University of Gothenburg
Photo of Academicum
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Sahlgrenska Academy & Molecular Life Science Seminars

Sahlgrenska Academy & Molecular Life Science Seminars is a seminar series where researchers from Sahlgrenska Academy and Faculty of science and technology will share research outcomes and breakthroughs within the medical and health science field.

The Sahlgrenska Academy & Molecular Life Science Seminars series will offer interesting talks with visiting scientists, invited speakers, opponents, and researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy and Faculty of Science and technology. It is aimed at researchers, teachers, students, and anyone interested in medicine and health sciences.

Do you find it interesting and want to know more, or suggest interesting speakers and topics for the seminar series? Contact Department for Research Support or Professor Ruth Palmer to submit speaker suggestions.

About the series

When: Thursdays at 3-4 PM
Where: The seminars occur in Lecture Hall Arvid Carlsson or Assembly Room Birgit Thilander and digitally through Zoom Webinars.
Language: All seminars will be given in English.