
Svea Sabine Kiesewetter

Doctoral Student

Department of Applied IT, div CLIC
Visiting address
Forskningsgången 6
417 56 Göteborg
Postal address
Box Box 100
412 96 Göteborg

About Svea Sabine Kiesewetter

Svea has earned a Master of Education at Bremen University in Germany in 2017 and has since then worked in schools in Germany, Ireland and Sweden. In 2019, she earned a graduate degree in the International Master’s Program in Information Technology and Learning at Gothenburg University. Since August 2019, Svea works as a doctoral student at the division for Learning, Communication and IT at the institution of Applied Information Technology and is part of the Graduate Research School in Educational Sciences at the Centre for Educational Sciences and Teacher Research (Centrum för utbildningsvetenskap och lärarforskning, CUL).

Situated within the field of Critical Data Studies, Svea explores datafication processes and practices, specifically digital socio-technical data and policy configurations in the Swedish school context. Currently, she is analysing Swedish policy with a focus on problematizing interoperability discourses in education. Her dissertation work is part of two research projects, BalancED and RED.

Current research projects:

  • Teachers' digital work - (in)balance between demands and support? (BalancED) - Financed by Forte
  • Reconfigurations of educational in/equality in a digital world (RED) - Financed by Volkswagen Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Novo Nordisk Foundation, & Compagnia di San Paolo