Knowledge building in organisations
This project investigates knowledge building and change processes in organisations. The starting point for the work is data from a national prevalence study on reporting of sexual harassment at Swedish higher education institutions.
Preventive work against sexual harassment at Swedish higher education institutions often presupposes formal reporting, while we know that victims are often reluctant to report their experiences in formal systems. We also know that informal reporting and knowledge of sexual harassment is shared and carried by many in higher education, not least equal treatment representatives and HR staff. In this project we investigate how organisational learning does or does not occur, and its link to prevention.
The project will result in a research review of previous knowledge on reporting in the Swedish higher education sector and an analysis of data from the national prevalence study on sexual harassment.
Project duration: starts January 2025 and runs at least until January 2027.
Target groups: organisations focusing on work environment issues in the higher education sector, managers, HR functions and trade union representatives in the higher education sector.