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- Christina Berg
Christina Berg
Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport ScienceAbout Christina Berg
Professor Christina Berg is registered dietician and PhD. Christina's main research interests are health promotion, food choice and dietary habits.
Selected publications
Berg, C., & Larsson, C. (2020). Dieting, body weight concerns and health: trends and associations in Swedish schoolchildren. BMC Public Health, 20:1, s. 187. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8295-7
Holmberg, C., Larsson, C., Korp, P., Lindgren, E.-C. M., Jonsson, L., Fröberg, A., Chaplin, J., & Berg, C. (2018). Empowering aspects for healthy food and physical activity habits: adolescents' experiences of a school-based intervention in a disadvantaged urban community. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13:Suppl.1 (Special Issue). https://doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2018.1487759
Magnusson, M., Vaughn, L. M., Wretlind, K., Berteus Forslund, H., & Berg, C. (2022). Facilitating health promoting ideas and actions: participatory research in an underserved Swedish residential area. BMC Public Health, 22:1, s. 155. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-12431-y
Mulkerrins, I., Gripeteg, L., & Berg, C. (2023). Exploration of a Swedish community-based family-oriented setting for promoting healthy food habits: professionals' experiences. Health Promotion International, 38:3. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daac030
Viktorisson, A., Palstam, A., Nyberg, F., Berg, C., Lissner, L., & Stibrant Sunnerhagen, K. (2024). Domain-Specific Physical Activity and Stroke in Sweden. JAMA network open, 7:5. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.13453
Wanselius, J., Larsson, C., Berg, C., Ohrvik, V., Lindroos, A.-K., & Lissner, L. (2022). Consumption of foods with the Keyhole front-of-pack nutrition label: potential impact on energy and nutrient intakes of Swedish adolescents. Public Health Nutrition, 25:12, s. 3279-3290. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1368980022002178
Wanselius, J., Lindroos, A. K., Moraeus, L., Patterson, E., Berg, C., & Larsson, C. (2024). Dietary sources of free, added, and total sugars in Swedish adolescents. Eur J Nutr, 64(1), 57. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00394-024-03568-8
Människors möte med mat och
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Päivi Palojoki
2024 -
Dietary sources of free, added, and total sugars in Swedish
Julia Wanselius, Anna Karin Lindroos, Lotta Moraeus, Emma Patterson, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson
European journal of nutrition - 2024 -
Domain-Specific Physical Activity and Stroke in
Adam Viktorisson, Annie Palstam, Fredrik Nyberg, Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
JAMA Network Open - 2024 -
Kunskap och förståelse för hållbara möten med mat och
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Päivi Palojoki
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Mat och kostrelaterad hälsa i Sverige ur ett globalt
Christina Berg, Mia Prim, Hillevi Prell
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Möten med nya smaker: Om sensoriska perspektiv och
Mia Prim, Christina Berg, Hillevi Prell
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Att möta en ny
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Mia Prim
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Att arbeta med mat och måltider i ett mångkulturellt
Christina Berg, Hillevi Prell, Mia Prim, Jenny Rendahl, Lena Gripeteg
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Matmiljö: Tillgång och tillgänglighet på gott och
Christina Lundberg, Christina Berg
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Förändring av matvanor och hälsa i ett nytt
Christina Berg, Hillevi Prell, Mia Prim
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson och Päivi Palojoki (red.), Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Oetiskt att inte delge patienter kunskap om hur man förbättrar
Christina Berg, Christina Lundberg, Frode Slinde
Göteborgs-Posten - 2024 -
Matlandskap och matkulturer i
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lisa Haeger
Matarvspodden - 2024 -
Exploration of a Swedish community-based family-oriented setting for promoting healthy food habits: professionals'
Isabelle Mulkerrins, Lena Gripeteg, Christina Berg
Health Promotion International - 2023 -
Att vara förälder i ett nytt land: Doulors och kulturtolkars erfarenheter från möten med familjer i nordöstra
Christina Berg, Maria Magnusson
2023 -
Consumption of foods with the Keyhole front-of-pack nutrition label: potential impact on energy and nutrient intakes of Swedish
Julia Wanselius, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, V. Ohrvik, Anna-Karin Lindroos, Lauren Lissner
Public Health Nutrition - 2022 -
Facilitating health promoting ideas and actions: participatory research in an underserved Swedish residential
Maria Magnusson, Lisa M Vaughn, Katharina Wretlind, Helene Berteus Forslund, Christina Berg
BMC Public Health - 2022 -
Näringslära för högskolan – en
Christina Berg, Lars Ellegård, Christel Larsson
Näringslära för högskolan - 2021 -
Undersökningar av kost och
Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Lars Ellegård
Näringslära för högskolan - 2021 -
Livsmedel och
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson
Näringslära för högskolan - 2021 -
Vad påverkar våra möjligheter att äta
Christina Berg
Näringslära för högskolan - 2021 -
Näringslära för
Possibilities and challenges in developing and implementing an empowerment-based school-intervention in a Swedish disadvantaged
Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, Peter Korp, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
Health Promotion International - 2020 -
Dieting, body weight concerns and health: trends and associations in Swedish
Christina Berg, Christel Larsson
BMC public health - 2020 -
Health literacy in a complex digital media landscape: Pediatric obesity patients’ experiences with online weight, food, and health
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Health Informatics Journal - 2019 -
Procedure to Estimate Added and Free Sugars in Food Items from the Swedish Food Composition Database Used in the National Dietary Survey Riksmaten Adolescents
Julia Wanselius, Cecilia Axelsson, Lotta Moraeus, Christina Berg, Irene Mattisson, Christel Larsson
Nutrients - 2019 -
Empowering aspects for healthy food and physical activity habits: adolescents' experiences of a school-based intervention in a disadvantaged urban
Christopher Holmberg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2018 -
Accelerometer-measured physical activity among adolescents in a multicultural area characterized by low socioeconomic
Andreas Fröberg, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Cecilia Boldemann, Anders Raustorp
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health - 2018 -
Effects of an Empowerment-Based Health-Promotion School Intervention on Physical Activity and Sedentary Time among Adolescents in a Multicultural
Andreas Fröberg, Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Peter Korp, Magnus Lindwall, Anders Raustorp, Christel Larsson
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2018 -
Self-presentation in digital media among adolescent patients with obesity: Striving for integrity, risk-reduction, and social
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Thomas Hillman, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Digital Health - 2018 -
Nytt nordiskt protokoll för metoder att följa barns exponering för marknadsföring av
Christina Berg, Arnfinn Helleve
Nordisk Nutrition - 2018 -
Fruit and vegetable intake of adolescents living in a Swedish multicultural
Julia Wanselius, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson
EGEA 2018. Nutrition & Health: from science to practice. 7-9 November, Lyon. - 2018 -
Bra liv i Gårdsten: När invånarna själva för
Christina Berg, Helene Berteus Forslund, Moa Hallmyr, Cecilia Hedström, Maria B Magnusson, Katharina Wretlind
2018 -
Effects of a Two-Year Empowerment-Based School Intervention on Sedentary Time and Physical Activity among Adolescents in a Swedish Multicultural Area Characterized by Low Socioeconomic
Andreas Fröberg, Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Peter Korp, Magnus Lindwall, Anders Raustorp, Christel Larsson
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 3-6 June, Hongkong - 2018 -
An Empowerment-Based School Intervention in a Low Socioeconomic and Multicultural
Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, Peter Korp, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Abstract Book, 2018 - 2018 -
What intervention aspects do adolescents perceive as most influential? Exploring participants’ experiences of a health promoting intervention focusing on food and physical activity, set in a multicultural and low socioeconomic area in
Christopher Holmberg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Linus Jonsson, Andreas Fröberg, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
ISBNPA, International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, annual meeting in Hong Kong - 2018 -
Eating and risk: adolescents’ reasoning regarding body and
Jenny Rendahl, Peter Korp, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
Health Education - 2018 -
Using social media in the clinical setting: Experiences of visual self-presentation among adolescent patients with
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Thomas Hillman, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Obesity Facts - 2018 -
Monitoring food marketing to children: A joint Nordic monitoring protocol for marketing of foods and beverages high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) towards children and young
Olofsdottir Steingerdur, Annikka Marniemi, Morten C. Andersen, Christina Berg, Hillevi Prell, Elva Gisladottir, Arnfinn Helleve
2018 -
What undermines healthy habits with regard to physical activity and food? Voices of adolescents in a disadvantaged
Linus Jonsson, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2017 -
Food appearances in children's television programmes in
Christina Berg, Steingerdur Olafsdottir
Public health nutrition - 2017 -
Combinations of epoch durations and cut-points to estimate sedentary time and physical activity among
Andreas Fröberg, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Cecilia Boldemann, Anders Raustorp
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science - 2017 -
Facilitators of Physical Activity: Voices of Adolescents in a Disadvantaged
Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2017 -
Cohort Profile: The INTERGENE
Kirsten Mehlig, Christina Berg, Lena Björck, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
International journal of epidemiology - 2017 -
Adolescents’ voices concerning facilitators of physical
Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Peter Korp, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
Abstract Book. ISBNPA 2017 - 2017 -
Adolescents’ trust in food messages and their
Jenny Rendahl, Peter Korp, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
British Food Journal - 2017 -
Forskarinitierat rollspel med efterföljande fokusgruppintervju: En metod för att främja delaktighet och
Jenny Rendahl, Signhild Risenfors, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Peter Korp, Christina Berg
Educare - 2017 -
Perspective: An extension of the STROBE statement for observational studies in nutritional epidemiology (STROBE-nut): Explanation and
Agneta Hörnell, Christina Berg, Elisabet Forsum, Christel Larsson, Emily Sonestedt, A. A. Åkesson, Carl Lachat, Dana Hawwash, Patrick Kolsteren, Graham Byrnes, Willem De Keyzer, John Van Camp, Janet E. Cade, Darren C. Greenwood, Nadia Slimani, Myriam Cevallos, Matthias Egger, Inge Huybrechts, Elisabet Wirfält
Advances in Nutrition - 2017 -
Trends in Adolescent Overweight Perception and Its Association With Psychosomatic Health 2002–2014: Evidence From 33
Ross Whitehead, Christina Berg, Alina Cosma, Inese Gobina, Eimear Keane, Fergus Neville, Kristiina Ojala, Colette Kelly
Journal of Adolescent Health - 2017 -
Health literacy in a multimodal online digital media landscape: From the perspective of pediatric patients with
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Annual meeting 2017 - International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) - 2017 -
Combinations of Epoch Durations and Cut-points to Estimate Sedentary Time and Physical Activity among
Andreas Fröberg, Christina Berg, Christel Larsson, Cecilia Boldemann, Anders Raustorp
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2017 -
How adolescent patients enrolled in an outpatient pediatric obesity clinic experience online weight-, food-, and health
Christopher Holmberg, Christina Berg, Jovanna Dahlgren, Lauren Lissner, John Chaplin
Obesity Facts, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1 - 2017 -
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology – nutritional epidemiology (STROBE-nut): An extension of the STROBE
C Lachat, D Hawwash, M. C. Ocké, Christina Berg, E. Forsum, A. Hörnell, Christel Larsson, E Sonestedt, E. Wirfält, A. Åkesson, P. Kolsteren, G. Byrnes, W. De Keyzer, J. van Camp, J. E. Cade, N. Slimani, M. Cevallos, M. Egger, I. Huybrechts
Nutrition Bulletin - 2016 -
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology-Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut): An Extension of the STROBE
Carl Lachat, Dana Hawwash, Marga C Ocké, Christina Berg, Elisabet Forsum, Agneta Hörnell, Christel Larsson, Emily Sonestedt, Elisabet Wirfält, Agneta Åkesson, Patrick Kolsteren, Graham Byrnes, Willem De Keyzer, John Van Camp, Janet E Cade, Nadia Slimani, Myriam Cevallos, Matthias Egger, Inge Huybrechts
PLoS medicine - 2016 -
FTO gene variation, macronutrient intake and coronary heart disease risk: a gene-diet interaction
Jaana Gustavsson, Kirsten Mehlig, Karin Leander, Gianluca Tognon, Christina Berg, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Lena Björck, Annika Rosengren, Lauren Lissner, Fredrik Nyberg
European journal of nutrition - 2016 -
STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology – Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE
Carl Lachat, Dana Hawwash, MC Ocké, Christina Berg, Elisabeth Forsum, Agneta Hörnell, Christel Larsson, Emily Sonestedt, Elisabeth Wirfält, Agneta Åkesson, P Kolsteren, G Byrnes, W De Keyzer, J Van Camp, Janet E Cade, N Slimani, M Cevallos, Mathias Egger, Inge Huybrechts
6th Annual Belgian Nutrition Society Congress on the 15th of April, 2016. - 2016 -
STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology – Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE
Carl Lachat, Dana Hawwash, MC Ocké, Christina Berg, Elisabeth Forsum, Agneta Hörnell, Christel Larsson, Emily Sonestedt, Elisabeth Wirfält, Agneta Åkesson, P Kolsteren, G Byrnes, W De Keyzer, J Van Camp, Janet E Cade, N Slimani, M Cevallos, Mathias Egger, Inge Huybrechts
The 7th edition of the Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference in Marrakech- Morocco October 9th - 14th, 2016. - 2016 -
Hur och vad för mat presenterar ungdomar i sociala medier? En studie av
Christopher Holmberg, Thomas Hillman, John Chaplin, Christina Berg
Dietistaktuellt - 2016 -
Adolescents' presentation of food in social media: an explorative
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
Appetite - 2016 -
Sedentary time and physical activity among adolescents in a Swedish multicultural area: Cross-sectional data from the ‘How-to-Act?'
Andreas Fröberg, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Cecilia Boldemann, Anders Raustorp
The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2016 -
Food appearances in children's television programmes in
Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Christina Berg
International Journal of Consumer Studies - 2016 -
Marketing and promotion of branded food items by adolescent Instagram
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
Presented at the 11th Nordic Nutrition Conference (NNC 2016) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Abstract published in Food & Nutrition Research - 2016 -
What undermines physical activity and healthy eating? - Voices of adolescents from a Swedish multicultural
Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Peter Korp, Christel Larsson, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Abstract Book - 2016 -
Adolescents' Photo Food Presentation in Social
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
ISBNPA annual meeting in Cape town, South Africa - 2016 -
Adolescents' communication of high calorie low nutrient food items in image-based social
Christopher Holmberg, John Chaplin, Thomas Hillman, Christina Berg
European Obesity Summit 2016 Abstract Book, a supplement of Obesity Facts - 2016 -
Stora portioner leder till större konsumtion av mat och
Christina Berg
Nordisk Nutrition - 2016 -
Normal weight adiposity in a Swedish population: how well is cardiovascular risk associated with excess body fat captured by
Christina Berg, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kirsten Mehlig, Sreevidya Subramoney, Lauren Lissner, Lena Björck
Obesity Science & Practice - 2015 -
The influence of portion size and timing of meals on weight balance and
Christina Berg, Helene Berteus Forslund
Current Obesity Reports - 2015 -
Dietary assessment in adolescents: Report from a Nordic workshop December
Ellen Trolle, Christel Larsson, Christina Berg, Lene Frost Andersen, Sisse Fagt
2015 -
Att måla maten i svart och
Christina Berg, Stefan Pettersson, Jenny Rendahl
Mat är mer än mat. Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv på mat och måltider - 2015 -
Young children's screen activities, sweet drink consumption and anthropometry: results from a prospective European
Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Christina Berg, Gabriele Eiben, A lanfer, L Reisch, W Ahrens, Y Kourides, D Molnár, L A Moreno, A Siani, T Veidebaum, Lauren Lissner
European journal of clinical nutrition - 2014 -
Who can you trust? How adolescents’ cope with food
Jenny Rendahl, Peter Korp, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, Las Palmas Spain - 2014 -
Food messages in adolescents’ everyday life: Results from a
Jenny Rendahl, Peter Korp, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Annual meeting San Digeo USA - 2014 -
Dietary Intake at Competition in Elite Olympic Combat
Stefan Pettersson, Christina Berg
International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism - 2014 -
Varför äter vi inte som vi
Christina Berg
Ikaros - 2014 -
Ett hälsoföretags egen definition och behandling av
Linn Håman, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Christina Berg, Stefan Pettersson
idrottsforum.org - 2014 -
Hydration Status in Elite Wrestlers, Judokas, Boxers and Taekwondo Athletes on Competition
Stefan Pettersson, Christina Berg
International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism - 2014 -
Young children's screen habits are associated with consumption of sweetened beverages independently of parental
Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Gabriele Eiben, Hillevi Prell, Sabrina Hense, Lauren Lissner, Staffan Mårild, Lucia Reisch, Christina Berg
International journal of public health - 2014 -
The association between plasma homocysteine and coronary heart disease is modified by the MTHFR 677C>T
Kirsten Mehlig, K Leander, U de Faire, Fredrik Nyberg, Christina Berg, Annika Rosengren, Lena Björck, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Gianluca Tognon, Kjell Torén, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Lauren Lissner, Dag Thelle
Heart (British Cardiac Society) - 2013 -
Barn måste få chans till hälsosamma vanor: Ledande politiker bör ta sitt ansvar för att motverka fetma hos
Maria B Magnusson, Christina Berg, Staffan Mårild
Läkartidningen - 2013 -
Practices of Weight Regulation Among Elite Athletes in Combat Sports: A Matter of Mental
Stefan Pettersson, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
Journal of athletic training - 2013 -
Portionsstorleken har betydelse: Lagom är
Christina Berg
Nordisk Nutrition - 2012 -
Associations between food patterns and
Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Gianluca Tognon, Kirsten Mehlig, Dag Thelle, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Jaana Gustavsson, Annika Rosengren
10th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Reykjavik, June 3-5, 2012, - 2012 -
Comparison of Apolipoprotein (apoB/apoA-I) and Lipoprotein (Total Cholesterol/HDL) Ratio Determinants. Focus on Obesity, Diet and Alcohol
Gianluca Tognon, Christina Berg, Kirsten Mehlig, Dag Thelle, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Jaana Gustavsson, Annika Rosengren, Lauren Lissner
PloS one - 2012 -
TV:n har i alla fall blivit
Christina Berg, Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Hillevi Prell
Forskning för en friskare generation: Levnadsförhållanden, vanor och hälsosam vikt - 2012 -
Forskning för en friskare generation: Levnadsförhållanden, vanor och hälsosam
Christina Berg, Maria B Magnusson
2012 -
Food messages in adolescents’ everyday life: Results from a role
Jenny Rendahl, Peter Korp, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
10th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Reykjavik, June 3-5, 2012 - 2012 -
The food and weight combat. A problematic fight for the elite combat sports
Stefan Pettersson, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
Appetite - 2012 -
Gendered "junk" food in Swedish food commercials to
Hillevi Prell, Lauren Lissner, Christina Berg
10th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Reykjavik, June 3-5, 2012 - 2012 -
Health discourse in Swedish television food advertising during children's peak viewing
Hillevi Prell, Eva Palmblad, Lauren Lissner, Christina Berg
Appetite - 2011 -
Decreased exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) in obese with asthma symptoms: Data from the population study
Christina Berg, Dag Thelle, Annika Rosengren, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2011 -
Pre-competition hydration status and body weight regulation in olympic combat
Stefan Pettersson, Christina Berg, Marianne Pipping Ekström
Annals of nutrition & metabolism - 2011 -
Lower consumption of soft drinks among children with parents who limit
Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Gabriele Eiben, Hillevi Prell, S Hense, Lauren Lissner, Staffan Mårild, L Reisch, Christina Berg
Annals of nutrition & metabolism - 2011 -
Normal weight adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors in a Swedish
Christina Berg, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kirsten Mehlig, Lauren Lissner, Lena Björck
Annals of nutrition & metabolism - 2011 -
Swedish television food advertising to children is dominated by sugary foods and
Hillevi Prell, Lauren Lissner, Christina Berg
Annals of nutrition & metabolism - 2011 -
Using the two-factor Theory of
Mark Conner, Siobhan Hugh-Jones, Christina Berg
Educational & Child Psychology - 2011 -
The Food and Weight Combat: A problematic
Stefan Pettersson, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
Oral presentation at the CORPUS fourth International symposium, (“Diets & food patterns. Myths, realities and hops”), July 5-6, Tbilisi, Georgia - 2011 -
Kostfaktorer och det metabola syndromet: Observationsstudier i
Christina Berg
Nordisk Nutrition - 2010 -
Selection bias in a population study with registry linkage – potential effect on social gradient in cardiovascular
Elisabeth Strandhagen, Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Leyla Nunez, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2010 -
Health discourse in Swedish television food advertising during children’s peak viewing
Hillevi Prell, Eva Palmblad, Lauren Lissner, Christina Berg
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 8-12 - 2010 -
Television food advertising to children: a global
Bridget Kelly, Jason C. G. Halford, Emma J. Boyland, Kathy Chapman, Immaculada Bautista-Castaño, Christina Berg, Margeritha Caroli, Brian Cook, Janine G. Coutinho, Tobias Effertz, Evangelia Grammatikaki, Kathleen Keller, Raymond Leung, Yannis Manios, Renata Monteiro, Claire Pedley, Hillevi Prell, Kim Raine, Elisabetta Recine, Lluis Serra-Majem, Sonia Singh, Carolyn Summerbell
American Journal of Public Health - 2010 -
Children´s TV-viewing and consumption of sugar sweetened
Steingerdur Olafsdottir, Christina Berg, Gabriele Eiben
Public Health Nutrition - 2010 -
Practises of Weight Regulation among Elite Athletes in Combat Sports: A matter of Mental
Stefan Pettersson, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Christina Berg
Poster presentation at the 2010 annual International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) meeting in Minneapolis, USA - 2010 -
Eating patterns and portion size associated with obesity in a Swedish
Christina Berg, Georg Lappas, Alicja Wolk, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
Appetite - 2009 -
Energy underreporting: Can portion size bridge the
Christina Berg, Kirsten Mehlig, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
7th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods (ICDAM7), Washington, USA June 5-7 - 2009 -
Is asthma in obese not associated with allergy and airway
Christina Berg, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin
17th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2009), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 6-9 - 2009 -
Imputing missing values in a FFQ to improve the relation between energy intake and
Kirsten Mehlig, Christina Berg, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Prag, Tjeckien - 2009 -
Health discourses in Swedish television food advertising to
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Eva Palmblad
17th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2009), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 6-9 - 2009 -
Analysing dietary messages in Swedish television advertising to
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Eva Palmblad
7th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods (ICDAM7), Washington, USA, June 5-7 - 2009 -
Media ger en skev bild av maten och
Christina Berg, Maria B Magnusson
Göteborgs-Posten - 2009 -
Konsumtionsrapporten 2008: upplaga
Merja Mankila, Karin M. Ekström, Ulrika Holmberg, Ulrika Facht, Eva Harrie, Lena Jonsson, Christina Berg
2008 -
Food patterns and cardiovascular disease risk factors: the Swedish INTERGENE research
Christina Berg, Georg Lappas, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Alicja Wolk, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Nibia Aires, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
The American journal of clinical nutrition - 2008 -
Does nutrition education have an
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lena Jonsson, Lauren Lissner
9th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4 - 2008 -
Nutritional strategies among elite athletes in 3 weight-making
Stefan Pettersson, Christina Berg
Nordic Nutrition Conference, June 1-4 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2008 -
Food patterns and cardiovascular diagnoses-cause and
Christina Berg
9th Nordic Nutrition Conference, June 1-4 , Köpenhamn, Danmark - 2008 -
Sänkt kväveoxid (NO i utandningsluft bland obesa med
Christina Berg
Svenska läkarsällskapets Riksstämma, 26-28 november, 2008, Göteborg - 2008 -
Matkonsumtionen och
Christina Berg, Lena Jonsson
Konsumtionsrapporten 2008 - 2008 -
Ulrika Holmberg, Karin M. Ekström, Ulrika Facht, Eva Harrie, Lena Jonsson, Christina Berg
2007 -
Äta och mäta, bakom
Christina Berg, Anna Winkvist
Hushållsvetenskap & Co - 2007 -
The Women's Health Initiative. What is on trial: nutrition and chronic disease? Or misinterpreted science, media havoc and the sound of silence from
A Yngve, L Hambraeus, Lauren Lissner, LS Majem, MD Vaz de Almeida, Christina Berg
Public Health Nutrition - 2006 -
Can obesogenic food habits be detected with questionnaires? A matter of what we ask and how we
Christina Berg
6th International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 27-29 - 2006 -
Food intake patterns and cardiovascular risk
Christina Berg
The I World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, Barcelona, Spain, September 28-30 - 2006 -
Trends in blood lipid levels, blood pressure, alcohol and smoking habits from 1985 to 2002: results from INTERGENE and
Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Nibia Aires, Georg Lappas, Kjell Torén, Lars Wilhelmsen, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle
European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology - 2005 -
Trends in overweight and obesity from 1985 to 2002 in Göteborg, West
Christina Berg, Annika Rosengren, N Aires, Georg Lappas, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
International journal of obesity (2005) - 2005 -
A school-based intervention to promote dietary
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lena Jonsson, Lauren Lissner
Journal of Adolescent Health - 2005 -
Kostintagsmönster och riskfaktorer för hjärtkärlsjukdom. Data från forskningsprogrammet
Christina Berg
Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma Stockholm, 30 november -1 december - 2005 -
Meal patterns and obesity: Intergene research
Christina Berg
The third Conference on Health Benefits of the Mediterranean-style diet. May 18-21 Rome - 2005 -
Spisemönster og risikofaktorer for hjerekar-sykdom: Data fra forskningsprogrammet
Christina Berg
Den trettende norske epidemiologikonferansen, 24-25 nov Tromsö - 2005 -
A school-based intervention with focus on
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lena Jonsson, Lauren Lissner
Livsmedelsforskardagarna, Göteborg, 15-16 november - 2004 -
Sekulära trender för blodfetter, blodtryck, övervikt samt alkohol och rökvanor: Data från Göteborgsstudierna MONICA och
Christina Berg
Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma Göteborg, 24-26 november - 2004 -
Måltidsmönster och fetma: Resultat från
Christina Berg
Svenska Läkaresällskapets riksstämma Göteborg, 24-26 november - 2004 -
Prevalence of overweight increases, without apparent changes in diabetes – Cross-sequential data from
Christina Berg
The 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference Tønsberg June 20-23 - 2004 -
Perceptions and reasons for choice of fat- and fibre-containing foods by Swedish
Christina Berg, Inger Jonsson, Mark Connor, Lauren Lissner
Appetite - 2003 -
Relation between breakfast food choices and knowledge of dietary fat and fiber among Swedish
Christina Berg, Inger Jonsson, Mark T Conner, Lauren Lissner
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine - 2002 -
Why don't adolescents eat fish? Factors influencing fish consumption in
Hillevi Prell, Christina Berg, Lena Jonsson
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition - 2002 -
Influences on schoolchildren’s dietary selection - Focus on fat and fibre at
Christina Berg
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition - 2002 -
Influences on schoolchildren's dietary selection : focus on fat and fibre at
Christina Berg
2002 -
Understanding choice of milk and bread for breakfast among Swedish children aged 11-15 years: an application of the Theory of Planned
Christina Berg, I Jonsson, M Conner
Appetite - 2000 -
Sources of bias in a dietary survey of
Christina Berg, I Jonsson, M T Conner, Lauren Lissner
European journal of clinical nutrition - 1998 -
Nomenklatur inom ämnesområdet näringslära: Förslag till en gemensam tolkning av
Susan W Andersson, Mette Axelsen, Christina Berg, L Normen, Jenny Tulldahl
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition - 1997