University of Gothenburg
Photo of a bioreactor in a lab.
Photo: Nicklas Elmrin

Doctoral Studies

Do you want to study at the doctoral level and make a difference in people's lives? Do you want to combine doctoral studies with research in vital subjects in a dynamic and international research environment?

As a doctoral student at Sahlgrenska Academy, you participate in our research, which is often carried out in collaboration with healthcare and is published in the field of health science. We have 900 PhD students aiming to complete a doctorate (PhD) in our postgraduate subjects: medical science, ontological science, care science, basic medical science and pharmaceutical science.

Apply for a doctoral position

We advertise vacant doctoral positions continuously under Vacancies at the University of Gothenburg.


Follow us

We share research news and open doctoral positions on LinkedIn.


Career in academia, healthcare or industry

A doctoral program is the beginning of an academic career as a researcher at a university. A PhD lays the foundation for a career as a clinical researcher but also the option of working with research and development in industry.

Two separate admission processes

Doctoral positions with the University of Gothenburg as the employer

All currently available doctoral positions with the University of Gothenburg as the employer are advertised on Vacancies.

Who do I contact about the research project?
If you have questions about the research project, contact the supervisor for the project. Contact information can be found in the advertisement.

What happens to my application?
When the application period has expired, the supervisor reads all applications and reviews the applicants' merits. How long the selection takes varies.

PhD position with an external employer (other than the University of Gothenburg)

When applying for a doctoral position financed by your employer, you propose an individual study plan, including various documents about the doctoral project, together with your supervisor.

The Institutes' Information

Institute of Biomedicine

Institute of Clinical Sciences

Institute of Health and Care Sciences

Institute of Medicine

Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Institute of Odontology