Dissertations at public thesis defenses at the Department of pedagogical, curricular and professional studies in recent years.
Pantea Rinnemaa
Reading and learning from civics textbooks: exploring challenges and opportunities from students’ and teachers’ perspectives
- Abstract
- Interview with Pantea Rinnemaa (in Swedish)
Malin Brännström
Mellan osynlighet och avvikelse – nyanlända elever med kort skolbakgrund i grundskolans senare årskurser
- Abstract
- Interview with Malin Brännström (in Swedish)
Mikael R Karlsson
Skolförändring, reformer och professionella villkor - en etnografisk studie
Linus Bylund
Differentiation, didactics and inequality – How rich and poor populations are educated for sustainability
Jenny Svantesson Wester
Teaching and learning mathematics with integrated small-group discussions. A learning study about scaling geometric figures
Ola Henricsson
”Like holding time in your hand” – A didaktik perspective on oral storytelling
- Abstract
- Interview with Ola Henricsson
Marie Grice
Epistemic Beliefs and Conceptions of Competence in Education for Sustainable Development
Anne-Marie Cederqvist
Seeing the parts, understanding the whole - A technology education perspective on teaching and learning in processes of analysing and designing programmed technological solutions
- Marlene Sjöberg
Conversations about science teaching experiences – Collegial learning and development of professional knowledge for science teaching in teacher education and the teaching profession
Abstract - Lotta Wedman
The concept concept in mathematics education: A concept analysis
Abstract - Anne Kjellsdotter
Didactical Considerations in the Digitalized Classroom
Abstract - Kassahun Weldemariam
Reconfiguring Environmental Sustainability in Early Childhood Education: a Post-anthropocentric Approach
Abstract - Ulf Ryberg
Discerning graphical aspects of the derivative – how the handling of the content during instruction influences students’ opportunities
Abstract - Margaretha Häggström
Aesthetical experiences in direct nature meetings. A phenomenological study on experiences of forest, plants and education.
Susanne Staf
Writing history – literacy expectations and students’ texts in compulsory school history
Opponent: Docent Karolina Wirdenäs, Stockholm University
Tuula Maunula
Students’ and Teachers’ Jointly Constituted Learning Opportunities. The Case of Linear Equations.
Eva Borgfeldt
“It Can Be Difficult to Explain on the Lines”: Perspectives on the Analysis and Assessment of Multimodal Text Production in a Third Grade Classroom.
Ola Strandler
Performativity and Teachers’ Practices.
Rimma Nyman
Interest and Engagement: Perspectives on Mathematics in the Classroom
Katharina Dahlbäck
Aesthetic dimensions in the subject Swedish – in classroom, curricula and teachers’ perceptions
David Carlsson
Vad är religionslärarkunskap? En diskursanalys av trepartssamtal i lärarutbildningen
Catarina Economou
I svenska två vågar jag prata mer och så. En didaktisk studie om skolämnet svenska som andraspråk
Birgitta Berne
Naturvetenskap möter etik: En klassrumsstudie av elevers diskussioner om samhällsfrågor relaterade till bioteknik
Miranda Rocksén
Reasoning in a science classroom
Ilona Rinne
Pedagogisk takt i betygssamtal - En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie av gymnasielärares och elevers förståelse av betyg
Kari-Anne Jørgensen
What is going on out there? – what does it mean for children´s experiences when the kindergarten is moving their everyday activities into the nature – landscapes and its places.
Gunnar Hyltegren
Vaghet och vanmakt - 20 år med kunskapskrav i den svenska skolan.
Pernilla Andersson Varga
Skrivundervisning i gymnasieskolan. Svenskämnets roll i den sociala
Eva Wennås Brante
Möte med multimodalt material. Vilken roll spelar dyslexi för uppfattandet av text och bild?
Anna-Carin Bredmar
Lärares arbetsglädje. Betydelsen av emotionell närvaro i det pedagogiska arbetet
Kristoffer Larsson
Kritiskt tänkande i grundskolans samhällskunskap. En fenomenografisk studie om manifesterat kritiskt tänkande i samhällskunskap hos elever i årskurs 9.
Anna-Lena Lilliestam
Aktör och struktur i historieundervisning. Om utveckling av elevers historiska resonerande.
Magnus Levinsson
Evidens och existens. Evidensbaserad undervisning i ljuset av lärares erfarenheter.
Annika Lilja
Förtroendefulla relationer mellan lärare och elev.
Angelika Kullberg
What is taught and what is learned. Professional insights gained and shared by teachers of mathematics