Economic geography
Our research is focused on regional economic change and structural development, and geographical aspects of international business.
Within regional economic change and structural development we study for example regional specialization and labour mobility.
Within geographical aspect of international business we study for example international trade, foreign direct investments, and technology and knowledge transfer
Our research is partly carried out at two research centers: Centre for International Business Studies and Centre for Regional Analysis
Some of the research projects
Creative destruction, destructive destruction and labour market dynamics
Strategic renewal in the Swedish industry
The role of demand in new regional industrial path development - the food industry in transformation
Faculty and doctoral students
Sarah Franz, PhD
Martin Henning, associate professor
Inge Ivarsson, professor
Alexander Kristiansen, doctoral student
Kadri Kuusk, postdoctor
Hanna Martin, PhD
Roman Martin, associate professor
Curt Nestor, PhD
Patrik Ström, associate professor