Precarious conditions in academia
Doctoral students are central to research and education, but they are rarely presented as a separate group in studies on vulnerability in academia. As part of the Secretariat's work on the conditions of research, this project focuses on the situation of doctoral students in the Swedish higher education sector.
Being a doctoral student means having a specific position, but not in the sense of one position. People can be doctoral students in many different ways: the way they are recruited differs, with different forms of funding, collegial relationships and roles within their subject/field of research. The group of doctoral students is also influenced by the same kind of intersectional power structures as other groups in society. But it is possible to say something about what is common to all doctoral positions - it is a precarious employment situation. Despite this, doctoral students are rarely written about as a separate group in studies on vulnerability in academia. By focusing on the situation of doctoral students, the project can help to shed light on the conditions for education and research in the Swedish higher education sector.
The project is based on the results of a national prevalence study on sexual harassment in academia. It also focuses on studies of other work environment problems at Swedish higher education institutions and on formal forms of support for doctoral students. The project will result in the publication of reports and in various forms of talks. It will also include an international perspective - to put the Swedish situation in context and because many doctoral students are international.
Project duration: starting January 2025 and running at least until January 2027
Target groups: doctoral student-focused organisations, higher education professionals, research policy, research and education.