University of Gothenburg
green money in hand

Management control and reimbursement models in the health care system

Funding and structures for cooperation in the health care sector.

The healthcare sector is facing significant challenges related to funding, structures for cooperation and is expected to undergo fundamental changes due to technological advancements in medical technology and information technology. Within the Centre for Health Governance, we are involved in various projects to support knowledge development in the healthcare sector from a management control perspective. Three examples of areas under study include:

  • Reimbursement and financing models of and inside hospitals, and in the intersection between primary and secondary care
       - PhD project, with financial support from Sahlgrenska University Hospital
  • Control and inter-organizational cooperation to strengthen preventive care and health promotion
        - "Invest4Health" , with financial support of European Health and Digital Executive Agency
  • The changing conditions for effective management driven by medical technology development
       - Project "Medical Technologies", with financial support from IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse

Responsible: Mikael Cäker


Responsible researcher Mikael Cäker

Mikael Cäker, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Business Administration,
School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg