University of Gothenburg

Affiliated researchers and PhD students

Here we list all the researchers involved in projects at the Centre for Health Governance.

Ewa Wikström, Head of Centre for Health Governance

Professor, Health Governance, Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Health governance, leadership, collaboration, teams, communication, projects and change management in health care.

Jahangir A.M. Khan, Vice Head of Centre for Health Governance

Professor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Kristian Bolin

Professor, Health Economics, HHGU.
Research Area: Health economics; Microeconomics; Economic evaluation.

Mikael Svensson
Professor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Mikael Cäker
Senior Lecturer, Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Inter-organizational management control, incentive systems, responsible accounting practices and interaction between different forms of control.

Max Petzold
avdelningschef, Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och hälsa

Gustav Kjellsson

Associate Professor, Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Health Economics, Learning and Leadership for Health Care Professionals.

Roxanne Kovacs

post-doc, Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik

Yuejun Zhao

post-doc, Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik

Johanna Andersson
Senior Lecturer, School of Public Administration, GU.
Research Area: Public Administration, Collaboration, Interorganizational integration.

Hanna Gyllensten
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Person-centred Care, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics, Learning and Leadership for Health Care Professionals.

Lisa Norrgren
PhD, from HHGU, Region Västra Götaland.
Research Area: Health Economics, The Economics of Time Preferences, Health, and Education.

Ingrid Svensson
PhD, Postdoctoral researcher at Karolinska Institutet. 
Research Area: Leadership and management for healthcare.

Affilierade doktorander

Karl Maack
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Telemedicine, Implementation, Innovation.

Erik Söderberg
PhD-student, School of Public Administration, GU.
Research Area: Public Health, Health Prevention, Health Promotion, Project Management.

Mimmi Kheddache Jendeby
PhD-student, Centre for Global Human Resource Management, Sociology and Work Science, GU.
Research Area: Strategy, Information system, Change, Silence.

Linnéa Windahl Strömblad
PhD-student, Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Organizing Sustainability in MedTech-organizations.

Otto Nieminen
PhD-student, Department of Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Organizing Innovation in MedTech-organizations.

Nazneen Rony
PhD-student, Department of Business Administration, HHGU.
Research Area: Human Resource Management, Well-being in organizations.

Elin Sandegård
PhD-student, Department of Law, HHGU.
Research Area: Public law, with a particular focus on medical law, and jurisprudence.

Reza Javid
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Jonathan Severin
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU; Institute of Stress Medicine (VGR).
Research Area: Health Economics, Organizational Work Environment, Stress.

Thi Ngoc Phuong, Nguyen
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Epidemiology.

Jean Nepo Utumatwishima
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Socioeconomic aspect of nutrition.

Royasia Viki Ramadani
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Benjamin Peter Harvey
PhD-student, Centre for Person-centred Care, Institute of Health and Care Sciences, GU.
Research Area: E-Health, Health Economics.

David Bilén
PhD-student, Department of Economics, HHGU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Sofie Larsson
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Mohannad Taha O. Alkhateeb
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.

Khaled Al-Thabaiti
PhD-student, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, GU.
Research Area: Health Economics.