University of Gothenburg

Nordic anthology on sexual harassment

The #MeToo movement sparked many debates and increased the demand for more problematized perspectives on the issue of sexual harassment. In recent years we have produced and compiled knowledge in the field that has shown the extent and complexity of the problem, and also pointed out needs for additional knowledge.

In order to continue to help address the problems of gender-based victimisation, we produce a Nordic  anthology, to broaden knowledge about sexual harassment and to position the issue in a wider context. The book is initiated, edited and funded by the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research and NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender, as part of both organisations' work to produce and disseminate knowledge on sexual harassment, nationally, in the Nordic region and internationally.

The anthology Re-Imagining Sexual Harassment - Perspectives from the Nordic Region opens for new understandings of sexual harassment by bringing researchers, writers, and policymakers in the Nordic region into dialogue in an ambitious volume. It asks what role juridical frameworks can and should play in prevention and raises questions about how the image of Nordic states – as gender equal, colour blind and with strong welfare – affects the work against sexual harassment in the region.

By reflecting on definitions of justice, violence, exploitation and work, this anthology offers knowledge for everyone working to prevent sexual harassment, through research, policy making, or in everyday practice.

The anthology is published 2023 by the British publisher Policy Press. It will be available in bookstores and Open Access.

Read more about our projects on sexual harassment

We cooperate with:

Policy Press, writers from all over the Nordic region, book events are carried out in collaboration with writers and national actors, such as RIKK Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at Iceland University.

Publications on the subject

Re-imagining Sexual Harassment – Perspectives from the Nordic Region
(link to the publication at Policy Press)

Authors: Sumaya Jirde Ali, Silas Aliki, Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, Elin Bjarnegård, Dolores Calvo, Paulina de los Reyes, Åsa Eldén, Anne Hellum, Anne Laure Humbert, Mads Ananda Lodahl, Silje Lundgren, Maja Lundqvist, Heta Mulari, Angelica Simonsson, Lea Skewes, Sigbjørn Skåden, Sofia Strid and Kajsa Widegren (2023)

Editors: Maja Lundqvist, Angelica Simonsson och Kajsa Widegren.

The book is available in bookstores and via the publisher Policy Press, an imprint of Bristol University Press, and OpenAcess.

Genusbaserad utsatthet och sexuella trakasserier i svensk högskolesektor (pdf)
Författare: Rudolfsson, Lisa, Dahlman-Wright, Karin, Löfgren, Lotta, Toropova, Anna och Björklund, Christina (2022)
Utgivare: Karolinska Institutet, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Malmö universitet, Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning vid Göteborgs universitet
Sidor: 50
Preventive work against sexual harassment in Swedish and Nordic working life: a summary (pdf)
Author: Simonsson, Angelica (2020)
Publisher: Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research for Kantar Sifo
Pages: 90
Work related sexual harassment and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: prospective cohort study (pdf)
Authors: Magnusson Hanson, Linda L., Nyberg, Anna, Mittendorfer-Rutz, Ellenor, Bondestam, Fredrik, Madsen and Ida E. H. (2020)
Publisher: Bmj-British Medical Journal. 370
Pages: 8
Sexually harassed at work: An overview of the research in the Nordic countries (pdf)
Author: Svensson, Malin (2020)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 79
Accessible online version:
Sexual Harassment in Higher Education. A Systematic Review (pdf)
Authors: Bondestam, Fredrik and Lundqvist, Maja (2020)
Publisher: European Journal of Higher Education. 10:4, s. 397-419
Pages: 24
Sexual harassment in academia. An international research review (pdf)
Authors: Fredrik Bondestam & Maja Lundqvist
Publisher: Swedish Research Council, 2018
Pages: 116
Sexual Harassment in the Research and Higher Education Sector (pdf)
Authors: Lundqvist, Maja (2020) in cooperation with the subgroup on Gender Harassment in Academia
Publisher: European Research Area and Innovation Committee, ERAC
Pages: 74
Förebyggande arbete mot sexuella trakasserier i akademin. En internationell forskningsöversikt (pdf)
Författare: Lundqvist, Maja och Bondestam, Fredrik (2019)
Utgivare: Universitets- och högskolerådet
Sidor: 92