University of Gothenburg
Photo from an oncology laboratory
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Our research

Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy want to understand how the body works, prevent illness and develop treatments. Our research ranges from experimental research on the structure of molecules and the function of cells to studies at the population level.

In major research fields, our research is at the forefront, for example in cardiovascular diseases, dentistry, gastrointestinal, metabolism, neuropsychiatry and person-centred care.
In collaboration with healthcare, we integrate science with patient-related issues. We work closely with Sahlgrenska University Hospital, where a majority of our professors are employed.
Our close collaboration with Region Västra Götaland has given us a top position in clinical research in Sweden. Chalmers University of Technology and AstraZeneca are important partners, as well as other universities and companies, both nationally and internationally.