunde, Anna Nilsson Kleiberg
Nordic Psychology - 2013 -
Barn av
Carolina Lunde
I K. Helander (Red.), Huvud, axlar, knä och tå - 2012 -
On being victimized by peers in the advent of adolescence: Prospective relationships to objectified body
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
Body Image - 2011 -
Farlig plastikkirurgi drivs av skeva
Carolina Lunde
Göteborgs-Posten - 2011 -
"Man mår bättre, får mer muskler och ser bättre
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2011 -
”What people tell you gets to you”. On the links between peer victimization and adolescents’ body image
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, program book - 2011 -
On being victimized by peers in the advent of adolescence: Prospective relationships to objectified body
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
Body Image - 2011 -
Peer Victimization and its Relationships with Perceptions of Body
Ann Frisén, Carolina Lunde, Philip Hwang
Educational Studies - 2009 -
"What people tell you gets to you". Body satisfaction and peer victimization in early
Carolina Lunde
2009 -
Dieting behaviors, body shape perceptions, and body satisfaction: Cross-cultural differences in Argentinean and Swedish
Kristina Holmqvist, Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén
Body Image - 2007 -
Ten-year-old girls’ and boys’ body composition and peer victimization experiences: Prospective associations with body
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Body Image - 2007 -
Is Peer Victimization Related to Body Esteem in Early Adolescent Boys and
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Body Image - 2006 -
Body Image in Early
Carolina Lunde